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Reviews for "The Mourner 2"


Listen yo, man, this movie;s pretty tight, but the story makes no sense, it's pretty obuvise that the dudes wife (girlfriend, reletive, someone he charised) got killed by this guy and the dude kicked his ass and all, It doesn't explain why, why, WHY!!!!!! IIII think that you should make a prequal to the mourner series and explain what the chicks status was in that guys life and why that other bastard killed her, that would help out a lot and also help me respect this series more!


Keep it up CZ!

ah revenge iz sweet.

he did the rite thing.


You definitely have a style about you, your hard work is extraordinary. I feel that many of your flash movies, have something behind them but then again I could be wrong. Your style has an honor and a respect behind it as well, you are very honor bound. I enjoy watching your work for there is much mood placed within it. I feel as though your flash movies happen with something tragic happening within your characters lives and I shall quote myself from one of my previous reviews.

"It is true what one person will go through for something that he loved so much in life, and what he would do to overcome the obstacles at hand to obtain it."

¶ Keep up the great work, though you probably hear that enough as is. I only give good score's to those that I feel deserve it, and well I feel that you do deserve it.

Chronepsis Dragon, Elder
Star Dragons clan
Council of Dragons
Tal Mar' sa'ng-fori
"Without Chains"

keep on rollin'

keep on crankin' em' out