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Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW

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Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-04-26 15:40:47

Some might recall This topic.
Well, the girl wich I talked about in that thread, i like her. I like her alot. I told her I like her. No I told her "I'm in love with you"

I am aware off the fact that at the age of 16, you know shit about this so called "love" thing. But it is a kind of love. So shush.

When I told her, she first didn't believe me. Then she was confused, and then (today) we had a little verbal fight. Why you ask? I have no fucking idea. The main thing wich disturbs her probably is that we are very close friends. I say bullshit to that. First she tells me (at the beginning of the schoolyear) that she wants to be friends for a year with someone before she can actually date (or what ever you silly americas call it) with that person. Now it's almost the end of the year, I tell her this, and now we have a friendship she doesn't want to loose.
Any girl says that is too fucking scared to commit. Already scared that when you brake up (who even thinks about braking up at the beginning?) it is going to ruin the friendship.
Now Newgrounds, tomorrow, I'm gonna confront her. I have a little scene in mind with all the possible outcomes, I am prepared. But before I do this, I need the opnion of the reader.
Do you have any advice for me?

did i mention she has a boyfriend?

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-04-26 15:44:35

Never, ever, under any circumstance date a close friend. It NEVER works out. Its the law of the universe. Sorry, kid.

Gotta get my cream in Wisconsin

Party Room Suite at the Sheraton

Is my profile full of naked pics? YOU BET!

BBS Signature

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-04-26 15:46:50

Whores are cheaper than girlfriends.
Porn is cheaper than whores.

Your imagination is freee!!!!

just think of all the people YOUR right hand could be!

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-04-26 15:49:27

At 4/26/07 03:40 PM, SiMpSoN-Grrrrooooove wrote:
did i mention she has a boyfriend?

... What the hell did you expect?

Perhaps you should have waited till she got dumped, then fucked her while the self esteem was low?

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-04-26 15:49:44

At 4/26/07 03:40 PM, SiMpSoN-Grrrrooooove wrote:
did i mention she has a boyfriend?

i think this may have something to do with you issue.

BBS Signature

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-04-26 15:52:24

At 4/26/07 03:40 PM, SiMpSoN-Grrrrooooove wrote: (who even thinks about braking up at the beginning?)

A realist 16 year old?

Apologies aren't what I look for. Redemption is what I want!

Look at my profile to see a true cockhead! DO IT NOW!

BBS Signature

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-04-26 15:52:37

At 4/26/07 03:40 PM, SiMpSoN-Grrrrooooove wrote: did i mention she has a boyfriend?

That is your reason right there. If I were you, I would've given up already. Confront her anyway... Maybe not. Is her boyfriend bigger than you?

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-04-26 15:53:39

i don't quite get it

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-04-26 15:54:29

smack her across the face with ur 14" meat package


Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-04-26 16:03:55

At 4/26/07 03:44 PM, OrbitalDebris wrote: Never, ever, under any circumstance date a close friend. It NEVER works out. Its the law of the universe. Sorry, kid.

I see why the gods chose this. But any good arguments would be good. Or just some expierence. Tell, how many close friends have you..."dated" and how many times did it epic fail?

At 4/26/07 03:43 PM, Davidzx wrote: right.........
Ok I understand you really like her but slow down.
Asking her out on the first day is not goin to help.
You should ask her some questions. Within reasoning to know her.

Dude, seriously. Dude.
Slow down? First off, we are "close friends" one of the reasons she doesn't want be with me (I sounds..childish, but there is no fucking english word fo- wait...going steady....like that?)
Second, I know her from inside out, I know what porn she watches, I know what her fucking ass shoe size is. If there is something I don't know about her, then she doesn't know it herself.

(ignore the fact that I'm a psychic)
At 4/26/07 03:51 PM, Pugberto wrote: Go for it, Love isn't something bottle up inside you have to let it free. Who knows she could say yes, if you get along as really good friends then you would be good together as couple really well.

Well, I did "let it free". Didn't feel happier in my intire life after that. But, now the thing is, she doesn't believe me / she thinks i'm a liar / Is confused.
So, I the main thing I'm aiming for tomorrow is that she says "shut and kiss me you hawt dawg" then we kiss, and marry in month.

too much?
At 4/26/07 03:52 PM, Ronald-McDonald-LoL wrote: That is your reason right there. If I were you, I would've given up already. Confront her anyway... Maybe not. Is her boyfriend bigger than you?

That last sentence made me laugh....out loud. Well, he is a fat guy..no...chubby. And he looks strong. He could push me over with his small cock. But, I saw him once, and that one time I saw him. He said "hi" and didn't opened his mouth afterwards. He is a panzy. A fucking fag, I hate him. The dude has no verball defence. I could break him easily. But she never mentioned her boyfriend in any of our discussions (if she believes me or not). So, it might be the problem, but I highly doubt it.
BTW: I told her tuesday. And at the moment it is thurseday evening.

