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Top Reviewers List

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Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-17 09:10:17

In case some of you want to review a movie and get a 100% change of getting a reply... :
View Your Reviews (806)
(With Responses Only (218))

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-17 09:12:56

damn it, theres no one around!!! Hamy_Jamy hasnt been around at all today, as he hasnt done any reviews for like the last 8 hours (which has been the afternoon and evening where he lives), so yeh... no action from him today which should somewhat liven up j00bie for a change :P haha.
also, i am now on school holidays!! w00000!! haha. and also there is a break from tennis competition. so no longer must i get up at 7AM on a saturday morning, and 8AM on a weekday! JOY!!! hahah.
long hours of sleeping, eating and NGing, here i come XD. quick update before im off to bed.
View Your Reviews (1,878)
(With Responses Only (573))
my response rate is dropping significantly, and it has been doing so for the past few days. at the moment its at 30.511%, which is the lowest its been at for like a month! haha. well, i dont really care for responses now (except when Hamy_Jamy reads this, i want him to respond to my two reviews i did for his flashes!! haha), but more so for the reviews... and i think that i've been doing quite well, as today i got myself 25 reviews, yesterday 24, and the day before that 21... so yeh, good times for me =D haha.
well, goodnight all. i hope that when i come back tomorrow, theres some damn postage!! lol.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-17 09:17:28

At 9/17/04 09:10 AM, FireHound wrote: In case some of you want to review a movie and get a 100% change of getting a reply... :

now things like this really annoy me!! hahah. bloody hell, 2 minutes!! o well...
hmm, i think that i'll review some of your 20+ odd movies tomorrow, FireHound. dont forget to respond! hahah.

View Your Reviews (806)
(With Responses Only (218))

dude, not really considering how many BP you have... plus you have a high level, lol... you have a good VP!!
hmm, your response rate isnt too bad. 27.047%
well, now im really off to bed, so ciao, all.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-17 19:19:04

At 9/17/04 01:24 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: like me, yourself, hamsey jamsey, X, bonusstage, etc, etc...

*koff koff*. Thanks a bunch! I'll remember this in the future >:D

At 9/17/04 05:28 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: Experience: Ranked # 1,186 out of 592,709 users!
Blam/Protect: Ranked # 186 out of 592,709 users!

Thats fun... Currently at
Experience: Ranked # 1,173 out of 593,291 users!
Blam/Protect: Ranked # 186 out of 593,291 users!
Experience keeps truckin, but my BP has slowed down quite a bit ='(.

At 9/17/04 08:25 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: but yeh, i should start to post in there more often. because after all, they do do more than just post stuff about level ups, right?

Yea... alot of it involves in casual conversation and the odd amount of Stuff Posing As Meat.

At 9/17/04 09:12 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: Hamy_Jamy hasnt been around at all today, as he hasnt done any reviews for like the last 8 hours (which has been the afternoon and evening where he lives), so yeh... no action from him today which should somewhat liven up j00bie for a change :P haha.

Hmph... Im still not catching a hold of the review bug... Im tired, cranky, got a shit load of school shit, and am all around bored of reviewing.
Im going to try and beat all my Xbox Games (all 6 of the 22 I havent beat yet, but am close) over the next bit in my spare time opposed to Newgrounds... I want to get Fable... but when I get that game... i'll be hooked to that, and neglect my other games...
Therefore, I must beat my oldies!

Well... I managed to respond to 4 of Marcus's posts... of his 6... mainly talking to himself... haha!
Anyways... off to do... stuff.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-17 21:54:49

At 9/17/04 07:19 PM, j00bie wrote: *koff koff*. Thanks a bunch! I'll remember this in the future >:D

its not a bunch compared to the 50 people that used to be on the list, when gfox was doing it.

Thats fun... Currently at
Experience: Ranked # 1,173 out of 593,291 users!
Blam/Protect: Ranked # 186 out of 593,291 users!
Experience keeps truckin, but my BP has slowed down quite a bit ='(.

meh, you still have about 1,000 bp on me buddy... but thats only because you live in a better time zone XP

Yea... alot of it involves in casual conversation and the odd amount of Stuff Posing As Meat.

hmm, lol... well i better go check it out sometime soon.

