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Reviews for "Cotton Roots"


Well this movie bordered the line of racism and historical fact. Many African americans did sell out their own to survive. Many people don't really take it so seriously because it's all in the past. But perhaps if not to be more serious, be a little more respectful. Let things in the past stay in the past. Let's not make a joke movie of cruelty. If anything, be supportive.

African Americans also want to know that blacks weren't the only slaves in the world as well so they shouldn't always use the "slavery" act to concentrate on their culture only. Native Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Indians, and even many of the British or Britsh rebels were slaves in the past. Many cultures dealt with it. But not too many cultures bring it up so abroad. If anyone, women in the past weren't special either. In fact, I think women had it the worst.

Not to be judgemental or critical but at least have a considerable amount of repect or at least some courtesy. The world sucks more these days with Terrorism, no need to bring up more problems.


It was a good thing, but not the best :-/

Stamper + Funny Black People + Uptight Whities=...


One thing, all you white people who complain, you have no right to. This movie was funny and was not openly racist. If a black person felt offended by this then I believe that person has the right to complain if they feel Stamper went to far (I personally do not think this is the case). People in America really need to lighten up about slavery, all the people who complain about slavery and segregation etc. have to realize that if we draw issues on forever then all it does is reprocess the same hateful thoughts over and over again. Just drop it and laugh about it. If what you truly want is a world full of smiling people...then don't you think you should be supportive of a very funny movie instead of creating a huge flamewar/debate in the (keyword) reviews section?

good stuff

that was pfa-pretty freakin awesome!

*laughs* I'm not quite what to say. Good though,..

Good stuff. Funny...sad if you think about it... good flash though. all in good humor. Loved the graphics.. 'specially the moon... *eyes glaze over stupidly*