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Warhammer 40.000 Crew

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Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-12 21:04:26

I just bought Khorne today!

It was one of the last pieces to finish my chaos army. Soon pictures.

Have you read the new Codex?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-13 05:50:59

At 5/11/06 05:13 PM, Honorboundplayer wrote: I wanna join- I do Tau and Imperial Guard.

Yes-yes, welcome aboard.

At 5/12/06 09:04 PM, WawaneesA wrote: I just bought Khorne today!

It was one of the last pieces to finish my chaos army. Soon pictures.

Have you read the new Codex?

What codex might you be talking about then? Or are you referring to the upcoming Cities of Death supplement.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-13 06:54:46

Official trailer for the Mark of Chaos fantasy strategy game can be found here: http://www.fileplane..0/fileinfo/Warhammer


It's better then the DoW intro in my opinion and a damn good reason to give fantasy a try sometime.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-13 14:18:21

Hey, do ny of you know about the Tau Sky Ray Sky Gunship. Its equipped with 6 seeker missiles. But are these limited? So you only can shoot 6 of them? If so, it seems kind of worthless. Thanks in advance.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-13 17:23:34

At 5/13/06 02:18 PM, DDRNERD wrote: Hey, do ny of you know about the Tau Sky Ray Sky Gunship. Its equipped with 6 seeker missiles. But are these limited? So you only can shoot 6 of them? If so, it seems kind of worthless. Thanks in advance.

Yes, it may only carry six seeker missiles and no more. But it's pretty fair, seeing as these things can be launched by other units with a markerlight and not just the Sky Ray itself. Then again, with a good LOS the Ray can fire at two targets itself. It's a cheap missile tank with the ability to fire all missiles on turn one if played right.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-13 18:20:32

Alright thanks, but I have another question. In the rulebook(4th ED page 19) it says that you must take a leadership test to attack a target that is further away. Well this would make perfect sense if the there is a target charging at you. But what if I have a squad of firewarriors at one end of the table[Ill call this group A], and on the other side of the table is two squads [B and C]of something that shoots good, like firewairriors. Group B is directly in front of A and group C is a little to the diagonaly and to the left of B. [There is no cover whatsoever.]
Now group A wants to shoot at group C because they have better guns than group B. But group C is about 2 inches further away than group B. Would they still have to take a leadership test? Because from there distance, they probably wouldnt even be able to tell who is further away and would seem pointless.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-13 18:38:29

Alright, just to clarify, heres a picture with what I mean:

Link to Imageshack:example

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-14 04:18:31

Yes, you still need to take the test, as they are further away. Don't fret, Leadership tests aren't that much of a hassle. I play Imperial Guard and passing those tests is easy! Okay, I make use of the Leadership rule for the Imperial Guard. If you really want to pass the test with your Tau, I'd suggest investing into a Command & Control Node.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-14 05:23:40

I reckon it would be cool if there was an online warhammer 40k and you get to make your own character from any army and you could train up its level and stats

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-14 12:30:50

At 5/14/06 05:23 AM, Levia wrote: I reckon it would be cool if there was an online warhammer 40k and you get to make your own character from any army and you could train up its level and stats

would be difficult to make work in the scales that make 40k great, as it's difficult to have mass battles online often especially with everyone having custom characters. It would work very well as a Necromunda online game (Begging to be made) or even Inquisitor.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-14 14:32:31

A Necromunda game could best be described as a mix between "Riddick - Escape from Butcher Bay", F.E.A.R. and the R-rated sections of Vampire Bloodlines. Another game really screaming for a digital version is Gorka Morka really, that game has a great violence and laugh factor built in.

Fear not, someday soon I will have graduated from school and while I may be an IT-helpdesk flunky, in my spare time I have been working on penning together the ultimate 1st person 40k experience! Already twenty pages strong and only scratching the surface, damn I'm so cunning sometimes that only I can see it!

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-14 15:25:30

Fear not, someday soon I will have graduated from school and while I may be an IT-helpdesk flunky, in my spare time I have been working on penning together the ultimate 1st person 40k experience! Already twenty pages strong and only scratching the surface, damn I'm so cunning sometimes that only I can see it!

Sounds like fair reason to indulge in a bit of chin stroking and saying 'good....good' in a sinister fashion, i'd venture.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-15 04:06:02

I'd grow a goattie and wear a codpiece, that's how good it would be. Of course, not every mind is as aligned or bright as mine, those will be needing extra persuasion. Where is that Eurocorp Persuadertron (tm) when you need it!

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-15 05:20:37

I wish to join the Warhammer 40k crew, as I see it as an great opportunity to cleanse even some more hearts of all thoughts of... well... in fact... everything! I will add the 'Warhammer 40k Crew' sig, and, as an addition, also add the Ta'Lissera text, to prove that I am a Tau commander and not an Imperial Regiment Officer.