Hmph... Im still not catching a hold of the review bug... Im tired, cranky, got a shit load of school shit, and am all around bored of reviewing.

bleh, it happens buddy. you'll eventually get back into the swing of things.

Well... I managed to respond to 4 of Marcus's posts... of his 6... mainly talking to himself... haha!
Anyways... off to do... stuff.

hahaha, talking to myself... pphhh, lol.
yeh, i dont think that i'll be getting to many reviews in the next few hours (i'd say about 0) because at the moment, me, my dad and my grandfather are outside sanding down the freaking house so we can repaint it... its not too bad.
also, i have a question that should be aimed at Gfox i think...
you know that list (i may be imagining things) where it shows all accumulated points by a member?? like you add up their posts, exp, b/p, reviews and show the grand total? well, i think that it used to be you had to have 10,000 points to get on that list, and i just noticed that im on like 10,100 or something. so i was wondering if you could tell me if A: that list is still around, and B: if it is, where i can find it!
i'll have a bit of a look-see for it myself, but otherwise... thx! hahah.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-17 22:05:41

At 9/17/04 09:54 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: stuff bour gfoxs PENTA LIST

It's right here
The reason you, along with SEVERAL different people arent on the list is because you need 10,000 in just 1 of the 5 options. NOT COMBINED!!!

It's a bitch... Xwayne isnt even on the list, but he has huge stats in everything... just, none are over 10000.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-17 22:26:41

At 9/17/04 10:05 PM, j00bie wrote: It's right here

lol, yeh i had a feeling it was in his sig...

The reason you, along with SEVERAL different people arent on the list is because you need 10,000 in just 1 of the 5 options. NOT COMBINED!!!

are you damn serious!? bahhhh! that sucks, it will be a long time bfore im on it then...

It's a bitch... Xwayne isnt even on the list, but he has huge stats in everything... just, none are over 10000.

lol. well i just posted in there saying "i look forward to the next update!" and i was saying how i had just reached the 10k mark... alltogether, lol.
wel, thanx for that....

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-17 22:29:55

At 9/17/04 10:26 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: are you damn serious!? bahhhh! that sucks, it will be a long time bfore im on it then...

and I just posted in the other forum how crazy you were for not realizing it's 10K in just 1 thing, even though I already posted this here. haha!

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-18 00:41:16

At 9/17/04 10:29 PM, j00bie wrote: and I just posted in the other forum how crazy you were for not realizing it's 10K in just 1 thing, even though I already posted this here. haha!

gee, thanks... it really makes me look good infront of the big boys, eh? pphhh... *mumbles something that sounds like 'dickhead' and walks off*.
i've only done 1 review today, i've been outside painting all day! haha. money for meeee.... lol

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-18 21:09:56

where the hell is everybody?! no posts in like 21 hours or something!!!?
bah! we need more postage, everyone.
also, Hamy_Jamy hasn't been around for the past two days, and as a result he hasnt reviewed a single submission in that time. but any bets he'll come back and start going at 50+ a day... for like two weeks, haha.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-18 21:16:55

I've just lost all motivation..
I reviewd about 15 today... but it took a couple of aleve to get through it.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-18 21:29:00

At 9/18/04 09:16 PM, j00bie wrote: I've just lost all motivation..
I reviewd about 15 today... but it took a couple of aleve to get through it.

hmm, yeh my day has just begun, and i've done 5...
but i have to do some work now. (not school work, i assure you!), haha. i gotta get back to painting the house :S.
catcha all later on.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-20 03:36:16

wtf? no posting in over 30 hours!? awwww where the hell is everybody? Hamy_Jamy is still away, for reasons unkown. he said that he would have a lot more free time in the days to come, so where's he at? lol.
j00b's is out doing other things, as he cant seem to get back into the swing of reviewing.
and as for the rest of you, i have no idea where you all are!!!

