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Frank adventures collection

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Frank adventures collection 2007-03-24 16:33:01

Franks Adventure Collection Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for those who are stuck on some of the parts in the adventure and (Like me) get pissed off when there stuck at one point. But then when you get passed it you can do the rest, so this is the collection and this is just the way I went through the games but there are probably diffrent ways to do it. I also searced it and didn't see any walk throughs for the Franks Adventures.

Franks adventure 1,2,3,4

Franks Adventure 1 walkthrough

First when you start go to Tai its the kid with brown hair who wants you to play his Lameboy, hes the kid from digiman if that helps. Well when you talk to him he wants you to play his game and try to beat it, its a repetative game so its only easy. Well when you beat the game he'll thank you and give you a pic, which will give you a head start.

Then go find boobs illustrated building and sell the boss whos in the back the pic and you get 250 bucks

Then go down to the beach and on the farthest left side theres a nude pic, lucky you a free one. Also in the middle of the the beach so just keep going right and you'll find a cell phone. Then go to the harbour keep going right and theres a drug dealer and buy a gramm of coke.

In the top right of the entire map theres a girl who'll sell you a nude pic of her, you should still be able to buy it. Then start walking left and theres a distressed women looking for coke give her some coke and then get the nude pic off her. Then go to boobs illustrated and sell those three pics make some money.

Then were you met the first guy Tai, then walk and get the jive shoes in the store. When you buy them go up and theres a dog running catch up to him an grab the note. The note is a phone number and its the number to someone selling a nudepic, use the cell phone and call it. Then you must go meet them in the cinema. (Where you get to see bouncing boobies)

Then just go and sell the pic.

Tada you have beaten the game, but the next ones get harder.

Franks Adventure 2

First I went to the harbor and got 2 gramms of coke off wario then went to the kid who was just south of were you started and gave it to him for my first nude pic. On your way to give hime the coke theres a girl selling a banana buy it. Also in the middle north theres a map thats a way I maybe able to help explain were to go. Just North of boobs united theres donkey kong give him the banana then you get a nude pic, then go to boobs united and sell those pics.

In the top left of the map is another coke head, give her the second gramm and get the pic.

Now I'm giving you a list of things to get:

1) The fire extungusher in the bottom left part of the map
2) Buy some icecream in the park, the flavour must be Streawberry-Mint-Lemon
3) 200 Doller shoes off sonic, they'll help. Hes west of boobsunited
4) Now Buy some pruning shears in the garden shop, I fount that place a bitch to find. So on the map it shows its in coloum 2 row 2

Now find the burning building and go inside, you need to talk to the cop. Then the top right computer opens the elevator so go up and theres a big fire and a misses trapped. If you got the fire extingusher you can put it out and save the misses to get a pic.

Now just right of the burning building is a rose in the park, pluck the rose with the shears and then go down south were theres this orange hair misses who wants a gentlemen. Give her the rose and get the nude pic.

Then just right of the garden store theres a misses who got some information for you but will only give it to you for some ice cream (Bitch) give her the icecream and she gives you a phonenumber 835 632

Go sell the pics you've got then go down south in one of the roads is a guy selling a phone battery for 300 coins (What a jip) buy it put it in your cell phone and now you can call the number. Go find pico at the most eastern point of the harbor and buy the pic. Then just go and sell the pic and your done.

You have beaten the second one

Franks Adventure 3

In this one your cell will ring and you will now have to get pics for some perverted aliens. Now go south and find a amusment store its a arcade and Zock (remember that name) wants you to play a game and beat a high score. This game is hard so it may take awhile, but if you ever do it (took me about 27 times) He'll give you a pic. MUST READ you dont have to do the monkey game, go in the game but don't play just exit the game and Zonk will give you the pic anyway.

Now go right and across the bridge on the other side of the map will be a naked betty from the fintstones, now but 2 gramms off her. Go back to the bridge and on teh left side theres a misses in the need for some coke, she'll give you a pick. On the left island in the bottom left theres a misses you also needs coke she'll give you a pic. You can upload the pics if you want at the statue on the top of the beach on the left side of teh island, click the statues left eye. You don't get any money (Cheap aliens)

Now go buy some a fishing rod and the first lure there at the fishing store on the left island near the beach, because you'll befishing for along time. FIsh until your eyes hurt, then travel across the bridge and head up once you hit the right island and sell your fish to kirby, this will also take awhile. Then go back to tke tackle shop and buy the rest of the lures.

Now keep fishing and getting better and more expensive fish to make more money, until you get around 10,000 coins. Then rent the yacht and sail down south till you find another island and then land on it. In the island theres is a shovel but they call it a spade and theres a plant but the maze is small you'll find them there quite easily. When thats done sail back to the main island.

Then go to the left side beach and at the top of the beach is a voodoo shop give misses the plant you found on the other island. Now go north from the left side of the bridge to the grave and dig up the dead body. Then bring it back to the voodoo place and the cat shall live again. You must then bring the cat to her owner who is near the amusment building.

Now got to the dolphin pool you know were it is, then get the fishing rod and fish up that bracelot, then go into town and give the bracelot to the girl who needs it.

Then go to were you rented the boat and started fishing (Yes one last time) catch the blue stripe fish, you need to get the last lure but you probably have that if you bought it. Go get the fish turned into a meal then give it to the other misses in town who is on the right island.

Then just upload the pics, and were done.

