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Warhammer 40.000 Crew

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Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-26 18:26:18

hey guys, i know it's a bit off topic but....
Bolters: do they fire little rockets or just bullets that explode a split second after impact?
on the boltguns they have a hole where spent casings would come out and on the pistol there is none.
oh yeah, theres one on the heavy bolter too.

I reckon it would look better with casings flying every where on an animation the idea of it is a bit more actiony don't you think?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-27 04:13:21


On Bolters: Bolters were seen first as caseless weapons that fired self propelled munitions known as bolts. But as the art department of Games Workshop said: Shell casings ejected from the weapons are far more cool looking. Just think of it, shell casings bbeing ejected from a weapon are cool and a pile of spent shells next to a pile of slain foes is even cooler.

Thus the standard bolt round can be described as the following:
1. The standard round has a dual charge
2. When pulling the trigger you set of the first charge, allowing the round to go through the barrel and exit the weapon
3. The second charge is 'activated' just outside the barrel, propelling the round towards the target like a small miniature rocket (This sound of the dual detonation is commonly described as the so-called thunderclaps)
4. Once the bolt hits the target it will detonate a spilt second afterwards inside the target, ensuring a painfull and gory demise

One minor note: The bolter is NOT a sub-machine gun esque weapon. It is far too large and has a extremely heavy calibre for a smg (GW says that the bolter has the calibre size of .75)

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-27 04:21:47

About the bolt pistol ejection port, I think that it is on top. Much like that silly Desert Eagle, the ejection port isn't visible.

Please examine defence item A.

Note that there is a small piece of the top of the pistol that is lower then the rest. When you pull the trigger the blowback pulls that tiny plate backwards, ejecting the spent casing.

And it's not off-topic.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-27 07:46:00

well in the grand gw HQ in nottingham they used to give u a tour and there was a "working" model of the bolter, it can fire as fast as u pull the trigger, has 24 clip size and kicks ass! still i prefer my shooters :D

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-27 12:16:10

Ah, bolter recoil, that is one of the biggest discussions around about the weapon. Marines are assisted by their armour to keep the weapon steady. It should be noted that most of the recoil comes from the second charge (the bang with which the tiny rocket accelerates) causes the most blowback, seeing as the gasses produced by the tiny missile will go into the barrel. By holding the bolter slightly tilted or firing from the hip, this should negate the blowback.

The bolter has several settings:
S: Single shot - with each trigger pull a single round is fired
SA: Semi automatic - Keeping the trigger depressed fires the weapon at a slow rate, with a second interfall between each shot
B: Burst - A pull of the trigger sends out a burst of two or three rounds, depending on the original Forge World and the chapter.
F: Full-auto - Though this is a big question mark, seeing as full-auto on a bolter is not that efficient with the low clip capacity.

As for Guardsmen with bolters, I present to thee People's evidence B: A Cadian veteran with a bolter in full-auto. The fact that this weapon is fired in full-auto either means that it's modified or already features the full-auto selection.

Oh, and my website is at about 10-15% and DB is not pleased with this threat. He is not amused and we are plotting your short, but extremely painfull demise. DB is already laughing with joy and hate as he plots to take you out to die in a 'friendly' match of Rival Species!

Warhammer 40.000 Crew

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-27 14:02:43

Greetings, and welcome to the new members.

First a note about the Boltpistol. You could have a look at the document D where you can see easily one in action. Also the Boltguns are made to be used with both left and right hand. As Space Marines are ambidextrous (and not right handed like some heretics claimed) so they can fight even if they lose the use of their right arm, as it can eject the shells to the left or right. Handy to prevent receiving an hot bolt shell in the face if you have to swap hands.

Boltguns are always seen with a lot of shells flying around in pictures, but this is mainly for the image to represent the Emperor's faithful soldier showing his rage to his foul enemies. However, the full auto mode work but it have a recoil that a guard can't take, but it should work well with a non standard clip. A strong guard can use a bolter without problem in Semi Auto, after all a marine can wear and use an heavy bolter alone. (I'm sure it's still called "Back Breaker")

A full auto bolter is also nice if you use it in a rage induced madness, emptying it before jumping in enemy lines.

