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allpro INTERVIEWs!

5,156 Views | 94 Replies

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-23 00:27:19

naw just Colin. says:
hum that DSG iwas intervieing her and she left for the cops or something... how rude?
4PyROmAnIAc says:
yes, very

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-23 00:29:10

At 3/23/03 12:27 AM, dirty_bong_water wrote: naw just Colin. says:
hum that DSG iwas intervieing her and she left for the cops or something... how rude?
4PyROmAnIAc says:
yes, very

ha.. talking behind my back is he? Oh he'll pay.. cause I'm a rude little girl.

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-23 00:31:26

At 3/23/03 12:29 AM, Dark_Sk8er_Grrrl wrote: ha.. talking behind my back is he? Oh he'll pay.. cause I'm a rude little girl.

well, it's not really behind your back. I mean, he did post it on the BBS for everyone to see.

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-23 12:08:03

At 3/22/03 11:45 PM, Testerline wrote: People are being to dry with you now and it isnt fun. Dumb kids dont know how to make an entertaing interview.

yah yeahhh something like that... i do have to come up with the good qestions but its part there duity to say something half intersting or somet souch thing... and it would help if i spell checked like for my first intervew but it was only worth it becase there were actuly funny parts in there.... and sometimes its really painful reading these intervews well just think what its like doing them damit!

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-23 12:13:27

At 3/23/03 12:31 AM, dirty_bong_water wrote: well, it's not really behind your back. I mean, he did post it on the BBS for everyone to see.

yeah exactly...

and whas an hour or so of you not talking have to do with the lengh of the interview? nothing really? and uhm i dint edit it at all becase well it dint tunr out that good.... so i thought putting up the whole thing might be somehow better...