For those ignorant sub-spieces and xenos that does not know what Ta'Lissera is; the Ta'Lissera is roughly translated to either bonding or marriage, when a group of Tau fire warriors have fought alongside each other in in dozens of battlefields, hardened by the winds of war and bullets who have passed through the flesh, having seen the blood flow on the ground and heard the screams of million warriors and civilians in the endless fire and pain of war, they can decide to make a bond. The bonding ritual is most oftenly the decided group leaders (or possibly Shas'ui) duty and is performed by cutting the sept markings into the chest of every single tau fire warrior with a ceremonial knife. The bonding knife is then carried whenever the team goes to battle by the group leader, and the Tau knows that they have sworn to whatever happens, always be along each others side.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-15 12:24:10

Welcome aboard, enjoy your stay.

And we are not idiots you know.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-16 04:25:36

At 5/15/06 12:24 PM, Lieutenant_Brookman wrote: Welcome aboard, enjoy your stay.

Thank you, sir!

And we are not idiots you know.

No, but there are all to many people who are. I excpected you to know what a Ta'Lissera is, but I don't excpect everyone to. There is always someone who are an 'ignorant sub-spiece' and a lot of people who are not.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-16 10:55:39

Well, start by dropping this crap act of acting all enlightened first, as it's not making you friends any time soon.

In other news, did any of you bizarro bull-dykes manage to get your hands on the Imperial City thing yet? Those panels are big enough to create Inquisitor themed buildings.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-16 11:38:29

Boltrig requesting permission to sign up.
Imperial guard armour through and through.
On the specialist side BFG as well.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-16 15:52:21

At 5/16/06 11:38 AM, boltrig wrote: Boltrig requesting permission to sign up.
Imperial guard armour through and through.
On the specialist side BFG as well.

Welcome aboard, enjoy your stay, don't mind the regulars, they may bite but mean no harm.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-16 15:56:35

Glad to see so many people pouring in lately, welcome to all.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-17 16:34:02

It seems Black Libarary is having a clearout sile. The Sabat Crusades is down by 20% and a shit load of books t-shirts little Emblems and Icons and a lot of junk going for penny's.

But there also still struggling with acquiring stock a lot of books are out of print and the little memorabillia is often out of stock.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-17 21:50:30

At 5/17/06 04:34 PM, RedGlare wrote: It seems Black Libarary is having a clearout sile. The Sabat Crusades is down by 20% and a shit load of books t-shirts little Emblems and Icons and a lot of junk going for penny's.

And where is the Horus Heresy novels. Do you see Horus Heresy novels cause I don't. Where are they I ask. Is it so much trouble that I ask for a great novel in Warhammer history and here they are having a clearance sale? The nerve of black library sometimes.

But there also still struggling with acquiring stock a lot of books are out of print and the little memorabillia is often out of stock.

And I should know from first hand experience. I was robbed of those books. Bastards said they were on hold. For who? I want to know and this out of print crap is so outrageous why can't I get my W40K books!? Damn you C.S Goto.

BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-18 03:34:41

The Horus Heresy books sold really good, hence they are out of stock for a short while. My advice is to get them the moment they are released.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-18 09:27:08

Maybe you could attempt to befriend a GW Staffy to gain precious shipping knowledge, although the ones in my local have become a bit shirty in recent days. Must be the enforced Part-time hours. Or maybe they just recognise me as the one who says things about them being 'shirty' online.

Irritating as the difficulty to obtain the book is, it'll be worth the wait if the first chapter online is anything to go by. I've just obtained another book that's almost impossible to get here, The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I look forward to seeing whether it can be theologically compatible with my Cult of the Emperor beliefs. It would be spiritually enlightening for me to enjoy dressing as a pirate and having every friday off as a religious holiday, combined with the holy slaughter of the Xenos threat and general Imperial goodliness.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-18 16:44:46

At 5/17/06 09:50 PM, Warhammer_40K wrote:
At 5/17/06 04:34 PM, RedGlare wrote:
And where is the Horus Heresy novels. Do you see Horus Heresy novels cause I don't. Where are they I ask. Is it so much trouble that I ask for a great novel in Warhammer history and here they are having a clearance sale? The nerve of black library sometimes.

Cheer up if you hurry you can still get Horus Rising its sort of a prequal to the Heresy back when Horus was the Emperor's favorite son and leader of the Luna Wolfs. In the days when worshipping even the Emperor as a God was forbidden.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-19 10:03:43

that's what he is reffering too. and it is already too late...

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-19 10:53:29

are you guys mor "painting" or "playing"

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-19 11:01:41

At 5/19/06 10:53 AM, WawaneesA wrote: are you guys mor "painting" or "playing"

Where all round most paint and play and we also read and apparently discuss Warhammer 40K history and other stuff.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-19 17:08:45

I need some HQs for my Dark Eldar team and some elites but dunno what to get?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2006-05-20 04:04:18

At 5/19/06 11:25 PM, ScottCarroll wrote: i wanna join , i play space marines , and just starting traiter guardsmen

Welcome aboard, enjoy the stay.

At 5/19/06 05:08 PM, Levia wrote: I need some HQs for my Dark Eldar team and some elites but dunno what to get?

You should take a lord with a rock hard combat retinue, but a Haemonculi is also a good choice. Just be careful with the combat drugs, as they will backfire.

As for elites, go with Wyches of course, but do mount them in a transport as they are quite vulnerable otherwise.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature