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fuck iraq

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Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 01:18:09

At 3/30/03 01:12 AM, eltarr wrote: i just heard were kicking there ass in iraq as usual, lubu8687, i just heard the marines are kick ass and taken no names. so were woopin ass in the fight!

That is damn right man! I love this fucking club. We don't need to talk to the pussy's that keep on come back. Fuck them and were ever they live, how is the serch comeing?

fuck iraq

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 01:25:30

not to good, ive found some but not sure! hows yours? oh check out maskyass"s topic if you hadnt already and see what you think about it! you know everybody hates me!

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 01:26:40

i also heard some mariens got killed. sorry about that! but well still kick iraqs ass!!

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 01:31:56

At 3/30/03 01:18 AM, Jiperly wrote: glad this "debate" has keep up with facts.....i'm reading through eltarrs comments in order

History doesn't matter? but what is your excuse to attacking Iraq? to prevent 9/11, thus history is in your frame of mind
see your sorry canadian ass and your countrys people are filled with a bunch of pussys- oh, i'm sorry, 2 things- 1. why are we "sorry canadian asses"? we've been in both World Wars longer than you, and we have never needed to be recused by you.- 2.a bunch of pussies? how is that proof to your side of the debate? it seems like you have no proof to the war on Iraq other than you want people to die to feel patriotic.

our PM is stoned? funny....didn't your president sniff crack? oh wait- we aren't talking about your country, are we now?

yes, not all Canadians agree with not going to war- the main reason? because it will hurt trade with the US. its not cause we agree with the war. and besides, millions of Americans don't agree with the war either.

you kick Canada's ass? oh wait, thats right, since you guys couldn't conquer us in the last war that Canada was vs. America(War of 1812), we captured Detriot, we burned your White House to the ground, and won all of the largest battles fought on Canadian soil.But thats right- you kicked our asses.

The fact is , Eltarr, you're pissed that everyone doesn't agree with America. You believe that anyone who doesn't agree with America, be it individual or country, is stupid and scared, and you have no proof of either. So you personally attack them to make yourself feel stronger for not agreeing with you.

OK! I have never even read about a war of that such. Probely is because no one gives a shit about you pussy's. And when that they start invading you bitches we won't help! You guys will just get the bear form your shity ass bear commerials, or you will just get your royal Candian mountee's to say please leve.(sorry if i spell wrong you people need to spell everything like the pussy French)

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 01:34:43

well lubu8687 im signing off keep up the search if you dont mind! and make some more of those banners there killer. i love full meatel jacket its a killer movie! 'KEEP UP THE FIGHT, WE WILL PREVALE, GO MARIENS!!!!!" and all the other of our forces who bust there ass ao keep our country free!! about the banners again makem for those asses who protest the war! cool man! ill talk to you a little bit later on today! see ya! my fellow freedom fighter!

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 01:37:16

wow....it seems everyone else is right......you are an idiot(bear? thats an animal....i'm guessing you mean beer....and shitty assed beer commericals? i know, we can't compete with the "WASSSUUUUUPPPPP??!!!" commercial.....)

it just dawned on me- you're an arrogent sadist. you enjoy seeing countries get bombed, you enjoy attacking others for their beliefs, and you enjoy insulting other people just to make yourself feel more powerful

defination of sadist if its too big of a word for you:

n : someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others [ant: masochist]

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 01:43:33

your right jiperly, so what the fuck of it!

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 01:44:07

At 3/30/03 01:34 AM, eltarr wrote: well lubu8687 im signing off keep up the search if you dont mind! and make some more of those banners there killer. i love full meatel jacket its a killer movie! 'KEEP UP THE FIGHT, WE WILL PREVALE, GO MARIENS!!!!!" and all the other of our forces who bust there ass ao keep our country free!! about the banners again makem for those asses who protest the war! cool man! ill talk to you a little bit later on today! see ya! my fellow freedom fighter!

That sounds good, don't worry about what they to use. No one likes me ether on this place. A solider always finds a way and takes it. So I am going to bed my ass herts form all of the seting, I will talk to you somewere around 10:00 or 11:00 tommaro.good night soilder and GOD BLESS THE U.S.A!!!(HOOYA!!!)

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 01:50:29

defination of sadist if its too big of a word for you:

n : someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others [ant: masochist]


Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 02:09:31

Come on I know you lost your brith control and tampons,calm down. Just because you suck dick and all that shit does not mean we do. Oh! One more thing.

lol wow u posted one of the most popular stfu pictures around, why dont u come up with something original, u 2 are so pathetic

fuck iraq

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 02:20:07

At 3/30/03 01:31 AM, Lu_Bu_8687 wrote: OK! I have never even read about a war of that such. Probely is because no one gives a shit about you pussy's. And when that they start invading you bitches we won't help! You guys will just get the bear form your shity ass bear commerials, or you will just get your royal Candian mountee's to say please leve.(sorry if i spell wrong you people need to spell everything like the pussy French)

dunon if anyone actually nos how 2 spell it. i sure as hell dont. and i live here. but i dont take insilts to canada perosnally

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 02:27:16

OK! I have never even read about a war of that such. Probely is because no one gives a shit about you pussy's. And when that they start invading you bitches we won't help! You guys will just get the bear form your shity ass bear commerials, or you will just get your royal Candian mountee's to say please leve.(sorry if i spell wrong you people need to spell everything like the pussy French)

well i think u need a history leasson cause we wasted your asses in 1812, and our RCMP r probably way better than you town sherrifs and your redneck cops who beat the crap outta black people

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 03:56:49


Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 04:01:34

french fries are NOT french!!!
they are from belgium!!!!!

shure,america is strong,BUT you are so incompetend in fight tacktics!
you kill more americans than terorists!!!