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-23 12:24:47

OKAY theres a crew psot thing for thes horrable crap now


how horrable

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-23 22:09:12

allpro: oh really hum well lets see, well elfs really dont have 5 or was it 6 vaginas right?
mr hobbes: last i checked it was 1
A: okay she asked me to ask you about elfish sexual habits and what not or something like that... but i dont think i will im kinda scared
MH: im just surprised she wants me to reveal her race's secrets
A: yeah well i convinced her to interview me and it came up
MH: im too lazy to read an interview right now
A: waoh your demanding too huh
A: okay well how do you feel about leather undergarments?
MH: they ride
MH: and i dont feel comfortable having a cow that close to my junk
A: yeah dead cow flesh isnt that comfortable on the boys hum yeah and they stick to skin like mad
MH: and they dont breath well in hot weather
MH: and its real humid here so that sucks
A: no no... well maybe you shoudnt have bought all the leather undies dude
MH: i didnt
A: oh well i guess my sources are misleading, im not exactly cnn you know
MH: well if you were you'd be covering the war, not my bovine undies.
A: hum... but i woudnt have rejected ted turner as a correspondent
MH: i would have
A: why?
MH: why not
A: ..becasue ted turner lost control over his company and is now broke ass and he is quoted as saing i may as well go down in flames after being rejected by cnn
MH: i think reporting on my undergarments would just lead to going down into stinky flames... which, as you know, is worse than regular flame.
MH: *flames
A: woah im abit tired and i register something about you and ted turner going down and i dont think your girlfriend would like that man...
MH: dont incorporate your sexual fantasies into my interview!
A: my sexual fantasies have nothing to do wiht you and everything to do wiht your girlfriend...
A: er i mean this interview...
A: i mean ted turner..
A: so say if you were to be granted one superhuman power what would it be
MH: A dont make me beat you with a pillow case full of doorknobs....... and time control
A: uhmm okay why?
MH: for which one?
A: both
MH: for having naughty thoughts about my g/f :-P
MH: and so i could sleep in more
A: too bad you cant control peoples thoughts...
a yes sleep = good...
A: have you ever been kicked in the jewels?
MH: unfortunatly yes i have... my friends are assholes alot of the time
A: Did you cry?
MH: no i did what most guys do... wait in horror for the 10 seconds before the pain sets in, fell on the floor, curled into the fetal position, laid there for about 20mins and then kicked my friend in the nuts that did it
A: so if someone touched your girlfriend in here areas, youd obviously have to murder them, so how would you go about that?
MH: lots of heavy blunt weapons, a donkey, a few badgers, salt, duct tape and a wood chipper
A: what about a marmot you know like in the big loubouskie ?
MH: nah, not angry enough
MH: i would need angry teeth action
A: i dont follow.. but thats okay...
MH: how the hell did i confuse you
MH: you are one of the oddest mofos on NG
A: oh not jsut on ng...
MH: ill agree with that
A: i conceder myself an ultimate being..
MH: of what?
A: but lets not get into my delusions of grandeur and what not this interview is about you...
MH: damn skippy!
MH: and dont you forget it!
A: uhm you have gained alotta respect by me for the use of damn skippy
A: good work
MH: i was saying that before you were in diapers
A: how old are you?
MH: 21 on april 7th
A: okay so you were saying damn skippy when you were one and 2?
MH: yep, i was very advanced for my age
A: me 2 intact i learned to run before I could walk... but i digress again this is about you...
A: hey speaking of you...
MH: yes?
A: whats the deal with the inter species thing?
MH: come on, like you haven't thought about it
MH: with elves its like forest fever instead of jungle fever
A: hum yeah ive totally thought about your girlfriend in the forest with ted turner
MH: and i thought i was the only one...
A: well you should be more open wiht your sexual fantasys and your partner you know its good for a heathy relationship
MH: i dont think ted turned would be down
A: hes got nothing now im sure hed do it...
MH: you are ted turner arent you!?!
A: no im Canadian sorry
MH: damn. so close.
A: man if I ever meet him ill totally drop you a line
MH: i wont hold my breath
A: well i guess that doent go over too well when the doctor gives you a physical
MH: turn your head and cough
A: dood dont touch me in my bathing suit area
MH: you wanted it
MH: look at what you are wearing, you were asking fo rit!
A: joggers and a hoodie? does your girlfriend know your into the cack?
MH: im only into my cack
MH: how long is this thing supposed to last
A: what last dood im not going out with you what the fuck!?
MH: i meant this interview numskull.....
A: i dunno till you want to go or till i do
MH: ok then im going, b/c im hungry and im craving some junior bacon cheeseburgers... num num num
A: hum okay bye you twisted bastard!
A: thanks for the time
MH: like your one to talk!
MH: twisting my words!
MH: this interview is over!
A: excuse me ted turner?wtf?
MH: i want to see my manager!
A: and no i get to say that
A: uh
MH: i just did
A: Maybe?
MH: thursday!
A: Cooter?
MH: MIdget golf!
A: the edn
MH: fin.

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-23 22:26:21

hahaha... that was the best one thus far.

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-23 22:27:29

At 3/23/03 10:26 PM, ageekatheart wrote: hahaha... that was the best one thus far.

Yep I bring teh funny.

....and teh wierd.

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-23 22:30:29

this ones bad coz im so tired i really was drained on the hobbes intervew here it goes...

