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Die for the Government

June 6, 2001 –
July 29, 2016
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

You have to have a heart for the punk rock music to enjoy this stuff


Next time you make a movie that your going to put a band like Anti-Flag into, you better make it kick ass. Or then i'll have to hunt your down and kick YOUR ass... other wise it was just a slide show...

neded more images....the show ended before the song a bunch of wto riot pics woulda been cool


It's a slide show. Oh, and other countries are much worse than the United States, but you've probably never been there, so you'll just bitch about where you are now... go ahead and get out your little teenage angst-ridden I hate everything bit out of you. You'll grow out of it like we all did.

Yes good point that this country was once a very free and free of oppresion country, and it has gone downhill over the last 100 years. But hey don't stay here man, a few of my freinds have moved to places else where that have better laws and none of those stupid laws made to piss you off, or seem to be made only to piss us off. But once you leave this country and go somewhere else, then you won't want to come back to this shit hole, its alright here if you think like the majority of this society does but if your different just a little then people think that your fucking retarted, so if you hate it here then when you get older leave, trust me, just go somewhere where you can live without opprsion, even if its in Etheopia, I mean there is a price to pay for freedom these days.

This is a great slide show that u have made, fuck what CrazyPilotEarl said, he just doesnt get it, i work for the Government and i love this , Anti Flag is a great band and i really like that song, he may be saying that we have clean water and elected officials, but get this!, they are reinstating the draft, so all those lil peace loving hippies are gunna go to China and Russia, and fight WW3, house that sound, they out number us 10:1, does that sound fair? that just shows u that YOU GOT TO DIE FOR THE GOVERNMENT!!


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