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-20 11:12:09

Quite some reviews there Marcus :)
Glad you reviewed a ton of my movies... I just responded to all of them...

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-20 19:30:10

Im just really sick of reviewing as of lately.
Ive watched all of Seizure_dog's movies, and am trying to review em, but the interest of it is all gone.
I may review 'The Matrix Still Has You' that just came out... though I nearly fell asleep watching it. BORING!
I may as well post these numbers now... these numbers wont be changing for a while.
View Your Reviews (2,390)
(With Responses Only (291))
Response Rate = 8.213%. aka Terrible.

Top Reviewers List

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-20 20:47:18

At 9/20/04 07:30 PM, j00bie wrote:
View Your Reviews (2,390)
(With Responses Only (291))
Response Rate = 8.213%. aka Terrible.

haha I have only 60 reviews!!

How the hell can you review that much? You must have a lot of time to spend of reviews unless you are a one-liner reviewer but I guess that you aren't because you complained in another post about some reviewing spammers like KWAS (he's not the worst). Not all his reviews are spam but at least a half is.

baaah most reviewing spammers have nothing to worry about as long as their reviews aren't abusive :O It looks like ng got used to them.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-20 21:47:48

At 9/20/04 08:47 PM, EKRegulus wrote: How the hell can you review that much? You must have a lot of time to spend of reviews unless you are a one-liner reviewer but I guess that you aren't because you complained in another post about some reviewing spammers like KWAS (he's not the worst). Not all his reviews are spam but at least a half is.

Just flip through my reviews, trust me.. im not a one-line reviewer.
Noone who posts in this thread is.
My review for The Matrix Still has You was loaded with awesomeness, with an overall rating of 3.

How do I review so much?... Im a fast typer so that helps for sure.
I just review for fun.... then when I found out about this list, I started reviewing more and more, while maintaining a good length.

Check out how shortly I've been here.
52nd top reviewer, and didnt even realise. (Page 55).

At 7/10/04 11:20 PM, j00bie wrote: (Back on Page 57)
I dont think i really have much chance at all on getting on to this list.
Havent made a review in a while, only corny ones that people in the General BBS area tell me to go and watch.

First Time I realised I was on the list, 50th place AND THAT WAS ONLY 2 MONTHS AGO!!! (page 58)

Now look at me! I found the list, massive surge of motivation and now Im on top... sort of.. >=O.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-21 01:14:35

FireHound - yeh i went on a massive spree last night (the biggest one i've ever been on), and i did 54 submissions yesterday, and when you posted in here last, i looked at one of your submissions, saw that you respond to reviews, and i immediately bookmarked your profile :D lol, so yeh i think i'll try and get the rest done later on tonight :)

At 9/20/04 09:47 PM, j00bie wrote: Just flip through my reviews, trust me.. im not a one-line reviewer.
Noone who posts in this thread is.

damn right. we dont look apon those people lightly, heh.

My review for The Matrix Still has You was loaded with awesomeness, with an overall rating of 3.

hahah! i havent seen that one, i'll have to look for it. when did it come out?

How do I review so much?... Im a fast typer so that helps for sure.

yes yes and yes. being a fast typer makes review-writing like 100% easier, that is for sure.

I just review for fun.... then when I found out about this list, I started reviewing more and more, while maintaining a good length.

mm, i first came here with about 200 reviews i THINK. i came at like page 30, but i really cant remember because it was a damn while ago.

Check out how shortly I've been here.
52nd top reviewer, and didnt even realise. (Page 55).

pphhh. lol, 52nd isnt hard to get! lol.

First Time I realised I was on the list, 50th place AND THAT WAS ONLY 2 MONTHS AGO!!! (page 58)

omg! ure so cool! haha.

