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REAL ghost stories

2,698 Views | 37 Replies

REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:08:36

post some ghost stories here. and make sure they are actually real. i dont mind if it happened 2 u or if its just 1 youve heard.
to start us off ill tell u mine.

i was about 10 at the time this happened. we had this party at my house, and there was this big bouncy castle in the garden (for the kids). it was about 10 o'clock and i was sitting on the bouncy castle. i knew every1 there so i knew that no1 was inside. but anyway, i was lookin in the bathroom window, and i could see the reflection of the moon in the mirror, when this sillouete (i dont know how 2 spell it) of a head went past it. it scared the hell out of me.
about 2 days l8r, i went into the bathroom in the night. i was the only person awake upstairs, and my mum and dad were downstairs. i thought i saw something in the bathroom, so i went 2 investigate. as i got in there i saw this thing that looked like one of the dementors off the harry potter films. it was like someone completely covered wit a black cloak or something. it sort of turned and saw me, ran behind the door and dissapeared. i was so scared i started crying! (i was only about 10)

that was the scariest thing thats ever happened to me!

You have just wasted precious seconds of your life by looking at my sig :P

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:11:03


It ain't easy being cheesey.

Backloggd account | Letterboxd account

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:11:40

I saw a ghost... once.

BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:11:42

I call bullshit.

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:12:18

Were you having crack for breakfast?

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:13:08


cookies rule your future.. o_o

strangeness <33

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:13:44

At 9/15/08 03:12 PM, crushy wrote: Were you having crack for breakfast?

no, it was those damn lucky charms.

support || i wish my zune had a vagina. <3

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:14:39

At 9/15/08 03:12 PM, crushy wrote: Were you having crack for breakfast?

no lol. : )

You have just wasted precious seconds of your life by looking at my sig :P

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:15:08

Well, I saw this ghost. It was scary.

The end.


BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:15:25

I was walking home in the dark, turned around and there was a little boy following me. I did a double take and he wasnt there any longer. I was walking through a ginnel so theres no way he couldve got anywhere else so quick. And I'm certain I see him every now and then.

Release your inner crazy.

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:15:28

I was once lurking the bbs and found a shit topic called "REAL Ghost stories." Now I cant masturbate anymore.

I'm not cool enough to have a nice sig.

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:19:16

One cold winters day, I was drinking a nice cup of hot chocolate milk.
All of a sudden, the milk starts forming ripples, shocked as I am, I jump up.

Then this figure slowly appears, it was Carl Jung. Every since that day, we have constant debates about the theory of mankind, he claims that he has evolved into his future self, but I don't believe him.

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:33:39

At 9/15/08 03:30 PM, LOLZILLA wrote: I went to a Klan meeting. Lots of ghosts there.


I demand that you elaborate that story.


BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:42:07

Not a ghost story, but creepy...
I was in Mexico in 2001 and I meet my cousin. We didn't know we were cousins but we were good friends right away. But one time, we were crossing a bridge where my grandfather would say 3 women lived under... and they were witches.

And although they died in the 1970s of old age, they said that you should ALWAYS run across the bridge if you need to cross at night. Because their souls, which are black dogs, will try to maim you.

And so my cousin and I thought it was stupid and we crossed the bridged, talking calmly, and-- shit-- we saw three stray dogs coming at the end of the bridge, coming from underneath. And they were growling loudly, but one was a huge emaciated fucker with no eye.

We walked backwards and I thought we were stuck because there was no way to get back home without crossing that bridge.

And this is like 1 in the morning...
We finally went to another cousin's home, another one who I didn't know about because he's a cousin by the 3rd or 4th degree, and he took us home in his car.

But, dang... talk about feeling scared.

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:44:55

try the ghost and paranormal club thread on the clubs forum.
Me and lots of other people wrote mad shit about apparitions,death,etc.
I was alone outside the other day tryin to smoke a siggy when out of nowhere this little gray elf popped out of a tree in my backyard and ran across the street.
Damn possums.

Hail Fiction

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 15:46:37

At 9/15/08 03:11 PM, GodsBitch wrote: I saw a ghost... once.

Holy shit! Dont scare the crap out of us!!!!

I fucking hate euphemism.

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-15 16:03:21

You aren't very bright are you?

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-16 12:21:03

At 9/15/08 03:30 PM, LOLZILLA wrote: I went to a Klan meeting. Lots of ghosts there.


lol kkk

You have just wasted precious seconds of your life by looking at my sig :P

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-16 12:23:16

some stories are better not to be told. but ghosts are bullshit. a big pile of dung

Mwuhahahahaaaa, flee, humans!

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-16 12:23:37

There are none, ghosts aren't real.

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-16 12:26:14

Ghost dont exist. They are just superstision. I think.

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-16 12:26:21

At 9/15/08 03:08 PM, alien1248 wrote:
i was about 10 at the time this happened. we had this party at my house, and there was this big bouncy ::castle in the garden (for the kids)


Sure it wasnt for you? (thats as far as I got)

I'm so high...

