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I e-mailed Wade this-
"Man clicking "Abusive" apparently isn't doing anything. The outwar situation is ridiculous. I am reading one page for "wham bam saddam!" and their are 3 outwar links nearly in a row. Most of these guys don't have a profile so you can't see how often they are writing reviews like this. I just have a question. Say I click "Abusive" ONCE. Nobody else clicks it. Will that get your attention? Or do multiple people need to click abusive? You should probably inform people of this again on the front page because not everybody stays up to date with the main page updates. I'm clicking Abusive on all outwar links and I just want to know if I'm just waisting my time. This pisses me off just as it pisses off most newgrounds users."

He replied-
"The best thing you can do is send me a list of usernames of the people posting these reviews. Then I can simply pull them up, check their reviews, and terminate them."

Tired of seeing outwar fanatics spam Newgrouds with outwar links in their reviews?

Tired of seeing idiots make reviews like this guy? http://www.newgrounds.com/gold/profile/template.php3?id=434023
Just look at one of his reviews-
"woo and yay April 15, 2003
Entry: Taishi 3 Chosen Protector Overall rating: 10
the next one is here along with all the others. WITH NO LOADING TIMES http://www.outwar.com/page.php?x=795272
Graphics: 10 Sound: 10 Interactivity: 10 Style: 10 Violence: 10 Humor: 10"

NO LOAD TIMES? Come on. If you are going to spam outwar links at least come up with something logical. This guy is a great example of why clicking "Abusive" doesn't work. Look at how many people have clicked Abusive for his reviews. He's still there, as are many idiots like him.

If you see a user make a review with an outwar link then do what Wade said, reply to this topic and add his name. Then I can collect all the names and e-mail the list to Wade.

I'll start it out. Wade will check the reviews of all of these people when we e-mail him the list. It doesn't matter if the person has a profile or not-


I'm sure we can create a huge list of these people. It's a lot easier than clicking "Abusive" for their reviews. That usually isn't effective, and creating a list saves Wade a lot of time. Let's get posting!

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:42:31

I've heard EvilPrincess666 is an Outwar spammer too, but I'm not sure. By the way, Wade might not take this into consideration. He has no way to prove that all these people actually are Outwar spammers... Just a thought.

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:44:53

yeah, some lil douche nozzler just put an outwar spam in the "veteran trap" and i reported him to outwar, by the way, wade and tom should really get an email to outwar about who has been spamming on newground once this list gets to him

¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

¥ ♡ ¥ Sig pic byTemplate88 ¥ ♡ ¥

BBS Signature

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:46:27

I want to spam this place with outwar links...

Hoep this works...


y so srs

BBS Signature

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:46:46

Why don't we just introduce penny bain to outwar? I'm sure she'll find something from the website offensive.


Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:47:33

At 4/15/03 09:42 PM, biteme2514 wrote: I've heard EvilPrincess666 is an Outwar spammer too, but I'm not sure. By the way, Wade might not take this into consideration. He has no way to prove that all these people actually are Outwar spammers... Just a thought.

WTF? Wade is the ADMINISTRATOR!!! Him, Tom, and liljim can see a lot more than normal users like us see. It's incredibly easy for him. You give him the name, he looks at their reviews. If he sees outwar, then he terminates them. It's that easy for them.

I have another spammer-


Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:47:42

At 4/15/03 09:43 PM, Blademasta wrote: fewel

I should've phrased that differently. I only wanted to say that Wade is busy enough as it is and I don't think he'll want to take the time to go through all those reviews and posts just to find Outwar spammers... Sorry about making that unclear...

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:47:59

ok, the one that spammed in the vets topic was


¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

¥ ♡ ¥ Sig pic byTemplate88 ¥ ♡ ¥

BBS Signature

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:49:08

At 4/15/03 09:42 PM, biteme2514 wrote: I've heard EvilPrincess666 is an Outwar spammer too, but I'm not sure. By the way, Wade might not take this into consideration. He has no way to prove that all these people actually are Outwar spammers... Just a thought.

By the way, as I said in my original post, THIS IS WADE'S IDEA. This isn't my idea. So how can you possibly say "Wade might not take this into consideration"?!

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:51:15


glad i could be of some help

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:52:04

yeah, go into aim chatrooms, check the message list, and see 20 different outwar linsk spammed 470632789460794396352692632693439643959648263262385285386235234689329468235
96823568946 times

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:53:32

At 4/15/03 09:51 PM, poop_face wrote: Russiasfinest

glad i could be of some help

We already got Russiasfinest but thanks for the other two =) If you find anymore just come back.

