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Reviews for "Super Canadian"


god damn your racist

FourStar responds:

not really, just making fun of some kid at my school

im just not sure

your trying to tell everyone that your gay? im rigth? of course i am cuz that movie was so fucking gay. the animation was so gay and the graphic was gay and you are gay and the voice was GAY AND ITS WAS SO FUCKING GAY AND GODDAMM THATS WAS PRETTY GAY CUZ YOUR SO FUCKING GAY.

well... nothing much to say beside that your mediocre and the movie sucked hard time.

people agree whit me: you are gay

FourStar responds:

isnt that touching, now go fuck trevor in the ass

In one word....that was GAY!

I don't want to assume....but are you a homosexual? cause anyone that makes something like THAT has gotta be GAY! Anyway, the drawings sucked, the arms looked retarded....the only thing I liked is that the queer has an adam sandler tone to his voice....which makes it somewhat funny.

FourStar responds:

no, i am not homosexual, thanks for asking though

Super American

Some Americans are so fucking stupid. You think we live in a freezing cold town up north where we have snow all year round, ride polar bears to the ice rink to play hockey then go home to our igloos. I hate stereotypes, racism, homophobism. This thing could only be funny because it's so fucking stupid.

We didnt do shit to you!

What the hell do you americans have againsed us! We are just like you. Our country is just as good as yours and all your doing is trying to fuck up that equalism. It isnt our fault that you have a bad president, or that your economy is going down the toilet, or that America keeps starting one war after another. No wonder the cold war went on for 50 years. You people cant accept responsibility for your mistakes so when the cold war was over, you had nobody to pin your mistakes on, so you thought, "Hey were really fucking up here, we cant keep getting blamed for our own mistakes. Wait maybe we should blame our freindly neighbour to the north. They havent made any mistakes! Theyre the best one to pin the blame on!"

Yeah-fucking right, why dont you stop for one goddamn second and think before you talkin shit about us. Yeah, stop and think. Thats one thing i bet you never thought of doing.

FourStar responds:

Sorry, but the war in Iraq and this video poking fun of a kid that I went to school with 5 1/2 years ago are very much unrelated.