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NewGrounds Radio Chat

May 20, 2010 –
June 4, 2010
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

It's too hard to keep two chat rooms updated since I've released a new one and am still making updates to it - please visit the link to the most recent chat version.

Thank you.


Weird though I was expecting more BBS users lol. Pretty cool though.

Your the man Poder!!!


This would be perfect if it wasn't for all of those other guys using the chat window too.

First of all, I really enjoyed the chat yesterday, even if it was more like a two/three person chat most of the time. I have a few sugestion though:

1. Those server restarts every now and then really aren't a pleasure. Especially because all the guests get new number when relogging.
2. The scrollbar doesn't scroll all the way down after you resized the viewport, but it does automatically when some new text comes in.
3. The Musik-Player should have more options, a volume control or a viewable playlist would be neat.
4. It seems to me that 14 or 15 participants are the maximum the chat can hold atm. That's not enough! I got the message that the chat is full, after a few tries I got in and saw 14 users. Never saw more.
5. When copying text from the chat, the text should be highlighted. It works with the usernames but not with the messages.
6. Switching a channel shouldn't be a switch with a chatreset but a /join into a new channel, so you can chat in multiple channels parallel.
7. Smilies and some standard chatcode would be nice. Or something like /me expressions.
8. Spam controls should be accessible.
9. The spam filter itself doesn't cover many words and also censores midword letters like in "Compe***ion" (Competition). While words like @ss (Using the @ so P-Bot doesn't hate me) or racistic terms are allowed.
10. The bantimes need to be improved, massive spamming get you a very short ban.
11. An optional timestamp for each message could be nice.
12. The scrolling text which labels the current song lags.
13. The people online list is not scrollable when full, even though it has scrollbars.

I hope this helps to improve this neat application a bit.


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