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Reviews for "Knoxs "Resident Evil"5"


Once again another shit movie

hehe buttons, shiny buttons.

Funny: "Oh god look at all these pretty buttons!"
Not funny: "I still don't know why you got to inject all this gatorade" "It's good for ya"
Funny: "You, you shot my hand, oh god, you freak, gimme that." "That's what you get you little prick, don't snore"
Funny: "You think you can catch the door? Come on try to catch the door." "Ok....Ow." "Heh, you're retarded"

You're funny man. Can't wait for you to do one on the new Res Evil coming out next year. That'll be funny as hell I bet. Oh and yes they have made the new one, if you didn't know. Previews for it are in the Underworld movie. Ok and that's a wrap!

Your Faithful viewer,

Knox responds:

ha ha well thanks...for the funny/and non funny ..thing.. :)


YOU OWN!!!! HAHAHA I HAVENT LAUGHED LIKE THIS SINCE I DIDNT SLEEP IN TWO DAYS!!! HAHAHA!!!!!! I loved the part when he said like "Hey, try to catch the door!" "Okay.. ow!"

Knox responds:

ha ha you love caps.. :)

Goddamn funny

I love it when he plays with the buttons and says "Hey guy's, I'm having fun!"

Knox responds:

well i have fun when i play with the bottons on the keyboard..wee.. :)


im too god damn lazy too type, just read my last review, it sums it all up

Knox responds:

yup.....i see