The fourth one in next post

Drop Ya Pants and Grind, with M to the C

The Greatest Story Ever Told

BBS Signature

Response to Frank adventures collection 2007-03-24 16:36:12

Franks Adventure 4

Now the fourth one is alot more complicated and maybe the longest one yet. First go in the maze and take the first right and keep going to you can go any farther then up and far as you can then left as far as you can then you can leave. Now go back to were you started and go up until you see a cat and then keep going up take the right then go down. You'll soon see 2 paths going up take the one on the right and head up to get the bucket, now you can leave.

Your going to hate me for this but you gotta do something like the fishing. Go to the middle of the far right side of the map and talk to the talking tit he'll give you 50 bucks to get him 5 beers which is at the bottom left corner of the map, now keep doing this until you get about 500 dollers.

Shopping list time, lets see what we got:

1) Buy some panties in teh vending machine, just south the the tittie guy.
2) Now theres a misses selling tulips in the park buy the pink, red orange
3) Go left and buy some drugs off the drug dealer, the ecstasy not the weed

Now go back to the maze and go on the path to were you got the bucket, when theres 2 trails going up, keep going right and that trail will drag you up and then back down until you hit a fork, which is either up or down. Go up and see the mauland guy, give him the drugs you bought.

Note: when you go to glamourville pick up baseballs to give to a robot in the top right corner who'll buy them for 4 bucks each.

Now get out of the maze and go directly right until you see the airport and fly to glamourville. Now go right and then down and there will be distressed panda tell him "Zock" and he'll give you a pic. Now go right and theres a girl names Natsumi, talk to her and then go to speedy who is standing outside of teh airport and tell him to fly "Natsumi" in the sky. Now make sure its flying over where Natsumi is so she'll give you a nude pic.

Now go to the far left side of the harbor and skim your bucket over the top of the water, then go right theres a guy who wants some panties, give them to him and he'll give you frog eyes. Now go up north and in the middle of the top of the map theres a voodoo place, give the misses the frog eyes and you get a invisable potion.

On your way up there you may have seen a shooting gallery, well just north of that is a talking carrot and head left until you see a carrot field. Dump your bucket of sewege on the carrots and talk to the carrot king and he will give you poisoned carrots. Now go to the shooting and shoot and hit 7 pigs to get some pork meat. Try to win about 3 times so you got 3 meat. Then go back to the harbor and around the middle is a diner, go there and get the pigs roasted.

Now go to the airport, go right one block and then up and you'll see a dog person give him the roasted pig, and he'll let you talk to Paris Milton (But who gives a shit about her) Give her the tulips you bought and she'll give you a titty purse, (Must hink your a girl) Now go to the airport and fly back to weedsterdamn, but if you have any baseballs sell them then go fly.

When you land go left till you see a kid with a bunny, give him the poisoned carrot and the bunny will die (Mwahahaha!) then he'll give you the cage, he dosent really seem mad or even sad.

Now your going to need alot of cash so you may have to do the tittys beer mission for awhile until you got about another 500 bucks. Then go to the weed store and buy 11 gramms of weed. Now give the hello tiity bag to the girl just right from the shop. Now go to the airport and use the invisable potion and run through the gate you don't have to pay for a ticket. Not just right of were natsumi was is a football field now give the guy 10 gramms, Now just south is another misses who wants weed give it to her and then get a pic.

Now after shes given you the pic, go left and there will be a bearded guy give him the rope and cage. Now go to the floopy disk and throw the lobster trap into the water and then catch a lobster. Then go to the robot were you sell you badeballs and head left till you see bill clinton in front of a big sign give him the lobster and he'll give you a bigmac.

Another block left you'll see a guy with a car give him the foot ball and he'll give you a ride in is car. Now he'll yell hey chica at a girl, when the rides over go back to that girl and she'll give you a nude pic.

Fly to weedsterdam and the walk back to were you started right in front of the maze. Then go south and theres a girl who wants a bigmac give it to her and she'll give you a pic. Then after go back to the beggining of the maze and then you'll beat the game.

First go up till you get to the part weres theres 2 paths going up, this time go up the left one and then soon you'll see 2 paths going left then go on the top one and keep going on that path. Keep on that path there will be one break off from the path dont go on it, keep going straight until you see a castle. Give him the pics

Then you won and have beaten the Frank series.

Drop Ya Pants and Grind, with M to the C

The Greatest Story Ever Told

BBS Signature

Response to Frank adventures collection 2023-05-14 20:55:37


I recently joined Newgrounds, but I was wondering how I can see this post and other posts when I followed them like this one.

Response to Frank adventures collection 2023-05-14 21:03:45

At 5/14/23 08:55 PM, AsianAgent wrote: Question:

I recently joined Newgrounds, but I was wondering how I can see this post and other posts when I followed them like this one.

Can you clarify your question? This is a 15 year old topic.

Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

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Response to Frank adventures collection 2023-05-16 19:43:29

I just wanted to know where can I find this specific topic that I followed.

Response to Frank adventures collection 2023-05-16 20:44:18

At 5/14/23 08:55 PM, AsianAgent wrote: Question:

I recently joined Newgrounds, but I was wondering how I can see this post and other posts when I followed them like this one.

So you're looking for updates on the threads that you follow on the forums?

You can see new posts on favorite topics by going to your feed.

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But that only shows the new posts made, if you are looking for a list of your favorite topics then I don't really know where to find that.