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December 31, 2004 –
November 27, 2008
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

Ok, this is the second music video me and TehBigC have done. We took all the advice people gave us and tried to apply it to this one. Enjoy (^_^)


It was ok. Some of the animations were pretty good. The music also went very well with the movie. Your improving though, keep it up.

Im not sure, but I think I reviewed one of your submissions afew days ago. Seems like you are definatly improving on your skills in keeping the watcher entertained. Only major flaws in this flash was that, at times, the frame by frame effects seemed abit forced.

I found this mainly towards the end where you had that morphing.. Errr. Logo just randomly squashing itself around for 10 seconds. Same goes for the figures that had spinning lines around it for awhile.

Although different and slightly interesting, those part could have been so much better. Especially seeing that you grabebd a perfect song for this kind of flash.

Heh, and that guy standing in the grocery aisle.. That was sort of queer seeing him stretch back and forth for awhile.

Good job, you are getting better at this ;)

I liked the animation and the song was cool. I liked the randomness as well. Sometimes (most of the times) random does not work, but I do believe this is an exception. Good job!

hey isnt that dog grrr from invader zim.(rip off artist) jk good work but you can do better

Nothing new.

Wasn't that little dancing dog image copyrighted? Maybe not, but I thought I seen it before.

I wish there was somthing cool in this movie i could say, wow that part was cool. But it was just ladled with mediocrity, and looks like you need to wait till your next flash to get a weven 1/2 way descent score ;) Keep trying.


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