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Reviews for "the mailman ep: 2"

That was sweet.

I usually see stick movies under review and think that before I finish it its going to get blammed, rarely do I find a stick figure movie of this quality. The sounds were awsome, and the story was great. I almost felt like I was watching a cross between starwars and the matrix. Keep it up dude, this is a great series and I'll be hoping to see more come from you.

natch responds:

Oh wow, thanks a lot. Yeah, I know sticks have a bad rep on NG but I'm trying. I figure, why not skimp on the character design and focus on movement, plot, and cinematics. Its reviewers like you that keep the episodes coming.


The animation was grand. You should just re-make the movie to be with real drawings, instead of stick figures, that would make the movie MUCH better.

natch responds:

Thanks alot, but i'm relatively new to flash. I think if i were to try to jump into full drawings the animation will be a lot more choppy. I'm a stickler (haha i just got the pun) for perfection sometimes.

That was amazing!

This movie had everything! The parade of guns behind the guy at that one part made me keel over in laughter. And the fight scenes were actually from different angles! The Mozart 2000 song was also delightful. Just make that tire at the beginning look better, and give some song credit.

natch responds:

HAhaha, thanks a lot, yeah to make up for sticks i said, well i''ll just focus on other elements, thanks for noticing! The mozart song is mozart mix by Prodigy. I was goign to do credits, but nearing completion just got lazy, which might explain other things with the movie...

I liked it

Its got a good dialogue, but whats this all really gotta do with a mailman? Why is a mailman fighting epic battles with his hat always in place? I just think thats funny. But other than that, good show!

natch responds:

Hmm... you have a good question... well firemen and police just wouldn't quite seem as cool. Actually this is loosely based on a flipbook series i made back in the 3rd grade. Just a case of flashed nostalgia...


Was quite good, the idea of the mailman is funny, but the music was not so good as in the 1st episode and man and there isnt so much violence :p. I liked most the final scene.

Keep up the good work!

natch responds:

Heh, thanks for the kudos... hmm with the music see, I always try to diversify my taste. The next episode will be rock oriented once again, expect tracks from metallica, and puddle of mud to name a few. I dunno about the violence, I'm sure the body count was higher in this one, and in ep 1 there certainly wasn't any brain spillage.