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Reviews for "Adam and Steve"

It was good!

I liked the music and drawings but i don't see any point in what it was about. No offense but I think you could use some plot in this one! It was good though! I'm not complainin because I can't even get one of my movies past 1.5!

TheMaskedOutcast responds:

no offence taken in having no plot, it wasnt really meant to, buty as for sequals, they will all have plots


I guess the biggest flaw in this movie was the lack of plot - but, like you said, it's just this one and your others will have more plot and story, so it's OK
I liked the poop in the American Beauty plastic bag - that was a pretty funny spoof

just make sure you try to clarify and expand the story - are Adam and Steve really gay lover? how can they be if one's just a head. Why does Steve come from hell, etc.

this is a pretty funny way to make a comedy thing using stuff that'll offend some Christians, but, dude, you gotta calm down on the Christian thing. I mean, OK there were (and are) people who killed other people and were Christian and who even killed "in the name of" Christianity, but I'm sure that most Christians nowadays don't go out and perform massive slaughters and don't condone them - so it's the people, not the Christianity, that's the problem - I mean I'M Christian but I don't think it's OK to kill Native Americans etc. "in the name of" Christianity - and what you have to understand about Christianity is that the really religious/stupid Christians take the bible LETERALLY when it SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN LITERALLY, I mean the stories are obviously symbolic, no piece of real literature was ever meant to be taken literally - most modern-day Christians are smart enough to realize that Adam and Eve didn't really exist and that Evolution is real and that it's wrong to discriminate against different sexualities (and races)

I mean think about it - if you go around with the belief that Christianity itself and thus all Christians are evil, you'll be JUST LIKE those crazy Christians in the past who have mass-murdered "in the name of" Christianity and the modern-day ones who still believe in the stupid stuff and those racist Christians (in the past and nowadays like the KKK)

TheMaskedOutcast responds:

woooooow, nice long ass review.and now for a long ass responce. but despite all the points and true reasons on how i shouldnt hate christains, i do and always will. in all my encounters with christains my age, they try to turn me, and they use "god" in like every sentence. and the dumbest things about christains, they will make a great accomplishment, all A's in school, fulfilling their life dream, winning the stanley cup, and instead of saying "i worked hard enough to get in shape and trained hard enough to score the baskets" their dumb asses say "i'd like to thank 'god' for giving me the power to win this." WHAT THE FUCK?! if it was this so called "god" that did it, then they wouldnty have to train at all, they wouldnt have them gigantic ass muscles and 2% body fat to show for all THEIR hard work. and when you give them every reason in the book and out of it of how christianity makes no sence, just so they dont sound dumb (although they do) they say "well how did the world start, the universe, theres no evidence of anything but 'god' doing it so 'he' must have done it." my retarded christain friend (not friend) and his retarded christain mother think that noahs ark was where all the dinosaurs were killed, "there wasnt enough room on the ark for them." and christianity is the easy way out. instead of listening to the scientist that work day and night to find out why this works and that works and how this was created and if that evolved into what, they just say "god did this, did that, evolution, although pretty much proven, isnt true becuase 'god' did eeeeeverything" i despise christains as a group. if i know a christain or two i wont hate THEM i'll just hate the christain inside of them. I really hope all christains realise they believe in an impossible and immature religeon, just as all religeons, as for what i believe in.... i'll just have to wait until i die to know what. i personally like what Matzerath did in his grim reaper show, that whatever you belive in is true for you and thats where you go.

AND I'M GOING TO THE FLOATINF ISLE OF MANDANGO where theres no jealousy or boredom and theres steaming hot sex and liquor.


email me if ya want to


Har Har!

I kinda liked it! I rated this one based as an average point-less and unaiming flash movie. This one was pretty cool for the most part. Good music and Steve r0X3rZ! I thought he was missing his vocal cords, hmmph, oh well; maybe it was a flashback.

TheMaskedOutcast responds:

i dunno why i made him talk, it was just a pointless part of the movie satiring the white castle commercial

expand on the hamster dance parody

For that matter, i'd suggest making an entire
movie with the hamster dance parody; you made a
good start there.

It was the best part of the whole thing.

TheMaskedOutcast responds:

thanx, i was planning on expanding, but them i thought, the thing is called adam and steve, and the adam and steve part was the shortest part, but i think that hamster dance movie will be my next one

Well, ummm,ya.

One question. How does Steve say " YA" if his vocal chords have been ripped out. The floating bag part made me cry.

TheMaskedOutcast responds:

i have been asked so many times about the steve saying yeah. the thing is, that wasn't any part of the feature presentation, this movie had no plot and made no sense, in the next ones, which #2 should be out in a month or 2 since right now i'm working on a front page material samourai flick. but anyways, with the next ones, it will follow the storyline and make sense, no floating bags, no hamster dance, just all out adam and steve. and thanx for the floating bag comment ^_^