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Hit by a car?

4,217 Views | 80 Replies

Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 00:26:53

Who here at Newgrounds has been actually hit by a car? I'm not asking if you saw it on t.v., or if you think "Wow your stupid" I want to know if you, or someone you know, was hit by a car.

I was hit by a car almost 2 years ago. I was walking to school, IN a crosswalk mind you. And some stupid lady going 60 in a school zone hits me! I'll tell you something, it hurt! And wasn't even knocked out! I tried to get up at first but failed after I saw a river of blood rushing out of my head. Even worse, my mom and little brother saw it happen! Surprisingly it wasn't to bad, I only had a broken arm and a cracked head(I got 14 staples)Yeah and I still have a scar on my head. My body was pretty messed up, but I was out of the hospital the same day. In the end we got about a hundred dollars of the lady(yeah she wasn't insured)and about 3-4 months worth of not being able to walk without hurting myself. But now I'm fine, the only problem is that my right leg gets hurt easily. If someone kicks real light it it'll hurt really bad. I guess it has something to do with my leg nerves. But perhaps the worst part is the iching I got from the cast!

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 00:29:28

Well, I myself wasn't hit by a car. But I was in a car crash. When I was two. D:

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 00:31:09

At 4/18/07 12:27 AM, Strength wrote: I got hit by a car ON TV.

Tee hee.
One time, I almost ran into the street on my bike... but I realized it was a very BAD idea.... so no I've never been hit by a car.

And also, Strength, do you hate me now?


BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 00:32:19

Forgot to add that my dad died.

But yeah.

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 00:32:37

some black guy hit my book bag as I crossed the street. and I spun around like 100 times before I fell.

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 00:34:05

I got knocked off my bike by a minivan that reacted a little late for a stop sign. It wasn't hard or anything, she freaked out 10 times harder than i did. I told her i was fine and went about my business.

Damn suburban soccer moms

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 00:37:00

Eh, former skater. Getting hit by cars is a somewhat normal occurance when the street is your park.

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 00:38:06

At 4/18/07 12:33 AM, Strength wrote:
At 4/18/07 12:31 AM, SeeInTheDark wrote: And also, Strength, do you hate me now?
No. You're too hawt for that. Just lost my cool for a bit, earliler. ^______________^

Dude you know I'm just pissed at my friend. Sorry. I wasn't serious in the least. If I was, I would have said something like, NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN. I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY ANYONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD TALK TO YOU.

Also, sorry I sort of invaded half this thread a little. :P plz dun ban.


BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 00:48:41

4 car wrecks

one from self stupidity

Left car in drive on an uphill incline door open and snagged on a news paper tube tried to pull the hand break to let it roll back slowly. knocked it into neutral and my upper half in the car the lower half hanging out rolled 15ft down hill into a bunch of bushes. surprising I didn't break my leg but I have the fucking cool dent in the side of my leg.

one from my mom backing into me
Trying to get my car out of the way my mom is backing here car out of the garage and not paying attention, and rear ends my passenger side door

one that was not my fault and trashed my car in a 3 car pile up
There was a wreck just a few feet behind me and I am sitting at the red light person rear ends me and my front end goes up under a grand Cherokee

the last my fault.
Before I got my Car fixed from the Pileup mentioned above this I looked down for two seconds the light was green I looked up and the guy was still sitting there. busted my radiator and riped the oil filter off my car somehow.

So Yeah I have some experience with this shit.

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 00:54:26

I sort of got hit by a car.I was heading to school and when I was just crossing this wide street,this small white Honda bumped into me,I got on it's hood and barely dented it.The driver (It was a lady by the way)got out of the car and told me I got to pay for the damages.I was like why should I pay if you hit me.She was lucky that I'm nice and was late for school,so I just left her their there complaining about the car.I've never heard of her since.


Sig made by me, want one? Pm me, don't expect something really fancy though.

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 00:55:29

In January of 2006 I was hit by a car while walking to school. Luckily the injuries were only minor.

Every thread I touch, dies.

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 01:01:57

Got a Picture of the Leg

No I am not wearing Pants,

Hit by a car?

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 01:09:26

At 4/18/07 01:05 AM, Medinus wrote:
At 4/18/07 01:01 AM, Sanity-of-Insanity wrote: Got a Picture of the Leg

No I am not wearing Pants,
I can't see anything. Not even you're penis D: Make it so theres not so much light reflecting on it.

This may be a but better. That is also the right side of my right leg.

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 01:10:30


Forgot the pic

Hit by a car?