ColinOfTheNorth: Okay
ColinOfTheNorth: Hello sir and why do you want to be interviewd?
KeyserSozeUCF: Because I feel I have the skills to be a great asset to your company.
ColinOfTheNorth: oh i dint realize i had become incorperated but uhm cool!
ColinOfTheNorth: uhm so then what makes you better then any other person that ive interviewd
KeyserSozeUCF: I never sleep. I manage to stay awake by means of vaseline spread on burnt toast and LSD mixed into Yoo-hoo. Wakes you up in a snap. *snaps fingers*
ColinOfTheNorth: dude yeah... being awake is good somtiems... i think your hired
KeyserSozeUCF: AWESOME! When do I get YOUR job?
ColinOfTheNorth: uhm when i quit... lose my job thoruhg a corperate merger or die
KeyserSozeUCF: Oh, cause I was applying for the job of Allpro. I'm not going to get that one then? What other job can I have?
ColinOfTheNorth: oh youd get almostpro or just about pro or could be pro... mostly pro
ColinOfTheNorth: sllpro
ColinOfTheNorth: your sllpro
KeyserSozeUCF: Umm... do I get to interview people? I'm not really sure if I'd like being sllpro...
ColinOfTheNorth: yeah you can you can look at my stupid crew i made so people have a standerd for intervewing or somting... i think im gonna tak a long brak form intervies afer yours i mean im tired alot
KeyserSozeUCF: Oh, that sucks. Want some burnt toast with vaseline on it?
ColinOfTheNorth: hell no im a fan of the cold toast wiht the peanutbutter
KeyserSozeUCF: I never really understood that. I never really like nuts with my breakfast. Chunky or smooth P-Nut Butter?
ColinOfTheNorth: oaky i cant follow waht your saing for im so tired right now... uhm so ill just say yes...
ColinOfTheNorth: do you want an intervew assigment?
KeyserSozeUCF: Who is it?
ColinOfTheNorth: any mod, bevin or mrchuckles
KeyserSozeUCF: OOooo, thoses are all very presitgigious. I'd be happy to take the job. First question: U HOTT? U GOT CAM? LOL!
ColinOfTheNorth: no...
ColinOfTheNorth: thats not how you do it..
KeyserSozeUCF: Yeah, I know... JAJA.
ColinOfTheNorth: dood dont make me fire your ass
KeyserSozeUCF: Yessir.
ColinOfTheNorth: wait dont you live near bevin?
KeyserSozeUCF: Yessir, I do.
ColinOfTheNorth: well you can do her...
ColinOfTheNorth: woah idont mean like that man...
KeyserSozeUCF: This job rocks! Oh. That's not what you meant. Yeah, that sounds feasiable. Or doable. Heh.
ColinOfTheNorth: man im ungodly tired right now.. so i think im ending this and posting it... good luck on uhm wahtever the hell it is i aked you to do... post your results in a new topic on teh general board and things
KeyserSozeUCF: Okay, sounds roxxors.
ColinOfTheNorth: do you have anying else youd like to say before i end this intervew?
ColinOfTheNorth: god im like drunk from tiredness right now... thats waht i have to say!
ColinOfTheNorth: oh wait i asked you what you wanted to say dint i...
ColinOfTheNorth: so?
KeyserSozeUCF: Yeah. "They're coming out of the walls! The fucking walls man!"
ColinOfTheNorth: cool! peace

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-24 08:23:38

i was talking to myslef again on aim...

ColinOfTheNorth: hey dood!
ColinOfTheNorth: hey dood!
ColinOfTheNorth: waoh i was just saying that
ColinOfTheNorth: waoh i was just saying that
ColinOfTheNorth: YEAH wow...
ColinOfTheNorth: YEAH wow...
ColinOfTheNorth: hey
ColinOfTheNorth: hey
ColinOfTheNorth: stop saying what im saying
ColinOfTheNorth: stop saying what im saying
ColinOfTheNorth: dood dont mess wiht me
ColinOfTheNorth: dood dont mess wiht me
ColinOfTheNorth: I JSUT WOKE UP!!
ColinOfTheNorth: I JSUT WOKE UP!!
ColinOfTheNorth: AHH
ColinOfTheNorth: AHH
ColinOfTheNorth: FUCK OFF
ColinOfTheNorth: FUCK OFF
ColinOfTheNorth: AOIHfaoihfadogh SHUT UP!
ColinOfTheNorth: AOIHfaoihfadogh SHUT UP!
ColinOfTheNorth: AHHHiaofhoaasd\
ColinOfTheNorth: AHHHiaofhoaasd\
ColinOfTheNorth: as
ColinOfTheNorth: as
ColinOfTheNorth: :'(i cnt block myself... ASSHOLE
ColinOfTheNorth: :'(i cnt block myself... ASSHOLE

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-24 19:01:32

well thats all i dont think im gonna ever intervew again on ng... it was funny with jessy and joe and mostly boring with everyone elses so thats it thats all teh edn

hum imma have some scrambeld eggs for dinner yum!

