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August 6, 2008 –
October 21, 2015
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

You are a bountyhunter killing of alien infestations for money to make your ship even more capable of dealing death and withstanding forces.

Use [MOUSE] to move and shoot and [R] to fire rockets once they are bought and ready.


*Sorry about the equip button problem, new file comming right up, turned out there was a bit of invisible overlapping*


10/10 to! Fast, addictive, simple gameplay makes this game awesome! Keep rollin' stuff like this out =D DBH out.

You know why? Because this game takes alot of effort (even though its fun) and you made it to hard to play. All that money you made, all those weapons you got, and then you get shot ONCE, you die and have to restart the ENTIRE game? You have to do something about that. I think you to disable the restart game thing and make a "Pay $1000 to restart level" option so there will be some sort of punishment. And you should make floating healthpacks, because u fly around n crap n then u get shot ONCE and you lose ALL of those 500 health points and theres the "low health" alarm goin off and ur all "when the hell is that weapons shop going to show up!?" ...Also, change those little brown things flying around in level 3, they look like crap. no, seriously, they really DO look like crap.

Other than that, this game was pretty fun to play.

the only thing thing that ticked me of is like you die and you have to start over i hate that but ya everything else is pimp........ SiR HammyBoobS

this is a good game with good controls, gameplay, etc. but there is a bug where the enemies will just fly too high for you too shoot them. many times this caused me to miss upgrades by less than $10. you should also be able to sell old guns that you bought before and have become obsolete.
but you should definitely make another.

The art style gives this game a fresh look and feel, which is gold when you're doing something as done-to-death as the classic side scroller. My only quip with the design of the starships (and between the player ships and the enemies, there are MANY interesting designs here) is that the ship I thought had the quirkiest and most interesting appearance is the "Ladus" Starship, and your survival depends on your willingness to ditch it early in the game.

The controls are well done, especially for a "curser" based movement scheme. In a lot of these games, I end up losing control because the position of the ship is based on mouse position relative to the stage, rather than the screen as a whole. So I'll click outside the window by accident, and take the first step towards finding my ideal mate... or whatever the ad I land on is about, and die in the menetime. I noticed the ship moves at its own pace rather than being directly attached to the cursor, which makes movement much more dynamic looking, but it puzzled me a bit why there was no "speed upgrade" scheme, with the lowest being heavily delayed, and the highest being almost attached to the cursor. The best control feature though is the angled shooting, rather than all fire moving exactly horizontal across the screen. It solves the perennial problem of how to attack a rapidly firing enemy in a sidescroller.

As has been mentioned before, there really does need to be a pause feature. Since the "shop" window pauses the game, you could just key that to the P-key. I understand this would allow players to purchase things throughout the game, but the only option that would unbalance gameplay is "repair". You could disable that option and allow it only at the checkpoints.

Speaking of checkpoints, not only are there no progress checkpoints in the game, but there's no acknowlegment of progress whatsoever, which is frustrating for players, especially in a game with RPG-esque elements (like purchased improvements.). Multiple lives would be a good enough fix, and an encouragement to buy the "hulls". When you lose a hull, you start again at the last checkpoint with the previous one, and so on until you run out of hulls.

The option of equipping past weapons and equipment doesn't seem nesessary since each upgrade is obviously superior, and I havent seen any evidence that there are enemies with particular weaknesses that would make it worth while revisiting the Plasma-gun once you have the Gattling gun. If such vulnerabilities exist, there needs to be some indication (it can be vague as you like, but it has to be there) of which weapon would be most appropriate.

Good job on this one, and keep it up.


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4.28 / 5.00