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-16 12:29:46

At 9/16/08 12:26 PM, VitalNovix wrote:
At 9/15/08 03:08 PM, alien1248 wrote:
i was about 10 at the time this happened. we had this party at my house, and there was this big bouncy ::castle in the garden (for the kids)

Sure it wasnt for you? (thats as far as I got)

uuh...try to read the whole thing. its kinda what forums are all about

and all u people who keep sayin ghosts arent real. just keep it to yourself. i dont care what you think.

You have just wasted precious seconds of your life by looking at my sig :P

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-09-16 12:58:14

Fuck ghost are real
Happened 2 times
1.I was home alone for 1 week and i was scared to sleep alone so i called like 5 friends over to play cards or whatever...
I have a house like a train...all the rooms are one after another just like the trains wagons...
And we were in the first room
It was about 1 AM
We started talking about everything and the discussion turned into an alien discussion and from there into a scary movies talk
It was getting scary to be honest so I asked them to stop since it was night and I get freaked out very easely
They saw I was scared (they were all scared I was the only one to admit it) they kept saying this stories
While they were saying this stories we all heard a noise in the second room
We all shut our mouths
It was the most quit silence I have ever...not heard
we just sat there for 2 minutes and looked one at another
I decided to go look what it was and there was the cat and my dog both sleeping on the bed
They raised their heads after i woke them up when i opened the door
So there was no animal or no person to make the noise
I can't quite remember the noise since i didn't exactly know what it was then
It was like somebody knocked into the window 5 times
We all went into my room because we were all freaked out and tried to find an explination which we didn't find to this days (this happened about 2 years ago)
we couldn't sleep and at about 7 AM one guy's mom called him to ask if he was alright
She said she had a bad dream and wanted to make sure :|
WTF !?!?!?!

Story no2.
This was an experience that completly changed my life and my point of view about ghosts
We all went into an apartment to help a guy clean the place since he was building i don't know what
It was really late and finished in about 2 hours
We all drank beer and something else I can't remember what but some of them were a little drunk
After we finished there we decided to go to the Danube (it was 15 minutes away) just so we don't go straight home
We just wanted to walk...
We were 4 guys
Me and 3 other dudes
1 of them is very special but I won't talk about that now
We got there and the special guy called Alex told us he wanted to take a bath
It was about 6 Am and darn cold so I told him I won't let him
we walked a little bit more on the "shore" and then went and stayed on some stairs...
Alex then told me the Danube was calling him
I told him he was drunk and told him to chill out
He kept telling me the Danube was calling him and he was going to take a bath
He then slowly walked toward the Danube like he was hipnotized or something
I told the other to guys but they said there's no problem...they didn't believed me
I then saw him taking his top of and told the guys
We all ran towards him and cought him right when he was about to jump
He struggled to get out of the 2 guys grip to jump in the water but they didn't let him
We climbed a lot of stairs because the Danube is not at the same level as the city...
After we climbed them all the ghost started to appear
The thing is that only Alex could see them
He was looking back to the Danube and when he was looking back he started to scream and cry and struggle saying there is someone behind him following
We all looked back but it was nothing
He kept doing that like 15 times until we got home
On the way home we stop near a church because i though that there was no way ghost could come there...
We sat there for about 5 minutes trying to calm Alex down when he said he sees another one and started running home
the 2 guys cought him and hold him until we got home
When we got home the ghosts stoped following and it took us more then 1 hour to try and calm him down
the next day he told me there were more then 1 ghost and they were calling him to enter the Danube
He also told me about some sort of Danube's curse and he told me those were dead spirits that were drowned in the Danube
I know you may find this hard to believe or think it's not that sensational but when it will happen to you, you will understand

Anyway now I 100% believe in ghosts

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-12-25 04:55:01

Ya I saw a ghost! I was at home and then some ghost appeared
Ghost:Y hallo thar
And we got drunk.

Oh the memories...

yeah,I stealed it. DUZ IT MEIK MII KEWL???

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-12-25 05:05:12

One time, there was this hot ghost in my room.

So I fucked it!

:Aw yeah!

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-12-25 05:27:14

It Touched me...here....and here....and especially here

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-12-25 05:32:50

My dad was in a bad mood, chewing me out. And a pair of pants on a couch across the way fell down. Weirdest part was, nothing else fell, only folded up jeans, and the jeans were still folded up.

How did this get here? I am not good with internet.

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-12-25 06:07:19

Once, when I was dead, I went to heaven, AND I SAW DEAD WHITE PEOPLE OMFG!!
No, seriously guys, Ghosts? Nah.

BBS Signature

Response to REAL ghost stories 2008-12-25 06:19:38

Yeah so here I was sitting down on a chair in an empty camp with some old canvas tents around a fire, enjoying an shepherd's pie, some blackberries and a pear, when I see something white-ish in between the trees. I finish my food and head towards there, and I find some cool awesome ruin made out of white stone. I go inside and there's some ancient ghosts and skeletons and zombies soI shoot some fireballs at the mofo's and kill them all and I find a nice bluish glowing crystal, so I take it and leave the ruin, going to my house to deposit it.

And I'm pretty damn sure I wasn't playing Oblivion in the meantime.