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Author Comments

Assalamualaikum and Hey there,

This is somehow an informative flash animation, but delivered in more interesting way. This show how entertainment work, and effect us. An entertainment via Creative Multimedia. This was made for an assignment, hope ya'll like it.

EDIT: Wow, front paged already? Thanks Newgrounds. :3

SINCE the voice acting seem like a hot topic here, the voice actor himself wanna say something bout it:

" I want noted that I was aiming towards a Heath Ledger Joker but wasn't trying to go flown blown Heath Ledger, though it's the audience choice to believe if it was Joker or not"

EDIT 2: Thanks for voting, and getting the 5th Daily. :)

Vote and comment please.
Thanks in advance.

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I decide to use it whenever i doing things, so those brainwashing thing does not actually affecting me................ but L4D is still fun though :D. a good message for all of us , some may appreciate freedom more but more people are lost in their own freedom. but datz only my opinion andt dat is something dat i see everyday in my life. great job

akoRn responds:

hey thanks :) appreciate u somehow found this piece of mine, and wrote a comment! thx

Well good golly gosh...

A moving piece of work! It will change the way I look at things from now on, my perception of everyday encounters having changed post-exposure without the consent of my own conscience...
Wait a second...
But seriously fellas, it isn't through projection that the thought process is altered, but rather through perception. I choose to take away the life lessons from my favorite films just as I choose to filter out the bullshit. I choose to appreciate certain artists just as I choose to dislike others. It's a fine thought to think that the media has chosen for us what to watch and what to play, and even what to eat. It's a little comforting actually, having removed the cumbersome use of choice. But without the freedom of choice, then there is no morality. There is no right and wrong decision because the right has been chosen for us. It's a little medieval to believe that we are all a slave to every bit of sound and picture that is hocked at us these days. I think, therefore I am. If I am left penniless, desolate, and disease-ridden, I can still pride myself on my intangible, unmarred and unflappable free-will. And I do just that. And so, all I'm saying is that I disagree with your view. Respectfully, of course. This is, after all, Newgrounds: Everything by Everyone. All opinions, all points of view and all styles.
P.S. Call me crazy but I have a hunch that your author responses aren't left without an overload of sarcasm and spastic derisiveness. Call me out if I'm just being a blathering cunt. ;o

akoRn responds:

thx for the review. :)

This is actually pretty ironic

This flash tries to "brainwash" me into thinking that videogames brainwashes people
Pretty bad artwork along with an amateur voice actor and idiotic statements made me give this a 0, sorry.

Oh and don't bother replying to this review with your 9 year old grammar, because I'm not going to read it.

akoRn responds:

ahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahahahahha hahahhahahahaahahahahahhahahahhahahah aahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahahahahh ahahahhahahahaahahahahahhahahahhahaha haahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahahahah hahahahhahahahaahahahahahhahahahhahah ahaahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahahaha hhahahahhahahahaahahahahahhahahahhaha hahaahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahahah ahhahahahhahahahaahahahahahhahahahhah ahahaahahahahahhahahahhahahahaahahaha hahhahahahhahahahahahahhahaaaaaa!!!!!

nice flash

really good i like'd it alot ,, it really got to me because i'm always saying to my friends stuff like hey what would you do if you got drunk and snogged a girl and she was a spitter Wow i didn't realize it gets to me so much,,, aahhh oh well i'm gonna play black ops now

akoRn responds:

ahahahahaa.. i'm off to play L4D2 now too. thx for the comment. :D


sted of having guy with gun laghing on end you shood have a dork laghfing

akoRn responds:

thats an idea. thx for suggesting. :D

Credits & Info

3.66 / 5.00

Sep 19, 2010
12:15 PM EDT