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Reviews for "Final Fantasy vs. Megaman"

this is shit

i swear i can poop something out that looks better than this,i dont wanna hear any comments from the author like (can u do a better job?) because i cant, but ur the "flash" user, submit sumthin decent or dont submit shit at all. dont
be giving me a "get a life" comment cuz ive seen ur replies, obviously an author who replies to all his viewers comments has no life at all.

Magosis responds:

I feel it is a curtesy to reply if you have spent time to write soemthing i will spenf the time to write back. now i could answere this by insulting you but instead i will just ask you why you feel the need to insult other peoples work?


read my lips. BULL, SHIT.

Magosis responds:

I'm impresses it looks like you can spell a whole 6 words, I suggest coming back when you are able to spell something that don't make me equate you to the intelligence of a small rock, try saying something useful next time.

You are wierd

Why have you answered more than 60% of all the reviews when there are only 6.1 pages of reviews?
Why does this suck major ass?
Why would anyone even vote for this?

I am not a sprite hating, blamming retard, in fact, I even voted 5 on 8-bit vs 16-bit, but THIS.... This is horrible....
Also your grammer is screwed up most of the time.
Stop making these

And don't try to answer this, you'll only sound like an idiot

Magosis responds:

I belive i have answered all of my reviews. But i may be wrong.
This isn't as bad as alot of the submitions, but i have done far better since then.
Well for the most part people vote to express their opinions.

now your being redundant, yes i understand you did not like it.
I have states on many occasions, that i have never had exceptional grammer or even spelling for that matter.
Hmm if you would bother to read i have not talked about making another other than a single occastion were i considered making a hand drawn version, that would have had a much clearer plot.

odd that, I didn't sound like an idiot but excelent display of concete on your part anyway.


Technical issues.
The sprite comic/flash thing is already dry and redundant (talk about shooting a dead horse). Go with something atleast alittle less oversaturated.
Did I mention it was boring?
I have a cat, it likes to sleep.
My dad can beat up your dad.

Magosis responds:

ok I will respond with similar wit.
some of my first work
it is over done because it's a good place to start
not like i really wrote a script
good for you
i'm not touching this comment

i would give this a 0.1/5.9 . N O D O U B T