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March 24, 2003 –
January 16, 2012
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

Watch out Saddam! Master Chief is coming to get you! This flash was made as a joke. Please don't write me any nasty e-mails or complain too much.


whatever... another movie glorifying that we're murding thousands of people.

...and boring, short and pointless to boot.

Sorry, that's just not the stuff that works on me.
I hope u don't think that's too much complaining.

Dude, the game blows, there was nothing revolutionary about it. Face it, console fps's blow in general, but Halo in particular, because everybody loves it like it was the Christ reborn.

Then in the next sentence, Xito says that America doesn't need the oil? I think the point Xito is trying to make is that he's an imbecile.

Why do people worship Halo anyway? It's overrated. The only thing that was good about it was the AI. Give me a PC FPS over a console FPS anyday.


There is footage and photoage that the US has that shows what saddam does. He makes his Bio Weapon, takes some cilizans, bombs them and sees what it will do. There are pictures of mangled bodys of iraqis on the streets, torture chambers that saddam uses with bodys. Right now, US POW Soidlers are not being treated by the Geniva Convention. Even know Iraqi cock suckers say they are, you know they aren't. We all know Sadaam has no balls or dick migth I add. In my opinion, I think he should be killed on spot if anyone sees him. Iraq does infact have bio weapons, which are a threat to other countires. Why>? beacuse Sadaam had them. Its not iraq, its there leader who is the threat. end of story you fucking dirt digger. Go to Hell! AMERICA RULES!

Anyways, cool movie. :D



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