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Reviews for "The Mourner 2"

WELL that was gay...

Im not sure that i understand what exactly he was go9ing for b/c the serousness lacks when u come to find out the dude has only one arm. SO i say "boooooo!!!"

man i like this one two.

this man can really do this flash stuff.i would bust out stuff like this to but i dont know how to..hehe he.well i really like this its longer and has a little more violence and storyline.do this stuff man u go.


If this is a movie that you like Then you should check out some of the other movies by charlie zero because they are just fabulous. The story of a mourner and it's in parts which get better and better. I would highlt rcommend if you like anime or even if you don't any of these movies

The Mourner Marches On

"The Mourner's" plot reveals the main character, a human, whose elven girlfriend died at the hands of her own race. Even in fantastical places, racial prejudice can get ugly, and it shows.

Our hero, "The Mourner" pays back the elf who killed her in spades and carries the murderer's head as a reminder not to be carried away. Even in her death, "The Mourner" will always have her in his heart and that her death will never be in vain.

Good job with the sequel, Charlie Zero. I commend you.

Great art. just drawings moving to much fading out

Just a bunch of drawings moving around. Not even close to good anime. Drawings are truly inspirational. Just make the pictures move like real Shorts