Anyway, I won the game last week, against a space wolf player. Nice way to restart his hobby ! But I'd be happy if I could kill something else than Orks, Necrons or other Marines.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-27 14:34:02

At 1/27/04 09:08 AM, Sgt_OBrien wrote: Exactly.The bolter isn't like a gun where you just pull down the trigger and it blazes away, it's a single fire weapon pretty much.So,

well its basically a semi automatic weapon.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-27 14:38:09

Really tho is it just me thats noticed that technology hasnt gone much further than now? i know there was the dark ages but jesus the boltgun has recoil, an american should laugh at such as thing, theyve had guns wiv tiny recoil for over 35 years (m16).

meh who cares its cool, shooters are apparently unholdable for humans cos they have so much recoil hahaha.

did anyone watch that jeremy clarkon program the other week where it was on about guns?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-27 15:44:47

I don't play Counter-Strike and most probably never will again. Say whatever you want, the game is killed off beyond the point of reviving it into it's former glory. But that is the opinion of a guy that has been playing quite a few games on-line.

Ah yes, ye olde 2nd edition Space Marine kits (including 6 marines) had the option for both left and right handed bolter action. It's a shame that the lefties are being left out. (Also, the bolters from the old kits didn't have the ejection ports yet, it wasn't until a few years ago that they were turned into spent case spitting blocks of metal and ceramics.)

Also, Deathwatch can move and shoot with heavy bolters! Aha! They can install a special module on their Heavies which enables them to fire in a 'stable' and 'safe' condition. (Excluding factors such as weather, enviroment and charging masses of xeno scum)

And the M16, though a low recoil has a nice nick-name from the Nam era: 'Widow Maker' Seeing as that plastic piece of shit jamms in the moments when you need the bitch the most! I'd rather have a solid and indestructable AK47 over a M16 anytime! I fired an M16 once with an open day of the army, the bitch jammed! Atleast the Europeans (Henkler & Koch, Enfield and Fabrique Nationale) know how to do it right.

But back on the topic again.

Give me these items and I'll base a story around it!
1. A main character - Name, sex, age, affiliation (Arbitrer, triator, civilian, merc etc etc etc)
2. Main driving point - What is the purpose of the 'hero'
3. Setting - Where does the story take place?
4. Enemy - Who will eh encounter? Rival gangers, heretics, Imperials, xeno's, mutants etc etc etc

It would be swell if each of you only picked a single subject, making it more diverse and entertaining to write. Be creative, be tough and be quick!

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-27 18:43:01


Have not posted in a while. Was busy setting up untimely and rather entertaining demise of cult leader. Involved an outhouse, a length of rope, a number of poisoned eardrops, an explosive pinata, two clams, a three-mile stretch of frozen river and a large marine with a mallet.

Warhammer 40.000 Crew

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-28 13:24:53

You could make a flash where a supply ship of imperial weapons goes through the warp and comes out near middle earth,around the time of helms deep.
thinking that it's an imperial world, they drop the weapons and the humans use them on the puny uruk-hai.
Or mabye gaurdsmen help,or space marine.

Space marines'd be good 'cos you could put assault terminators in front of that door thingy, but do a made up chapter though like the death ravens or summat.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-28 13:32:09

i'll change my damn sig when i get a drawing program, or when my scanner works.

unless any of you guys can make a sig about foot skating?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-28 14:50:50

After all, FB's world is a planet isolated in the warp where it happen that humans, eldars, orks, squats, and more live there, maybe one day a ship will make it trough and rediscover this pretty messed up world... Of course it can't be due to plot holes, but it's said.

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-28 14:54:56

dude sweet a WH 40K club im a player to i collect CHAOS SPACE MARRINES

can i join¨'

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-28 15:10:42

I think I'll say somethign =)
I collect Imp. Guard for my Warhammer 40K army, and just now vampire counts for my Warhammer army.

I have a question for other Warhammer / 40K players.
If Games Workshop were to merge the rules for both games, which would you want to be kept or scrapped?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-28 15:36:59

I am back. Ok so...yeah...I got more stuff. Sentinels rock! and I fought Chaos last night and won my first battle with my imperial Guard. yay! so yeah I am working on my new army still but I am playing around

Warhammer 40.000 Crew

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-28 15:40:47

Ah, with story time I meant not in flash format, seeing as that program is beyond my comprehension. (For the time being that is). I meant in plain text format. You give the ideas and I mess them up and crank out a story.

All I need to know are these things:
1. Character name, sex, age and proffession. (I.E. Mah Baker, female, 54 and a armed robber)
2. Main plot. (Protagonist has to rob the first Imperial bank!)
3. Setting of the story. (The stinking bowels of Hive Primus on Necromunda)
4. Enemies. (Enforcers, fellow gangers and rival gangers)
There is no need to think of the wargear that the 'hero/heroine' carries, seeing as that will be randomly selected through the magic device known as the D6. Weapons include almost every known Imperial weapon and several xeno (Eldar, Dark Eldar, Ork, Chaos, Tau and Kroot to be precise.)

