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Reviews for "Neurotically Whored"


AAAAAAAH!!!! Where were the cartoon boobies? Hell I know thats why I watch em. She sucks dick in one. As long as you dont watch it to the point she bites it off that ones cool. LOL. I mean I give IllWill a little more credit than you because he is a good artist. But yeah the story being basically the same thing every time gets a bit old. Good parody.

Your cartoon wasn't as fun...

..as the rants you made against all the people who wrote in unfavorable reviews to your film. I'll begin by admitting that I enjoy watching the Neurotically yours cartoon. However I must have missed something as I don't seem to recall any nudity in the series, which seems to be one of your biggest problems with it. Otherwise I'll admit that your observations about how the series goes a bit slow and in many cases lacks anything resembling energy were amusing so I gave it a vote of two. What really impressed me and inspired my rating of 10 in the category of interactivity admittedly had little to do with your cartoon. For a kid who made a crack about the Illwill press guy spending too much time at his computer you put a lot of energy into responding angrily to every third or fourth review. No I was surprised and amused at how much time you put into flying off the handle and cussing out people who gave your cartoon bad reviews. While I admit I know nothing more about you than what you've revealed in your little tantrums in response to people who would dare to express their opinions about your opinion of someone else. Am I to assume that while you have the right to have low opinions about others, it is your firm belief that they can't have low opinions of you. You seem to be a little punk teenager with an attitude problem. Seriously your a page from a developmental psych. text. On the bright side you are funny, although perhaps not intentionally. Overall I kinda liked your parody, but I really liked reading your hypersensitive and defensive rants in response to your critics. Viva la adolescent anger disorder.

stealmyinternet responds:

anyone who gave this movie a 0 is an asshole. because any movie with work put into it deserves at least a 2.

never say that again!

G.I.R and Foamy r nothing alike and beside what do u know ill wager that u never watched Invader Zim or any of the Foamy movies completely through sevenisme is right never make fun of squirrels i mean what the hell did they EVER do to u?

stealmyinternet responds:

ive seen every single episode of invader zim. and i'm guessing by your faggy name that your a Neurotically Yours fan, considering you changed it when you saw his new shitbag movie. so your opinion is biased and means nothing.

who dares make fun of foamy!

i dont watch this crap for any reason the loading is slow as crap and wasnt even worth it i hope u all die and burn in hell for making fun of squirrels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't knock what you don't own!

Dude! what the fuck? ILLWILLPRESS might not be brilliant like jhonen vasquez (who is a fucking genius) but at least give them credit, cause the neurotically yours series is a lot more original than this shit, and a whole lot of the shit on newgrounds. so get off their back.

stealmyinternet responds:

if by original you mean really freaking gay.