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The red door collab

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Response to The red door collab 2008-01-12 18:37:16

greth go on aim.. im home from work and wanna talk.

click my sig for brittaney spears nekid on crack

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Response to The red door collab 2008-01-12 19:00:36

At 1/12/08 11:04 AM, Cloud109 wrote:
At 1/12/08 01:08 AM, Greth-of-choas wrote: Oh my bad about raspberry it seems I didn't read the whole thing :). I will think about putting it in, I haven't seen the website but I will think about it (I will look on the website now).
Don't even humor him by contemplating putting it in; It has no place in the collab, and it would only serve to turn away potential viewers to see such a poorly animated intro bit before the cartoon. I already explained why we shouldn't put it in there, before.

i dont know if anyone else feels this way but it seems like cloud is almost trying to take over.... alll im saying is that clouds respones seem to disregard greth at all. like the response above. i understand hes helping out and i agree with him but mabey tone it down a bit and dont just jump all over people. also try to let greth run the collab a little. i understand trying to help out and giving your opinions but dont blow up on people and tell them what to do.

hope it gets done soon p.s. im not trying to be mean just stating an opinion :)

BBS Signature

Response to The red door collab 2008-01-12 19:11:40

i agree with you 1 hundred percent.. i understand youre a talented author greath.. and i am new to flash.. so u may think you are better than most of us and can push us around.. but the truth is, greth IS the collab l;eader. hes ben doing a pretty good job. i understand he has a life besides sitting on the computer.. and anyone else that has a life would probly understand to.. he douse what he can. chill

click my sig for brittaney spears nekid on crack

BBS Signature

Response to The red door collab 2008-01-12 19:40:10

:It's like I told you a dozen times before. You aren't a key player in this piece. To be honest, me and pretty much everyone else I showed the collab to all agreed on one thing; Your piece was mediocre. With all of the stunts you are pulling in this thread, you are only further providing us with reasons to kick you off.

dude ure speaking for the entire f****** collab. dont speak for the collab. ure not the god damn collab leader. ure just u. u say u are just trying to make the collab better. and i understand that.. then right after which u talk for the collab and say what WE think. when u are merely YOU. suck a D. get a life

click my sig for brittaney spears nekid on crack

BBS Signature

Response to The red door collab 2008-01-12 21:05:54

thats not flaming or anything right. lol.. wow.. w/e dude. im not doing anything wrong. so i dont think i deserve this. im not that good at flash. i know this.. but people dont have to be such dicks about it. o well. greth. ill just talk to you on aim or in pm. im done with this forum. cloud thinks hes in charge and some loozer bad kid who is clouds bitch comes along out of the blue and decides to make a statement.

click my sig for brittaney spears nekid on crack

BBS Signature

Response to The red door collab 2008-01-12 21:39:19

Heres at raspberry-pie, because he is being a complete fucking, fuck-tard.

"thats not flaming or anything right. lol.. wow.. w/e dude."

Oh? Here's what you also wrote to cloud:

"dude ure speaking for the entire f****** collab. dont speak for the collab. ure not the god damn collab leader. ure just u. u say u are just trying to make the collab better. and i understand that.. then right after which u talk for the collab and say what WE think. when u are merely YOU. suck a D. get a life"

Hmm, not only do your insults suck ass, and not only did you say get a life (Wow), and NOT ONLY are you freaking out because you know Cloud is right, you fucking suck dude. You aren't a great animator, Cloud is. Don't get mad when someone tells you the truth, or when someone try's to help you out. And fyi, Cloud was not speaking for the whole collab... But he might as well been because I'm sure that's HOW we all feel. Be happy Greth didn't shut you down right away and tried to humor you.

Please, take some time to see how fucking retarded you look right now.

BBS Signature

Response to The red door collab 2008-01-12 22:03:52

And raspberry, btw you said I might have a life (although I am always behind the computer). Listen the reason why I am never on aim is because, well my aim is f***ed up.

It's says I am loged off when here I am loged on. I am doing my best to finish this collab. It's going to take a while because I have to re-arrange the v-cams (some people did there names wrong and this replacement thing). I also have to add in a couple of new parts.

If you wish to contact me you just pm me I can't really go on aim sorry...

I am going to answer to all of your responses.

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And then there is Heck

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Response to The red door collab 2008-01-12 22:11:04

If your AIM doesn't work, I suppose I'll just send the file in an e-mail, then. I had hoped you would be able to get on AIM again, just for the two minutes it takes to send the song over.

Ill try...

And to raspberry you said you were out of the forums, and said you would pm me...you didn't? And if you every start pouncing on someone again....

damn it

The next one who trys to troll is out I don't give how good of an artist you are, and raspberry, you might have brokin the ice.

There is Heaven

There is Hell

And then there is Heck

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Response to The red door collab 2008-01-12 22:13:24

If your AIM doesn't work, I suppose I'll just send the file in an e-mail, then. I had hoped you would be able to get on AIM again, just for the two minutes it takes to send the song over.

I think I loged in...I imed you did you get it?

There is Heaven

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And then there is Heck

BBS Signature

Response to The red door collab 2008-01-13 09:05:47

It's time for a new thread I need like 3 more parts (I took one).

Do I have to get permission from a mod to make a new thread?

There is Heaven

There is Hell

And then there is Heck

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Response to The red door collab 2008-01-13 14:03:41

that comment wasnt supposed to start that whole argument... all i was trying to say was mabey for cloud to be a little less hard on people, but damn...

BBS Signature

Response to The red door collab 2008-01-13 23:56:11

If we're starting a new thread, do our parts need to be redone? or can they just be added into the new one?

in saying this, i vote for a new thread.

BBS Signature

Response to The red door collab 2008-01-14 07:23:17

I'm thinking that all of the parts we kept in after the first round of cuts are fine as they are right now; Making a new thread should help us to get the last few parts we need to finish up the song, as well as replace the parts that were removed.

Exactly. I need at least 3 more parts I defiantly won't be able to get them now, so a new thread it is!

There is Heaven

There is Hell

And then there is Heck

BBS Signature

Response to The red door collab 2008-01-14 07:34:16

There is Heaven

There is Hell

And then there is Heck

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