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 04:11:41

im guessing the score here is america: 0
people who make fun of eltarr: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.999,999,9  99,999,999

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 08:11:42

I read this whole thread (5 pages) and all I have to say about it is ...







LOL, how sad

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 08:30:21

yeah, well in a way i agree but then on the other hand i dont, but i hate fuckin bush, he has the IQ of a gorrila.

fuck iraq

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 11:49:33

I too have finally completed reading the previous 5 pages, and I must say that the only thing I learned from it is if you have enough intelligence to believe that "eltarr" is holding a relatively decent argument than it is possible to also acquire the intelligence level to operate a device as complex as that of keyboard. I never knew that.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. This is quite a scientific breakthrough. Perhaps "eltarr" is proof that our species has evolved from lower, less-intelligent life forms such as that of small apes. He obviously still maintains that level of psychology.

Fascinating indeed.

Kazuo Kiriyama

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 12:18:05

You guys r realy stuped. you bitch when i sleep and you bitch when i wake up.Way don't you guys just go the fuck away so we cam get on with are club and r much better american lifes.

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 12:38:07

At 3/30/03 12:18 PM, Lu_Bu_8687 wrote: You guys r realy stuped. you bitch when i sleep and you bitch when i wake up.Way don't you guys just go the fuck away so we cam get on with are club and r much better american lifes.

i think it is only betetr cuz they r a lot richer. but there r lots of rich canadians 2. we r pretty rich

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 13:46:13

Hey, wanna hear the war plan for 1812? Basically, the American plan was to basically march everyone in America, which was around 6 million, into Canada, with a population of 2-3 million. Canadians still won most of the battles because apperantly, rednecks don't have a sense of battle tactics, just a "Every one guy would kill one guy before getting killed" type of attitude. And actually, I honestly wouldn't mind watching the White House burn down again with Bush in office. And no, I don't live in Canada.

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 13:46:13

At 3/30/03 12:18 PM, Lu_Bu_8687 wrote: You guys r realy stuped. you bitch when i sleep and you bitch when i wake up.Way don't you guys just go the fuck away so we cam get on with are club and r much better american lifes.

no its ok, i think ill stay a while and make fun of u stupid redneck n00bs

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 13:50:10

At 3/30/03 01:46 PM, Mojimbo wrote:
no its ok, i think ill stay a while and make fun of u stupid redneck n00bs

Hey Mojimbo, may I assist 'cause I'm getting sick of this shit!!!

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 13:51:29

At 3/30/03 01:50 PM, Dragon_Knight_470 wrote:
At 3/30/03 01:46 PM, Mojimbo wrote:
no its ok, i think ill stay a while and make fun of u stupid redneck n00bs
Hey Mojimbo, may I assist 'cause I'm getting sick of this shit!!!

go for it

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 13:54:58

At 3/30/03 01:51 PM, Mojimbo wrote:
go for it

for broke, huh?

But, let them make the first move, because Bu has much more to learn.

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 14:03:21

At 3/30/03 01:54 PM, Dragon_Knight_470 wrote:
At 3/30/03 01:51 PM, Mojimbo wrote:
go for it
for broke, huh?

But, let them make the first move, because Bu has much more to learn.

What do you mean much to learn? I know more about war than all of you fucking demicrats put to gather!

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 14:09:45

At 3/30/03 02:03 PM, Lu_Bu_8687 wrote:
What do you mean much to learn? I know more about war than all of you fucking demicrats put to gather!

1.)Learning how you're not god here, and think they should bow before your feet.

2.)They should have used Navy Seals or any other Special Forces before war has been decleared, but Bush wanted an excuse for the oil.

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 14:15:32

At 3/30/03 02:09 PM, Dragon_Knight_470 wrote:
At 3/30/03 02:03 PM, Lu_Bu_8687 wrote:
What do you mean much to learn? I know more about war than all of you fucking demicrats put to gather!
1.)Learning how you're not god here, and think they should bow before your feet.

2.)They should have used Navy Seals or any other Special Forces before war has been decleared, but Bush wanted an excuse for the oil.

I have told you! What are you going to do without oil or gas? No cars, no A/C,no heating,no fucking Ps2 that you praiz so fucking much! I don't hate the people over there, I just hate there leader!(God damn you know that!)

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 14:25:56

At 3/30/03 02:15 PM, Lu_Bu_8687 wrote:
I have told you! What are you going to do without oil or gas? No cars, no A/C,no heating,no fucking Ps2 that you praiz so fucking much! I don't hate the people over there, I just hate there leader!(God damn you know that!)

But the ending results are the same as you said, after 9/11, we are still in fucked up sitution, and war is not a good answer, cause it will make it worse, or you forgotten that?

Response to fuck iraq 2003-03-30 14:34:23

At 3/30/03 02:25 PM, Dragon_Knight_470 wrote:
At 3/30/03 02:15 PM, Lu_Bu_8687 wrote:
I have told you! What are you going to do without oil or gas? No cars, no A/C,no heating,no fucking Ps2 that you praiz so fucking much! I don't hate the people over there, I just hate there leader!(God damn you know that!)
But the ending results are the same as you said, after 9/11, we are still in fucked up sitution, and war is not a good answer, cause it will make it worse, or you forgotten that?

You lost me? What if my mother and your dad and mom died in 9/11. You would want to kill each and ever person over there! Look at it from the eyes of the people there in NY on 9/11!