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-24 19:03:51

Hey, Scottish MEN wear kilts too. You can interview me if you want sometime, check my profile for my AIM screen name.

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-24 19:07:18

At 3/24/03 07:01 PM, allpro wrote: well thats all i dont think im gonna ever intervew again on ng...
At 3/24/03 07:03 PM, Taors wrote: Hey, Scottish MEN wear kilts too. You can interview me if you want sometime, check my profile for my AIM screen name.

uhmm yeah idont think ill be doing that anymore talk to keyser_sose or oscar_z something cuz idunno how to spell it they might intervew you still yeah im scottish ide wear a kilt... men also wear shorts you know???

well thanks for the interst

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-24 19:17:41

At 3/23/03 10:30 PM, allpro wrote: this ones bad coz im so tired i really was drained on the hobbes intervew here it goes...

now that i read it with more of my mental facutly working that one was kinda funny... wow good job to me and soze

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-24 19:22:10

allpro is a quitting shmoe. i better see more interviews soon or i will cry.

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-24 19:38:38

At 3/24/03 07:22 PM, Testerline wrote: allpro is a quitting shmoe. i better see more interviews soon or i will cry.

but im soo burnt out... souh cry... go get somone else do do interviews i wont be doing more anytime soon school is tought and it really takes alot out o me to be creative... and iget boared easly i hve liek adhd for difrent creative outlits...

see thats me after my intervews siht keyser and hobbes SEE?! would you wanna look like that?!

allpro INTERVIEWs!

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-26 23:16:42

At 3/24/03 07:38 PM, allpro wrote: blah blah blah then thers all this pictuer and im sexxxor blah blah you all want me blah blah woo stuff i siad i dunno i cant read it or type... blah

ANYWHO yeah that pictuer is great holey crap

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-26 23:18:31

you are a woman

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-26 23:19:44

At 3/26/03 11:18 PM, Testies wrote: you are a woman

*roughs up Testies*

Take that you grossly named user! That's for raggin' on the boss!

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-26 23:19:57

At 3/26/03 11:18 PM, Testies wrote: you are a woman

no im a ugly drag queen watch me transform

allpro INTERVIEWs!

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-26 23:29:01

At 3/26/03 11:19 PM, allpro wrote: no im a ugly drag queen watch me transform

I would probly do it with drag queen you....

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-26 23:34:23

Would someone like to interview... Meeee?

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-26 23:39:15

At 3/26/03 11:34 PM, katierings wrote: Would someone like to interview... Meeee?

hum i think ill come outta retiermnt fer this coz im bored

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-26 23:40:49

At 3/26/03 11:39 PM, allpro wrote: hum i think ill come outta retiermnt fer this coz im bored

AWwww! I want the job!

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-27 00:09:23

At 3/26/03 11:40 PM, Keyser_Soze wrote:
At 3/26/03 11:39 PM, allpro wrote: hum i think ill come outta retiermnt fer this coz im bored
AWwww! I want the job!

uhm thers some people that wanted to be inteved look unter oscarZ inteve of shadow damit

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-27 14:45:10

HAHAHHA, The best interview is the one with w4ng of D00M.

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-27 16:38:56

At 3/27/03 02:45 PM, katierings wrote: HAHAHHA, The best interview is the one with w4ng of D00M.

hum thats your opinion... and its wrong...

don't be trash people

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-27 20:35:22

At 3/26/03 11:19 PM, Keyser_Soze wrote: *roughs up Testies*

Take that you grossly named user! That's for raggin' on the boss!

i deserved that

Response to allpro INTERVIEWs! 2003-03-27 20:52:13

At 3/27/03 08:35 PM, Testies wrote:
At 3/26/03 11:19 PM, Keyser_Soze wrote: *roughs up Testies*

Take that you grossly named user! That's for raggin' on the boss!
i deserved that

werd but if you want to to be interved axe keyser to do it coz im done doing them again yay

don't be trash people