Anybody ever ate manflesh? Necronboy asked me that today... I'm on the verge of using my 9-70 entrenching tool as a bludgeon to dislocate his head from his shoulders. I kid you not. That bag of crap is starting to annoy me with his offers of 'good will' (Wanna have a pocket protector, binairy watch or a Warcraft 3 copy?) and odd questions (Ever drank blood? Are you too fascinated by death? Did you know chicks dig to paint 40k figures!) of interest. Normally I would ignore it, but seeing as he sits right next to me, this makes it all a wee bit more delicate. But I can understand why Khorne is such a favoured god now! I'd love to split that feckers skull and paint the classroom red!

As for the middle earth stuff; I've had several short blurbs about a LotR and 40k cross-over which I posted waaaay back when... dunno. It featured several nifty things, but a crapload of plotholes and things that needed to be sealed up with anti-plothole substance.

And as for the FB or ye olde world. Should the Imperium ever encounter it, it would be for the best to just wipe it out, seeing as some of the races are extinct (Dwarfs, Skaven and Lizardmen) and most of the other races are xeno, traitor or a mix of both. I can't see a happy and clean way of saving a world that somehow manages to maintain a perfect balance between chaos and 'normality.' Better to let Exterminatus take it.

Quick tips from my Enginseer half for stupid machine spirits that refuse to properly obey their master's will:
1. Taketh thy computer casing and unpluggeth it
2. Shake the computer case violently to hear if any parts are loose
3. If this is not the case, tosseth the computer case in thy trashcan and summon thy kin for a new machine
4. Ensure that the newly purchased machine spirit of thy new PC is sanctioned and blessed by a local Enginseer or Techpriest

May the great Omnissiah guide thee in thy quest for a better Computer

Warhammer 40.000 Crew

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-28 17:03:15

hey brookman how about this?
Name: Capt. Jaden Arcanis
Position: Company Commander, 205th Infantry Battalion, Company D,
Home Planet: Cantos IV
Main Plot
the Cantonian regiments have been called to duty to fight for the survival of their sister world, Arctos. the story is about the challenges of the new Company Commander, Capt. Arcanis, as he fights a war on a distant world against his foes.
enemies: invading armies ( Dark Eldar ) rival officers, corrupt officials, traitors within the company(?)
highland world of Arctos, mainly hilly and woodlands, agriculture and some industrial cities, 1 of the 2 orbiting facilities were captured by the Dark Eldar Raiders and is now their base of operations. Reports of some new device used by the Raiders?

okay thats my suggestion hope u use it somehow but i want parital credit for teh story should u use it :)

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-29 02:41:53

At least not as bad as when I read your typo ridden slabs of text, making my head spin, blood run from my noose, retch at the sight of it and almost loose my conciousness upon hearing it read by DB. It's almost like reading heretical scripture.

And about the purity sealsed - santioned rubber... I wish I didn't read that, my brain screams for a slug between the eyes.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-29 07:08:17

Allright, the first weapon carried by our protagonist is a powermace, supplemented by a bolt pistol and has as a 'special weapon' a shuriken pistol. (This weapon could be a trophy, though a very heretical one) Don't expect sudden results here m'kay. I want to make this story purfect, besides I've got a pile of work for school to do, a site to wrestle with and a big pile of manga to read (And no O'Brien, it has nothing to do with tentacles, rape and under-aged girls) so as I said, don't expect a story ready just like that.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-29 12:12:50

Right now I read a nice manga called Naruto, about a boy who wants to become Hokage (Which is the most powerfull guy in town) and make the people acknowledge his excistance. It's a nice series, not suffering from the Dragonball Z syndrome, in which a battle of 30 seconds seems to take 200 episodes of posing, having hair boners and insanely long power up sequences followed by lame fighting scenes with even lamer outcomes concisting of pink-purple smoke, the obvious 'With THAT much smoke, he has to be dead!' and the ridiculas panting they do when done with a 'powerfull' attack.

It's a good thing that Black Librairy publishes comics of its own (Still need to read the Redeemer!). The quality of these comics varies from the graphically beautifull Blood Quest II-III, Lone Wolves and Daemonifuge to the slightly sloppy drawn comics such as the Deff Skawdron ("O's that git flyin' there without wings?") and the 19'ers, ("Welcome to the jungle! The Catachans are here!") which have a high proportion of sick humour and action sequences with lots of death. (Not that the above mentioned comics in the good art lack that! Just read Blood Quest II and watch Brother Cloten beat some traitors.)

