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Reviews for "Taishi 4 A New Hope"

Need to Improve Audio

This is a great animated series. I know that some folks on NG have said it is unoriginal but who cares. I know you are having a great time working on these movies. My only criticism is with the music and the voices. You need to slow down the dialogue. It is hard to get into the characters when their lines are spoken so fast. You may want to think about your background music as well. You music should set the tone but not interfere with enjoying the movie.

Other then these two minor things you have a great series going. Keep up the good work.


It wasnt that great, the character animations were pretty sloppy and there were some cheesy cleches.

Not half bad!

Your style is good, if a little sketchy, and the sound quality and timing could not be better. Vary the characters' eyes a little bit, perhaps, and please, PLEASE learn at least the basics of weapon combat--like how to hold a pair of sai, what the basic strikes are with a sword, that kind of thing. It'll help immensely with fight choreography.

Also, subtitles. It's good that you have them, and that they're color-coded. But make them fade away. It's not cool to have a line that the female lead vocalized five minutes ago still be on screen simply because nobody has said anything since.

One note about the male lead's voice acting--the character's chained up, and probably quite weary, possibly starving/parched. But the voice didn't reflect that at all--it was like he was just standing on the street chatting. Yeah, it's an acting challenge, but nobody ever said this would be easy, right?

All in all, great work. Way better than most of the crap I see get daily top5 on the portal. Keep it up!

the only good part was the credits

if it was'nt for the ending credits i would find out where you live and go over there with a big knife.

however...i will go agenst my better judgement and give you props for the detail of this toon.

hail foamy.

pretty good....

It was pretty good... I think he drawings could use some work but the animation was pretty smooth. I liked the fighting and and the overall plot is pretty creative as well. I just realized that I have been saying pretty a lot in this review..... well keep it up man!