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Reviews for "-Radioactive-"

Reminds me of Launch the Techno, and Launch the Techno reminds me of this.

Well Damn.

0:00 - Introduced Robot Army, under command of Evil Genius who has taken over half the world. Robot Army is looking for Protagonist, who has infiltrated Base to rescue The Girl.
0:13 - Protagonist introduced in background, evading Robot Army.
0:26 - Robot Army finds Protagonist and begins chase.
0:50 - Protagonist rests briefly, escaping Robot Army, meets up with Agent, exchanging information. Protagonist recieves Plot Item from her (Agent).
1:02 - The Girl screams, alerting Protagonist to time limit and running off.
1:31 - Cuts to Agent, who silently assassinates guards and reaches security console, grinning.
1:57 - Protagonist arrives at Prison and Agent tells him of The Girl's cell number via intercom. Protagonist and The Girl reunite in a sweet moment, becoming The Duo.
2:10 - Advanced Robot Troopers approaching, Agent notices on camera and tells The Duo.
2:23 - The Duo face down horde of Advanced Robot Troopers, and escape around 3:14 using Plot Item.
3:15 - Cuts to Agent, who is at security console, where Advanced Robot Troopers blast down door, catching Agent off guard.
3:28 - Agent fails to escape and is captured and restrained. Evil Genius arrives, tells Agent of true plan to capture her rather than Protagonist- Agent knows far more secrets of The Resistance than The Protagonist, and Evil Genius implies use of brainwashing to acquire secrets.
3:40 - Agent's face frozen in horror as screen fades to black.

"Mean, angry techno" always makes me think "evil genius with precise plans".

cooooooooolllllll and pure awsomeness

Beautiful, just beautiful T-T