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Reviews for "Marijuana is bad for you"

the biggest load of crap ive ever seen

do not blame weed for her death do not blame weed for anything weed does not harm you i have smoked since i was 13 and never has any of that shit happened to me you need to never make a flash movie talkin bad about weed again


wat is there to say ...that was boring at first and i was like boo hoo...then bang bang bang...made me jump lol good movie

what the fuck

that was random. that was awsome. and about the little girl, she doesn't give a fuck she's dead. wll done nig.

::: Fact or Fiction ::::

I dont know where to start, I mean your nick says it all .. NO taste at all..
and lets get this str8 you fucking mongol....

Marijuana does NOT kill, I don't know from where you got the idea, maybe from the Dutch or the Jamaicans, most people smoke Weed there,alot die (SARCASM) Fact: No Weed related deaths ever occured.

Technically I am here to make a complete FOOL of you, because technically the GOVERNMENT is to BLAME because if the marijuana was available from behind the counter This .. JESSICA person would have never had to meet that fantasy wannabe thug DEALER in your beyond your wildest dreams story, so the point you are trying to prove is invalid and incorrect.

I am writing a serious letter to you since you made a serious flash, to shut up and accept it as a fact that marijuna is a healthy drug and not a narcotic, Jesus christ ..Cocaine is a narcotic ..LSD is a narcotic.. Heroine is a narcotic..Extasy is a narcotic .. Marijuana or better known in its latin name, Cannabis ..meaning plant with 2 sexes is a plant with many uses and one of them is smoking, so what. It is a truly amazing plant, smoking it is not its only use.
Plus Smoking it, is healthy for the brain to Relax and for the muscles (especially in the lungs) to untense and relax and are a must for stressed people. The only negative effects marijuana had on me is less concentration and dry mouth.

Your Story is a fake...QUOTE:|Don't smoke the devil weed, or you'll end up like Jessica.|

What are you ? The Pope? ..
why is it a Devil weed if God Created it ?
Are you a blasphemer of your own Religion?

I smoke it .. did i end up Jessica .. NO!!
DId my dealer shoot me .. no ..lofl ..why would a dealer shoot his own customers? You story sounds so fake man, you should really get stoned it will take off all that stress you have man .. cos you look like you need to relax and enjoy life...stop being a pussy and embrace one of Gods finest creations, people have been smoking weed for centuries and Jessica didnt even get to take a puff and she died .. so she didnt die from the CHEEBA Dude .. SHE DIED COS OF SOME DEALER...who wasnt even targeting her..in the first place.

AND DOnt even start with presidential assasinations.... its not cos of weed its cos of political differences .. god you are one stupid moron, but the funniest was fucking with the mafia ...................................................
Man ..you watch to much tv ... I buy from Turkey and libya and ofcouse homegrown in Malta .. I didnt know the ARABIC MaFia was involved i thought some farmer producing hash was involved but noo.. its the mafia.. The ones who Deal Horse (herione) and do OCs.

And Trust me People MARIJUANA is not a gateway drug .. I have only tried marijuana and I am quite ok with just that.

It is an amazing plant. and its great to smoke:)

2 things

that sucked and i dont care