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:53:54

Can we all go spam in the outwar website to pay back?

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:54:18

At 4/15/03 09:49 PM, Mushroom_Clock wrote: By the way, as I said in my original post, THIS IS WADE'S IDEA. This isn't my idea. So how can you possibly say "Wade might not take this into consideration"?!

Well, I guess that makes sense. Sorry about that. I should probably read these posts more carefully before posting... By the way, even if he does terminate their account or whatever the hell it is he does, couldn't they just come back under a different account and just start spamming again?

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 21:55:06

At 4/15/03 09:52 PM, PsychoDoughboy wrote: yeah, go into aim chatrooms, check the message list, and see 20 different outwar linsk spammed 470632789460794396352692632693439643959648263262385285386235234689329468235
96823568946 times

yeah, its pretty fun to sit there and for every outwar link i see i just report them as spammers to outwar, i think i got 10 people in trouble from outwar today

¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

¥ ♡ ¥ Sig pic byTemplate88 ¥ ♡ ¥

BBS Signature

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 22:42:53

At 4/15/03 09:55 PM, MALforpresident wrote: yeah, its pretty fun to sit there and for every outwar link i see i just report them as spammers to outwar, i think i got 10 people in trouble from outwar today

Good idea.


Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 22:58:01

he just made a topic on tactics core

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-15 22:59:21

At 4/15/03 10:58 PM, poop_face wrote: DelSabre
he just made a topic on tactics core

Yup, and i just blew up in that topic :P

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-16 15:04:33

one has to wonder why they would do it even after the ban warning

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-16 15:11:24

With that list you look like a puritan pointing at the sinners. Place an "O" (outwar) on their foreheads or nicknames.

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-16 15:14:55

Don't forget:


Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-16 15:16:54

At 4/15/03 09:54 PM, biteme2514 wrote:
Well, I guess that makes sense. Sorry about that. I should probably read these posts more carefully before posting... By the way, even if he does terminate their account or whatever the hell it is he does, couldn't they just come back under a different account and just start spamming again?

unless they are ip banned, then they cant. Also outwar incourages outwar users to spam, they also have a spam policy on their website, they will terminate the outwar user to.

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-16 15:33:17

At 4/16/03 03:16 PM, Deleted wrote: unless they are ip banned, then they cant. Also outwar incourages outwar users to spam, they also have a spam policy on their website, they will terminate the outwar user to.

That solves the problem :) But it will also probably kill them not being able to spam the crap out of something... They'll probably all join another thing like Kings of Chaos or the astrick site and then we'll just get even more spammers.

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-16 17:05:11


These people make me sick.

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-16 17:32:04

At 4/15/03 09:42 PM, Blademasta wrote: omg let's have secks

omg ! i think you need to get laid

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-16 18:20:01

At 4/16/03 05:05 PM, Shadydragun wrote: shadow88

These people make me sick.

I'm collected all the names you guys give me. I'll e-mail them to Wade within a week. I myself have the following people to add to this list-


IF YOU FIND AN OUTWAR SPAMMER MAKE SURE HIS NAME GOES IN THIS TOPIC. Clicking abusive will not do anything. Adding their screen name to this list is a guaranteed way of stoping them. Let's get more names!!!

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-16 18:24:54

i will make it my civil duty to find these people! or i won't beacuse i'm lazy, which everone is easier

BBS Signature

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-16 18:36:35

lockeeon, spammed pornstarguru.com (ouwar for big boys) in ganguro girl reviews, blinker_182, outwar in ganguro girl russiasfinest106487, ouwart in reviews, Gypsy2Cool outwar in reviews,russiasfinest outwar in reviews, Ulipheus reviews, Hitler1234123512351 reviews, delsabre reviews, grindy reviews, smurf3 reviews, buliarios reviews, whew, thats all i got now. Rundown:

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-16 18:38:41

im not sure if ayone has said this yet but delsabre refers to outwar.om in almost/all of his reviews

Response to OFFICIAL LIST OF OUTWAR SPAMMERS!!! 2003-04-16 18:39:59

At 4/16/03 06:38 PM, Mojimbo wrote: im not sure if ayone has said this yet but delsabre refers to outwar.om in almost/all of his reviews

oh woops didnt see your list doughboy