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Reviews for "Pokemon in a nutshell!"


Awesome!!! Much better than that other one![ in that other one I misspelled a lot, sorry, if anyone really cares]

i know this

a few years ago before before kazaa was banned, i downloaded this and burned it into a cd. i listened to it and LAUGHED REALLY HARD. good work.

Funny as hell!

Oh shit! You literally made me and a friend fall on our asses just squealing with laughter. We watched this three times and have lost the feeling in our faces. Completely true about the Pokemone series!

Oh man that was so good!

THAT WAS SO FUNNY! Thats exactly how the real show goes. how did you catch that? That was so funny. If someone wants to know the baisics about pokemon they should watch this!
I am a pokemon trainer. which also means that im a fan.

dat was so effing kewl

that was one of my fav things on dis site kepp up da gd work