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 01:10:41

My mom (seriously) just got hit (last week) by a guy on PCP (a drug). He has no insurance and has been to jail about 18 times before. He had a hearing today and pleaded innocent.

The ass hole got into ANOTHER accident the day before the trial and is going to trial for that also (in 4 weeks).

So yes, someone I know has been in an accident...

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 01:15:37

At 4/18/07 01:14 AM, Cabbster wrote: This one time I was riding down a decently sloped street with my bicycle a long time ago and this van just speeds from the right of me and hits me sideways, and I flipped after hitting the car and the sidewalk curb at the same time. It was awesome because it wasn't painful.

Sounds like fun... Ill try it sometime!!!!

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 02:58:55

I was on my bike, innocently riding along on the road when I noticed the fast food place I had to get to. I quickly turned into the place but didn't look to see if any cars were coming. Then, a car came out of nowhere and hit me. After the car hit me, it sped off into the distance. I then got up and walked into the red ring of light to do a mission for O G Loc.

True story.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 05:22:32

At 4/18/07 01:10 AM, Sanity-of-Insanity wrote: DAMN SHIT FUCK PISS TAWT ASS!

Forgot the pic

Ouchies dude, that must have hurt a bit.

Too true:

SCUD14 wrote: I got kicked out a bookshop because someone misplaced the bibles. I returned them to their brethren in fiction.

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 05:24:48

Sorry for the double post )-_-)

At 4/18/07 12:26 AM, JJgamer93 wrote: Surprisingly it wasn't to bad, I only had a broken arm and a cracked head(I got 14 staples)Yeah and I still have a scar on my head.

Seeing that no one has said it I shall be the first. PIC OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN (For all of you that have a scar or somthing excpt sanity of insanity coz he already posted one)

Too true:

SCUD14 wrote: I got kicked out a bookshop because someone misplaced the bibles. I returned them to their brethren in fiction.

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 06:52:54

I won't believe anyone who says they actually got hit by a car...I'm setting myself up for some wisecrack who quotes this and says, "My Matchbox car hit my foot, do you believe me?".

There is a war going on in you're mind. People and ideas all competing for you're thoughts. And if you're thinking, you're winning.

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 07:59:39

I'm not an idiot who dances naked in the street, so no.

Skype: the_sleuth

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 10:50:45

Maybe when i was about 10 i was riding my bike and fell off and there was a car coming...Stopped like 2 inches from my face.


Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 14:08:14

ive been hit by cars 4 times and by a motorcycle one time... because i have to cross a highway to get into the city :D (oh yeah, the motorcycle hurt really fucking bad, i couldnt walk for 6 weeks)

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 14:13:56

Someone hit me at a crosswalk a few years back.

I had stayed late at school to research in the library, and as I was leaving to cross the crosswalk, some dumb bimbo nailed me going like, 20 MPH. She managed to brake AFTER the fact, but I walked away from it with no serious injuries (other than being sore). Also, as she hit me, I punched my fist into her hood and dented it a little.

I found the whole thing to be more funny than annoying. All the cars next to her rolled down their windows and started yelling at her, honking, and some guy called her a dumb bitch.

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 14:14:48

At 4/18/07 02:13 PM, Red-Scorpion wrote: i hate those people who lie about car accidents like that guy who lied about sir S of Turbo and saind he was dead i fucking hate that guy

if that was directed at me i must tell you that the speed limit is pretty fucking low here

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 14:23:06

Haven't been hit by a car...

But I fell out of one!

Don't care

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 17:52:04

Some people don't beleive my story, so.....
Here yah go!(me a week or so after) Heres my pretty banged up head.

Hit by a car?

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 17:54:19

never got hit ... but I was in like 4 car crashes ...

flashback :O

95% of newgrounds likes boobies... shocking isn't it ?

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-18 19:04:38

Well last Tuesday I was crossing a main road and didn't see this small car coming and it was only a few feet away from me when I looked around and saw it. The first thing I thought was as follows.
"I'm going to die. Heh, reminds me of that commercial on TV telling you to slow down by lowering your speed to 30 or something so the child doesn't die. I bet this guy must be doing at least 50. Fuck this shit!"

This of course took place in literally no time at all. So at that point I sprinted the rest of the road and had the back of my foot hit by the bumper. No real damage done, but it knocked me over just as I reached the sidewalk. My friend, who had watched the whole thing told me the driver looked like he needed a change of underwear. Some fucking friend he was. All he did was laugh at me for the next half hour.

BBS Signature

Response to Hit by a car? 2007-04-23 19:25:25

ive been hit by a smart car, and im really serious here, not like these morons.