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Mario Ball Z

June 16, 2007 –
March 13, 2019
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

Follow Mario and his friends in this autistic 16 bit adventure!


Good Job

For your first try at flashes I must admit you did a wonderful job and only thing I would say to improve on is the spelling for your character's speech but other than that great! I wish I could do stuff like this.

Pretty good

Good job on the flash i say it was great. It shows u r really working hard on these movies and i hope u make more. The only thing wrong with the flash was the spelling error but dont worry i read the author comments. Thats all i got 2 say till next time nice job.


man that was tight
i've watched it a lot of times now and i have one thing to say :

"your spelling sucks"

There. I have half an hour before bed-time at this moment, and I am not gonna waste it on this. If you want to stop me from making a mile-long review then you'll have a hard job, so I'll just say this: before you go and friggin rip-off super mario bros Z, GET SOME EXPERIENCE

it was good

I kind of liked it it reminded me alot of DBZ so I'll give you 9 out of 10 stars cause thought it was good needs more characters though but i'm sure you'll get to that
now i'm going to watch episode 2 good movie.


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