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The Most Annoying Flash

March 7, 2005 –
August 19, 2020
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

Forgive me for not putting Badger Badger Badger in. Yes, I forgot that there were morons who would utter that arbitrarily in daily conversation... Hell, I've even had someone smack me over the head with a book when it got to me. ;)

Oh. And the guy who shoots up the school is supposed to be Maddox. Not Snake Plisken from Escape from New York. Sorry.


Great point.

I dont care what anyone else has reviewed, this has all good points in the flash. People, you cant tell me you havent been to school, or a mall, or a fucking church sermon without hearing "YAYUH", "WHAAAT", " OKAAAAAY", and didnt think that it was annoying. You cant say that Numa Numa took absolutely no talent to make, oh wow he memorized lyrics and lip synched into a camera. Big deal. Now, I DO like the movie Napoleon Dynamite, but to hear it quoted EVERY DAY since the movie came out makes me want to kick people in the face.

Great flash man.

good man.

Oh that was great. all your base actually was funny...then it got repeated by mindless 11 year olds too much, as was the fate of napoleon dynamite(oh how it makes me sick that faggots ruined it), chappeles show, wassup. the numa numa dance on the other hand, is alone in the "gay beyond belief never funny" category. nice heartagrams.


Youve Clockwork Orange'd the numa numa song out of me, now i link bad graphics, stupid translations, and... ugh, Napolian Dynamite to that song. LETS GET O ZONE!!! THEY MUST DIE!!!

very good vid

that was the best one liner i could think of lol
i liked numa numa 1 time after that everyone freaked out over it omfg!!!!!
anyway... well made and very true!

lol !

Please, no more Numa Numa ! I'll be a good boy !


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