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Reviews for "_-={An Endless Desert}=-_"

My darker side...

This piece really touched the darker personality of my heart Maestro. My darker personality has a the figure of a dark cloaked figure wandering throughout a desert landscape. His eyes are a fearsome red, with his arms to his mid-knuckles and his feet covered in bandeges. As he walks through the desert he needs no food to satisfy his hunger. Needs no water to quench his thirst. So what does he live on? What causes him to continue a seemingly empty existance in the middle of a desert? I'll tell you. He is walking through the scorching sands of time with the harsh desert sun beeming down on his brow. As he continues to walk he suddenly comes across a party of people, nearly passed out on the never ending sands. He comes near them and their breathing is heavy and ragged. "Water...water!..." is what is coming from their mouths in rasping tones. I look down at their pleading eyes as they wander to my canteen. I grin as I take the canteen and shake it revealing that there is no water in my canteen. Their eyes widen at the sudden cruelness, but I then raise my hand and clench it tightly in a fist. The sands rumble and shake and almost as if hell itself is rising an oasis rises from the sands with a large lake at it's center. I pick up the group and drop them in the lake, the tortures of the desert being washed from them as the water clenses their bodies and souls of despair. What is the reason of my existence? Why do I live? I live for God and to give others help...when no one else will. By the way, do you still want me to send you chapters of my story? Keep up the good work...

excellent as always

The idea and the essence match this is true, but this seems to call to all desparation. Not just a man but countries, people, and all lives grasping at hope clwing for help. This seems to speak their pain. It feels as if one can not just rip it's power into one, for it has the power of many.

Very interesting!

I am still impressed! Even though the imagery was of a desert, I wasn't expecting the introduction of the Arabian sounds (Go figure) But I've conjured a different image for you, Maestro!

In this piece, I see a young Arabian girl, dressed in an exotic outfit with a sheer veil hanging by her face, allowing one to see her sadness at her situation, dancing against her will for the king of the desert lands. The king beckons her to come and entertain his court with a dance at :12. She fastens the veil, hiding her face and her displeasure and strides out onto the court floor.

She begins twirling and moving about the marbled floor with the agility of an angel. The entire courts' eyes mouths open as the attractive woman flits about. The king himself is transfixed by the woman's grace. She keeps pace with the drums as her body continues to dance while her mind drifts. She ends the dance on cue, fooling all who watch, having them believe she is happy...

I cant wait to hear the new and shinier version! (I heard this song and it made me think of Bear Grylls from Man vs Wild, trapsing through the Sahara, but I thought the dancer made a better story! XD )


Yea, Like PolarBearWP said,

Simply... amazing yet again, I was just wondering, since making music really satisfies you, Could you send me a few links in a PM about information in ''starting'' making music, because, well, you're simply my idol here on NG!

Cheers, Dennis

Fun to listen to

Big images here. I can see the desert you're probably thinking about as you composed this piece. I gave it a 9 only because the drone-like bass sounds were kinda overly "deep" that it ruins the bright instruments. Remember, its really really about balance when it comes to this. Of course at the same time the deep sounds may be good to give that "deserty feel" with a taste of dark mystery in the air.

anyway my thoughts.