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Reviews for "Neurotically Whored"

Its about fucking time

I fucking hate that series. Each episode of that series is comprised of 5 drawings with very slow motion tweens and that got people so horney and shit over a fucking cartoon character who in my opinion doesnt even look good. The series is never funny or anything remotely serious ir drame and everything in that series is so predictable. Im glad somebody made this I was planing to make a game where you can shoot her and rape her but i figured it wouldnt get anything because of 13 and 14 year olds saying "YOU CANT KILL GERMAINE I JERK OFF TO HER WAHHHAHAWAAHHH IM GONNA KILL YOU. BLAMMMMM!!!" the same way when I kill Strawberry clocks in my movies i get "You cant kill SBC I jerkoff to him WHAHAHWHAHAHA BLAM YOU!!!!"

Im glad somebody thought of this good job and i hope to see more. I voted 5 by the way

Thanks for voting, Spambegone!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 5.62 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 8% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 6.06 votes!

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You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 3.09!

i hate ill will express

illwillexpress=complete rip off of jhonen vasquez in everything like in his series instead of gir its foamy and insteag of devi its germaine it realy is a rip off especially foamy


He's right, you know. Put the rant back. This is a parody, you're allowed to piss people off, that's the whole fucking point. Just state 'it's a parody, don't get pissed off' and 'thanks to iwillpress for character ideas' and everyone would be happy.

But without your rant, it seems to have lost all soul and all heart which it had when I reviewed it with cloneofearfetish. It is now an empty shell of a controversial flash movie. And it blows. It passed judgement so highly because people respected this movie, and now, what has became of it? Nothing. Sorry, but you've failed yourself.

I like the Neurotically yours series and I can have a sense of humour about someone knocking it. If someone knocked one of my movies (under cloneofearfetish - please, someone watch one!) in a flash animation, I'd be amazed because they're really unsuccessful, and i'd be pleased. You know you've cracked it when people parody you.

Put the rant back in. Don't be afraid of a little controversy. You really do need a little more courage. It's just the internet, after all, if someone really hates you they can't do shit. And what about NOFX? You've deleted the rant: that's not very punk rock, now, is it? Fat Mike wouldn't care if you didn't like his rant, he'd be making a statement, and he wouldn't care if you opposed it, he's got to say what he's got to say, and it's as valid as anything else that anyone else has to say. You're in the driving seat as far as this animation goes, and I think it's pending for a rant.

Put the rant in, or I'll hate you forever.

stealmyinternet responds:

you've inspired me to not only put the rant back in, but to add more to it. thank you. and you're right about fat mike. thank you/ *tear*

Go blow yourself

You got a problem with someone getting an Idea for something such as The Neurotically Yours Series. If you dont like it then just don't watch it. I had a few minutes to rate a flash, and wind up wasting my time on this peice of shit. All because you don't like something that by some unfathomable reason, that only you would view as a decent concept, thought that you should respond like this. You probably don't even see what was wrong with that, because you,my friend, suffer from an acute case of antisocialsemitism, but I wouldn't expect you to know what that even is.

stealmyinternet responds:

i know what it means, but i dont think you do.

This was great

Even though I like the Neurotically yours, this was still great