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Reviews for "Dickee Dee"

Samus aran might be right....

I think you where smoking when you did this.

no he wasn't smoking when he made this

people who smoke are more original...

all those weed things here are 3nd to stickfight themes and dressups way overdone, make something original...


Ok, gay jokes ARE NOT FUNNY. No matter how it's done. You have the, whatever you may have to mention Tom Fulp in your damn credits? This was just pathetic. It's blatantly obvious you just learned how to do Flash

please, for the good of humanity... PISS OFF

fuckin homophoboic asses...


Well, this certainly sucked. A laim movie made by pre-teens who will never experience anything that happened in this movie, with the obvious exception of you three sitting in a room all by yourselves. First of all, anyone who would make a flash about killing gays, probably has some deep rooted homosexual tensions of his own. Sorry boys, but that's psychology for you, you wanting to act all tough by killing homosexuals and smoking weed is just a way of trying to prove you "masculinity" and thus ward off any "feelings" you may have that involve you and your little boyfriends. All in all, I enjoyed writing this review for your piece of a movie, and look forward to the next load that everyone here can BLAM!

Yeah, I have to go with Froggin Ashmole on this...

Too bad Minnesotans don't sound a faction of how stupid the voices are. (Well, most of us.)