Now look at me! I found the list, massive surge of motivation and now Im on top... sort of.. >=O.

lol, not really. you recently scampered away from a battle that you easily lost, hehe, still liking your wounds, i see?? hahahah.
well, yesterday i went crazy (by my standards), and reviewed 54 sub's, and i was uber happy, hahaha. i really think that i can get into the top 10 in the next month. XD good times are about to roll on, heh, Yoink... look out!! hahah.
good to see some action here finally after like 2 day! haha.
looks like im the clubs designated *bumper* from now on, eh? lol
quick update before i start for the day (its already 3:15PM!! i've been working all morning (painting the house), and then i was out for lunch).
View Your Reviews (1,981)
(With Responses Only (620))
lol, i've gained 26 responses since yesterday!!! hahah. lol, my 31.297% totally owns j00b's 8 percent... heheheh.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-21 09:13:44

grrr, still no one is around! you've all disappeared, damn it.
well, im just dropping in before bed to say that i just hit 2000 reviews... so hopefully i'll get the top ten before the end of september, that is my goal :D
View Your Reviews (2,003)
(With Responses Only (623))
laters, y'all

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-21 15:27:49

At 9/21/04 09:13 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:

Too bad youre only at 1990 reviews now... haha.. 13 deleted = LAFF

I didnt lose any reviews, because I just dont bother reviewing the deleted ones... =O

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-21 19:54:17

At 9/21/04 03:27 PM, j00bie wrote: Too bad youre only at 1990 reviews now... haha.. 13 deleted = LAFF

i F***ing know!!!! i just got up, and i was like Double-You.Tee.Eff?!

I didnt lose any reviews, because I just dont bother reviewing the deleted ones... =O

i didnt think that i had reviewed to many deleted or soon to be deleted movies...
none of my last 100 reviews have been deleted, i just checked em all out.
but, one good thing did come out of this:
View Your Reviews (1,990)
(With Responses Only (634))
reviews lost since yesterday = 13
responses gained since yesterday = 11
response rate rise since yesterday = 0.756%. this little mishapo has taken me back to the status that i was at (in terms of response rate) about two weeks ago...

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-21 22:26:18

You children may want to check the Top Reviewers list when it get's updated.

I went on a sudden review fest, and I dont have a headache.... strange.
i was so hyped up about what happened to me today i guess, full of energy and such.
The reason for the sudden urge of energy is because of This thread.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-22 02:42:45

At 9/21/04 10:26 PM, j00bie wrote: You children may want to check the Top Reviewers list when it get's updated.

hehe, yes i will... i think it gets updated in about 2 hours from now.

I went on a sudden review fest, and I dont have a headache.... strange.

very o.O

i was so hyped up about what happened to me today i guess, full of energy and such.
The reason for the sudden urge of energy is because of This thread

shit!!!! dude, thats awesome, lol. i think that (because im not too strong yet) i would have just called up the authorities, and then got the hell out of there!!
but you know, i have a pretty small dog too, and i play tennis XD. so if someone kicked my little bundle of life (the best dog ever, lol), i would have cracked em upside the shins.... my god how that would hurt.
well, i havent written a single review yet today, because A: i was working outside untill around 12:30PM, then i went round to my grandparents house with my cousin and played table tennis for like 2-3 hours, heh. im buggered, but i'll get some rev's done :).

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-22 15:14:28

At 9/16/04 09:23 AM, Hamy_jamy wrote: Thats right, I don't really see the point in just rambeling on about crap in a review just to make it long, I think thats just as bad as doing heaps of crappy reviews. Some movies are different from others and some give more to say then others, but i just like to be stright to the point, and get on to seeing the next movie.

(ahem)... not all of us who write long reviews are "rambling on about crap just to make [the review] long." Some of us just like to cover everything we thought of while watching and/or thinking about a flash entry. My reviews tend to be quite long because I tend to go over everything I think is worth talking about, from the plot to the graphics to the humour to the violence to the best part to the parts that could use a little improvement. etc. etc. etc.

There's nothing wrong with getting straight to SEVERAL points instead of just one simple one. Except that you'll never beat XwaynecoltX in reviewing... but then, is that all you're reviewing for? I hope not. Review however long you feel like reviewing. But don't knock people who don't review the way (or the length) you do, please.