After that I'll probably read Berzerk, about a guy named Gatze (sp?) who carries a sword longer then himself. I've seen the anime series and this guy is killer. The sword he carries (The Dragon Slayer as it is called) is in itself a blunt slab of metal, but in his hands a weapon capable of slashing through the thickest armour and steel. Really worth the purchase or download, seeing as it already contains some kick ass quotes and bad ass bloody battles.

O'Brien... *sigh* It's chAOs, not chOAs... If you intend to instruct, do it properly. No wonder the failed initiates rate went up ten-fold since you became sergeant. I know you live the fast life, but slow down a notch when you type.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-29 15:07:34

It appears that posting lyrics is a 'rad' and 'kewl' thing to do... So I'll just throw in my two cents and join the 'bandwagon' of 'kewlness' and 'rad' people. These are two of my favorite pieces I listen to.

The best is yet to come

An cuimhin leat an grá
Crá croí an ghrá
Níl anois ach ceol na h-oíche
Táim sioraí i ngrá
Leannáin le smál
Leannáin le smál
Lig leis agus beidh leat
Lig leis agus beidh grá

Cuimhne leat an t-am
Nuair a bhí tú sásta
An cuimhne leat an t-am
Nuair a bhí tú ag gáire

Tá an saol iontach
Má chreideann tú ann
Tug aghaidi ar an saol is sonas sioraí inár measc

Céard a tharla do na laethanta sin
Céard a tharla do na h-oícheanta sin
An cuimhin leat an t-am
Nuair a bhí tú faol bhrón

An cuimhin leat an t-am
Go sioraí sileadh na ndeor an ormsa nó orainne a bhí an locht

Ag mothú caiite s'ar fán
Cén fáth an t-achrann is sileadh na ndeor
Tá áilleacht sa saol
Má chuardaíonn tú e
Tá gliondar sa saol
Cuardaimís e

(This is the official ending theme of Metal Gear Solid, when the credits roll down.)

Message #9

Dust to dust
Ashes to ashes
Soul to soul
I will say never again
Remember now

Omoidaite ima [1]
Remember now
The dream you had
Before you were born
The dream that has died out

Carry your heart to where you sense the cry comes from
Carry your heart till the end

Come and touch the feel of the heat going through my mind
Come and touch and don't be scared
If it's bleeding

Carry your heart to where you sense the cry comes from
Carry your heart till the end

(The Official theme of the series called Gasaraki, about Japanese traditions, mistique and robot suits duking it out in a desert country.)

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-29 15:24:28

In the story you could write it where the main character begins to mutate and have phychic powers because of his trophy (you'd have to change it to a fragment of metal/something that aided him/was taken from the battle feild/nearly killed him and it'd need to be chaosy), that way he would have to hide it from his men whilst trying to make use of its powers.

The story could be tenser then, he could hear chaos calling to him in his mind and there could be a section in the warp where warp beasts are attracted to it.

anyway good ideas?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-29 15:35:35

ahh, the emperors champion; such an easy model to convert isn't it.
I'm using it to make a blood angels commander, his wargear is: bolt-pistol, powersword, artifacer armour, iron halo & a jetpack (of course!).

I was thinking that the sword could have a special rule for being two-handed. Maybe that if you dont fire on the turn you go into combat you gain +1 strength (and +1 toughness for the whole sword thing), but you dont get the extra attack for the close combat weapon. It'd cost more points too.

the pistol has a holster and the sword is definatly a two hander so the WYSIWYG rule isn't really a problem.

Any suggestions?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-29 15:57:28

Oh, Berzerk is from before FF7! It's from the 1986! Long before some spike headed freak in FF7 came along. That and Gatze is soo much better then Cloud.

Anyway, I can see that the story is getting some really good idea's. I'm grinning with an unknown inner evil as I'm combining this tainted idea with a man who has been given command for the first time and wishes to prove himself. The Dark Eldar fit in nice and snuggly with some traitor allies, making it a wee bit more easy to incorperate it all. I'm thinking of ditching the splinter pistol seeing as I have no concept of how these xeno weapons work. (Yes I know that you must pull the trigger, duh! But how will our hero get more ammo eh?) Maybe a tainted weapon or something in that direction is more thinkable, though I've got a nice idea coming up.