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-04-26 16:10:01

1. u spelled thursday wrong

2. why are u posting on NG, spend every waking moment of ur life talking to her/tending to her/complimenting her/etc/etc. I friend of mine did this and alot of people said it was pathetic but now he and the girl are together (for awhile now) and happy (i think). also, they were close friends before.

3. i actually had two friends who meet this criteria.


Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-04-26 16:34:32

At 4/26/07 04:10 PM, Jackrabbit-slims wrote: 1. u spelled thursday wrong

True, I have this nag of spelling the days of the weeks wrong...and other words...it's too fucking complicated. Thanks for pointing that out, I try to keep my spelling as good as possible.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednsday (?) Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Good?
2. why are u posting on NG, spend every waking moment of ur life talking to her/tending to her/complimenting her/etc/etc. I friend of mine did this and alot of people said it was pathetic but now he and the girl are together (for awhile now) and happy (i think). also, they were close friends before.

Well, I want too. Hell, since I fell in love with her (that's since November) I actually like going to school. I try to spend ass much time with her as possible. And I think I increased her ego to the highest level with all my pretty words (and expensive one at it).
But she lives in a city wich is only reachable by car/train. So it's not possible to just go to her house and say "Can I spend some time with you" although I wish I could. So in compensation I post about her here on the BBS instead of doing my homework, no precious Karlien time wasted (thats her name...ain't it prewtty).

3. i actually had two friends who meet this criteria.

Sweet, I like hope.



Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 15:16:11

uhm.. well first if she has a boyfriend i suggest back off or you really will ruin the friendship. duh..

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 15:25:38

At 4/26/07 03:49 PM, Chris-V2 wrote:
At 4/26/07 03:40 PM, SiMpSoN-Grrrrooooove wrote:
did i mention she has a boyfriend?
... What the hell did you expect?

Perhaps you should have waited till she got dumped, then fucked her while the self esteem was low?

Yeah, this might seem cruel and makes females a little bit crazy in the future, but it's true. You should've done it this way. Looks like your EMO pulled the wool over your eyes...

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 15:38:13

From what i gathered in that field of words you seeded, i guess you should go to her and tell her you wanna go out with her.
If she likes you THAT much she will accept.

But as she´s a close friend it moght not work out.

Is she "Hot" ?

Go for it, dude.

And goodluck.

1, 2, 3, Coffee 4, 5, 8, too late

BBS Signature

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 15:42:04

Wait... you gottta fucking wait, if Karlien (lol) takes the first step.
there is a 25-50% bigger chance for it to survive.
Who allways breaks up?, the girl.
she asking = WINZ

So i herd u liek signatures.

<Space for rent. PM me for info>

Join me in TF2, L4D or Garry's mod! (Steam: attackofthedawn)

BBS Signature

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 15:43:44

At 4/26/07 03:44 PM, OrbitalDebris wrote: Never, ever, under any circumstance date a close friend. It NEVER works out. Its the law of the universe. Sorry, kid.

I agree with this. It will just get ugly.

Je pense, donc je suis.

BBS Signature

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 15:45:14

At 4/26/07 04:34 PM, SiMpSoN-Grrrrooooove wrote:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (?) Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Good?


But she lives in a city wich is only reachable by car/train. So it's not possible to just go to her house and say "Can I spend some time with you" although I wish I could. So in compensation I post about her here on the BBS instead of doing my homework, no precious Karlien time wasted (thats her name...ain't it prewtty).

Where exactly, might I ask? And yes, it's a 'pwetty' name.

Sweet, I like hope.

Hope's good. But don't get


Erm... I'm going to ignore this...

The codfish on the park bench is fried by the raw maple. 30/10/2009

BBS Signature

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 15:48:25

You say she is scared to commit but she has a boyfriend doesn't she?

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 15:48:53

kill the boyfreind fuck the bitch!

At Least I Have Chinese Food

BBS Signature

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 15:50:42

Off topic, but:

I'm going to be living in Belgium next year.
Think I might be living somewhere around Liege, can't wait!

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 15:50:53

lol i killed it

sorry for 2x post

At Least I Have Chinese Food

BBS Signature

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 15:51:55

rape her. nuff said.

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 15:51:56

At 5/6/07 03:31 PM, Daddy-L-Jackson wrote: She has a boyfriend stupid, what the fuck do you expect?

I err...talked to her on MSN, just now, it all came out. From her side that is. Dudes, females are the devil, I'm going gay people. This is what happened:

Last week (from monday to friday) it all went pretty well actually, monday we talked and had a little fun (kinky talk that is) thuesday no school, wednsday nothing big, not even talked that much.
Then thurseday, the big day....I'm studying photography, and veery thurseday we have 6 hours of darkroom, well you can guess, we made out..no french kissing, but something else. I kissed her neck. Touched her beautfully curved breasts (she grabbed my handed and dragged it to them) she touched my pelvis...and below...we touched each others lips, with each others lips...Oh well, she was giggling etc.
That entire week told me that she liked me...enough to be with me.
But today, on MSN, it came down to one thing: "she doesn't" She told me that I could never be with her, because she has a relation with a guy for a year and a half and I'm a good friend of hers and that she doesn't love me (or like me, don't know a propper word).

Newgrounds, I am a broken man. I have developed a hate against women. I'm having the feeling that I won't like a girl for a very long time.
Mainly because this isn't the first time. Women have deceipt me all my life. Yes, I never spend time with the boys so the chances that being deceipt by a female is over the 90 per cent.
Then there was this girl I was together with for almost a month (not long, but it was intens) She lived pretty far away....a small hour with the train. I had family issues, ran away from home for a day or two, went to her, broke up when I left.
I thought I was going to be grounded. Turned out my mom was cool about it and said it is stupid to ground kids. I told her this over the interwebs and saying that we could be back together.
Luck was not on my side, she told her parents I broke up. Her parents being stuffed up chavs who live in the middle ages, didn't want to see me again, so she said it was definatly over and she doesn't take boys back after they dump her sorry ass.

And there was this thing with a skirt. Don't recall much about it, but it pissed me off.

I appoloagize for my spelling/grammer mistakes, and the fact that my life has no entertainment what so ever for the reader. I have no life, nothing to life for, and will be gay in not too long. I better kill my emo ass.


Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 16:02:31

At 4/26/07 03:46 PM, Jackrabbit-slims wrote: Whores are cheaper than girlfriends.
Porn is cheaper than whores.

Your imagination is freee!!!!

just think of all the people YOUR right hand could be!

Shoplifted porn is better!

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 16:03:16

At 5/6/07 03:51 PM, SiMpSoN-Grrrrooooove wrote: Newgrounds, I am a broken man. I have developed a hate against women. I'm having the feeling that I won't like a girl for a very long time.

Ik weet wat je bedoelt lol. Oh well I guess there's other people to meet out there.

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 16:07:22

Newgrounds, I am a broken man. I have developed a hate against women. I'm having the feeling that I won't like a girl for a very long time.
Mainly because this isn't the first time. Women have deceipt me all my life.

Heh.. welcome to my world, the funny thing is, all the stuff you worte is.. is like taken out of my thoughts...

the problem!

if you turn gay, a guy is going to go that..

So i herd u liek signatures.

<Space for rent. PM me for info>

Join me in TF2, L4D or Garry's mod! (Steam: attackofthedawn)

BBS Signature

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 16:11:51

You're 16.

That about sums it up.

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 16:41:00

the answer is simple stop liking her become a hobo get a skateboard and ride around yelling random types of wood at people ex OAK! MAPLE! GINKO!

Response to Pre-teen "love" issue. FTW 2007-05-06 16:49:46

At 5/6/07 04:11 PM, TheAngus wrote: You're 16.

That about sums it up.

True, hence the title. Want to know something? I talked with my mom about this. Yes I have a good connection with my mother. And well she also gave me that little thing you said there. " I am young, and life will be filled with this shit." But that doesn't mean I can't like a girl, and be let down by it in the long run. I know it is ridiculous, I know it doesn't mean shit, I know these are just hormones, but still. I'm human, and it's part of life. And I still hate life, life's a joke. Fuck life, I have the internetz, and beer. But, as a human being, I'm in a age with raging hormones, and these will affect my life, and I'll have to deal with it. End

At 5/6/07 04:04 PM, Daddy-L-Jackson wrote:
At 5/6/07 03:31 PM, Daddy-L-Jackson wrote: She has a boyfriend stupid, what the fuck do you expect?
....Wait.... she let you finger her though...?

Don't go for it man, even if she breaks up with him, and you can go out with her, she'll probably fuck some dude behind your back so just, don't do it, alright?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, all that shit and then she tells me she doesn't love me. She is the demon. But check that thread some time again, I got a request for details about those happenings.
But yeah, she can't be trusted if she would dump that panzy and go out with me, because she could do the same with me.

At 5/6/07 04:03 PM, Zodiak7 wrote:
At 5/6/07 03:51 PM, SiMpSoN-Grrrrooooove wrote: Newgrounds, I am a broken man. I have developed a hate against women. I'm having the feeling that I won't like a girl for a very long time.
Ik weet wat je bedoelt lol. Oh well I guess there's other people to meet out there.

Haha, zalig, een nederlandse reply! Wel, ik ben blij dat er mensen zijn met begrip, and ergens niet blij dat er mensen zijn die dit ook al hebben meegemaakt (of iets dat er op trekt)
So yeah, I'll look out for other girls, although it will be hard.

I love you NG, but I ask you one more thing;
How the Fuck should I act towards Her?! I mean, I cna't go all "I hate you" because that's fucking childish, but I do hate her, I feel betrayed. So, I could act a bit and try not to think about it, and pick up where we left, but that would just cause a grudge, and make me go all emo....though one, meh. I'll focus on my hobbies, and get on with my life. But still, tell me...WHAT SHOULD I SAY ?!

end caps.