At 9/16/04 10:23 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 9/16/04 06:59 PM, jonthomson wrote: She's not a he.
True, but it's just like calling ramagi a he, it's simply a typo, everybody knows what you mean by it.

Dude, that's like the same thing you said to me when I corrected you and/or Bila (can't remember exactly) on something about level 30s and whether there can be more than one.

Why not just say "whoops, I meant she." or "whoops, I didn't realise Violet's a she," whichever is applicable, instead of going on about "true, BUT... excuse excuse excuse... Everybody KNOWS what I/you/he/whoever means, jeez! This is YOUR problem, not mine!" which is how you sound whenever you do that. Like you're trying to sidestep the simple correction, which isn't mean to be a criticism. Just a correction.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-22 15:27:42

At 9/17/04 07:19 PM, j00bie wrote: Im going to try and beat all my Xbox Games (all 6 of the 22 I havent beat yet, but am close) over the next bit in my spare time opposed to Newgrounds... I want to get Fable... but when I get that game... i'll be hooked to that, and neglect my other games...
Therefore, I must beat my oldies!

Um, dude... NO XBOX GAME is an "oldie." No PS2 or Gamecube game either, for that matter.

I have none of those three CURRENT consoles, and since they ARE exactly that (current), how can you call any game for them "old?" The NEWEST game I have for ANY console is probably Crazy Taxi 2 for the Dreamcast. And the newest computer games I have are like Diablo 2, Sims, Fallout Tactics, Oni, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, Civ 3, Planescape: Torment. IOW, your 22 Xbox games are ALL newer than any game I own. Congratulations. O_o

Oldie = older than 8-10 years, IMO. Kids these days... go play some NES or Atari 2600 or something and find out the TRUE meaning of old.

At 9/17/04 09:54 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: also, i have a question that should be aimed at Gfox i think...
you know that list (i may be imagining things) where it shows all accumulated points by a member?? like you add up their posts, exp, b/p, reviews and show the grand total? well, i think that it used to be you had to have 10,000 points to get on that list, and i just noticed that im on like 10,100 or something. so i was wondering if you could tell me if A: that list is still around, and B: if it is, where i can find it!
i'll have a bit of a look-see for it myself, but otherwise... thx! hahah.

hahahah. So this is what joobie was talking about in my thread.

At 9/17/04 10:05 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 9/17/04 09:54 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: stuff bour gfoxs PENTA LIST
It's right here
The reason you, along with SEVERAL different people arent on the list is because you need 10,000 in just 1 of the 5 options. NOT COMBINED!!!

It's a bitch... Xwayne isnt even on the list, but he has huge stats in everything... just, none are over 10000.

ROTFL! Sure enough.

Okay, joobie. Now I've seen it for myself. Thank YOU for (attempting to set) setting Marcus straight on the actual qualifications for the pentalist. You, indeed, beat ShittyKitty to the punch.

At 9/20/04 08:47 PM, EKRegulus wrote: haha I have only 60 reviews!!

And you're proud of that? O_o

How the hell can you review that much? You must have a lot of time to spend of reviews unless you are a one-liner reviewer but I guess that you aren't because you complained in another post about some reviewing spammers like KWAS (he's not the worst). Not all his reviews are spam but at least a half is.

Ha ha. Good point there. And way to bring up KWAS as a reason for the people who dislike him in this thread to make sure their reviews are nice and long. #;-}>

And indeed, he isn't the worst.

baaah most reviewing spammers have nothing to worry about as long as their reviews aren't abusive :O It looks like ng got used to them.

By "reviewing spammers," I hope you aren't including LINK spammers or TEXT/CHAR spammers in that. If you just mean short review spammers, yes, they're absorbed into the system and it's fine. For one thing, their pointless reviews (as long as they aren't abusive, as you correctly noted) don't really do anything to anyone or clog shit up like pointless one word/one line posts do on the BBS. Reviews fall into obscurity a lot faster than posts do, in the case of most entries. And it's ALWAYS the case of lesser of two evils. They're the least of the review mod's problems, provided, once again... that they're not spamming links, spamming tons of text, or being abusive.