The orbital station part inspired me to do a small side story involving the Deathwatch trying to cleanse it from the invaders and finding out why the Eldar managed to capture it so swift. Enter a secondairy 'main' character that's with the Deathwatch strike team tasked with its recapture.
Name: Jack
Age: 39
Equipment: Carapace armour, navy issue shotcannon (Thats an automatic shotgun with no pump and a cylinder with slugs instead of a below barrel tube), purity seals, matched pair of auto pistols and pack of smokes.
Personality: Cynical, born survivor and built to last
Homeplanet: Cypra Mundi
Designation: Death Watch veteran, assigned to spike team Fist (The first team to enter an infested area and gaining a foothold for further waves of reinforcements)
Objective: Wipe out all that is non-human, using whatever method needed

It should be noted that the Deathwatch isn't comprised solely from Space Marines. All sorts of Imperials fight along side them, such as Guard veterans, servitors, arco-flagellants, priests and techpriests. You should read one of the last Kall Jericho comics, in which he has boarded a Space Hulk. A Death Watch team also joins in, comprised of Marines from difirent chapters, Guard veterans, priests and flagellants.

Yosh, just a few more ideas and the first stage is complete. So throw in those ideas, they are most certainly helpfull!

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-29 20:53:45

first issue: what was wrong with my typing there was no errors whatsoever except for that one word "teh".

some random thought: lieutenant, shouldnt u be promoted to captain by now? i mean an officer of your caliber should gain more prestige and better pay code? our ranks have increased in size, and i think that should be taken in consideration.

the emperor's champion: dont discrace the Templar's name by associating it with such a brutal and unorthodox chapter. as a faithful Initiate and Sword Bretheren, i am offended.

my new name: i have decided to change my name. it will be associated with Warhammer 40k. im thinking Lieuteneant Altshuler

about the weapon: maybe u should make it into a close combat weapon instead of a gun like a power sword or a knife? but wait those xeno weapons are inferior? maybe have the tauor whoever drop in and give our hero a close combat weapon as a gift for ummmmm VALOR thats it!!! well anywhay ive put some purity seals on the computer and they work magic! and i put an iron halo and a rosarius onto my car's hood, giving it an invunerable 6+ save against damage, i mean them eldar jetbike just give me trouble on the freeway, but i think a "cooker" might take care of them.

Sprite Army name: im stealing my idea and using Cantonians hahaha! but who for enemies? arrrggg!!!!!!!!

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-30 04:24:27

I'm a difirent breed of Officer. I'm not in it for the prestige or paychecks. I'm not quite sure why I enlisted. My father, a great (He became a Major and commanded a full armoured company) tank ace, wanted for me to remain with the PDF, seeing as my younger brother, stronger and bolder then me, was selected for the Kasrkin. It seemed that atleast one of us had to stay home for the offspring. In a moment of anger I resigned from the Schola I attended and signed up for a campaign with the Youth Army I was inducted in. After the short campaign (2,5 years) of retaking a small agri-cultural world not far from the Cadian Gate, I returned home as a sergeant, elevated from the Youth Army to the ranks of normal Guard. Back on Cadia I served for 3 years as a clerk for a supply depot, until I got the offer to join the 13th Rifles, where most of my old comrades, clasmates and own brother served. Just before our departure I got a rapid promotion to Junior Officer, or Lieutenant as it is called. I grew into the rank over the years and established myself there as a caring leader.

Ask O'Brien, he hasn't been with me since the beginning though, I've met him in my last six years of Guard service.

Maybe I'm in it to make them realize that I can survive an Imperial crusade and that I'm better off-world then as a PDF trooper. And the reason I dont think I'll elevate is because I hate to take command of so many lives. So many depending my tactics, leadership and strategy. That is a prospect that I do not relish. But my commanding officer, who himself was a captain and climbed up to colonel, has faith in me and wants to toss me in the command platoon.

But as for the BBS ranking, there is no leader, commander or president here. We are all of equal level, there is no first founder is the boss rule and that stuff. I wish to remain Lieutenant, for it is my identity. Besides, even Lieutenants get to lead Imperial Guard armies!

+ + +

Please don't start a stupid fight between you all. Just because you don't approve the use of an Emperor's Champion (which is not an Black Templar exclusive), that doesn't mean that you should start dissing the chapter. The Blood Angels and Black Templar are very much alike, both prefer close combat and relish in it. Black Templars are by nature more agressive while the Blood Angels have their curse to aid them.

+ + +

The weapons carried by the hero are: Powermace, bolt pistol and a hellpistol. As for the tainted thing, I've already got an idea for that. As for the mace, it's be explained in the story.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-30 09:24:56

u want a chopper and u should be called warboss! :D

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-30 12:21:49

Will it be called the Darth-maul?

Response to Warhammer 40.000 Crew 2004-01-30 12:29:15

It will have a noble name, most likely something as 'Hand of Yarrick' or 'Hammer of the People' Though before we all start shouting that you've already heard that name, I stated MOST LIKELY. But the story still needs some ideas, serious ones please. O'Brien, BoltgunClock and Sivak, I haven't heard you yet.

Ah great, just what we need!


BBS Signature