Anywho, guys... I've been stuck at 468 due to business/laziness/not feeling inspired for more than a week now. I guess I probably won't hit 500 until October. Like I've said, I've got a stack of entries I want to review all lined up... it's now up to 469-508, so if I review 'em all or even most of 'em if some are gone or I decide not to review 'em after all, I'll easily break 500 just from those alone, not even counting new movies that come along that I decide to review as well... so... we'll see. But looks like I won't be entering jon's list as quickly as I expected. Eh, what else is new. It's taken a year, it might as well take a bit longer. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-22 15:35:40

At 9/22/04 03:27 PM, gfoxcook wrote: go play some NES or Atari 2600 or something and find out the TRUE meaning of old.

Me <3 NES...

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-22 19:56:16

At 9/22/04 03:27 PM, gfoxcook wrote: a very long post... then...
Anywho, guys... I've been stuck at 468 due to business/laziness/not feeling inspired for more than a week now. I guess I probably won't hit 500 until October. Like I've said, I've got a stack of entries I want to review all lined up... it's now up to 469-508, so if I review 'em all or even most of 'em if some are gone or I decide not to review 'em after all, I'll easily break 500 just from those alone, not even counting new movies that come along that I decide to review as well... so... we'll see. But looks like I won't be entering jon's list as quickly as I expected. Eh, what else is new. It's taken a year, it might as well take a bit longer. #;-}>

well, i do admire your reviews when i come accross one on occasion. they = quite t3h long, haha.
so, is that how many reviews are needed to get onto jon's list? 500 you say?
well, speaking of the list, when can any one guess the next one will be? or, if Jon reads this, it's a direct question! lol.
on another note, i'd just like to find a little something out... i think that ShittyKitty may be able to help me with it, so i'll ask here and somewhere else... because j00 have those uber sweet data programs XD
tell me, can you pull in someones reviews and responses? if so, i was wondering if you could do this for the say.... top 15 reviewers? note; Jon's list may help you with this XD
if you dont have the time/effort/cbf, dun worry about it... i just wanted to have a look at something.
quick update.
View Your Reviews (2,025)
(With Responses Only (657))
32.444%. the highest it has ever been thanks to FireHound. :)

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-22 20:03:18

At 9/22/04 07:56 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: Response rate list...

I may decide to inherit that list...
I'll get right on it when I hit 2500 reviews.
I only just started my reviewing for the night....

Im not posting again though, Im going to try to make my 2500 review post my 4000th post as well.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-22 20:10:56

At 9/22/04 07:56 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: on another note, i'd just like to find a little something out... i think that ShittyKitty may be able to help me with it, so i'll ask here and somewhere else... because j00 have those uber sweet data programs XD

Yesh, they're very nice...

tell me, can you pull in someones reviews and responses? if so, i was wondering if you could do this for the say.... top 15 reviewers? note; Jon's list may help you with this XD

Nope, nope. I can pull reviews, but not responses. That's only on the Grounds Gold Menu, which you can only get with a username and a password. Sorry dude.

Response to Top Reviewers List 2004-09-22 20:21:49

At 9/22/04 08:10 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Yesh, they're very nice...

indeed :)
damnit, i still havent DL'ed that framework. i may not do it :(
neways, im right up there with your high scores for Icy Tower dude!! hahaa, very addictive.

Nope, nope. I can pull reviews, but not responses. That's only on the Grounds Gold Menu, which you can only get with a username and a password. Sorry dude.

kk no sweat. but how do people make the review/response ratio list in here then? i mean, not everyone on that list posts up there stats.... *ponders to self*
j00b's: that will be ever so nice! hahah. man, you gotta take a huge screen shot when you reach that.
so congrats on the 4k posts, and after 32 more reviews, congrats on the 2,500!!
also, i've finally broken (for good now), the 2,000 mark. so now i should be on that milestone thing on Jon's next update! hahah.