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Did Bush actually say...

2,637 Views | 28 Replies

Did Bush actually say... 2002-09-08 15:19:18

...that atheists couldn't be "real Americans?"

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-09-08 15:55:18

I've heard that Bush has said a lot of weird things. I don't know if they're true or not but it wouldn't suprise. He speaks at a second grade level so how much higher can he think.

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-09-08 17:33:50

No offense, and I am definitely not a fan of the current administration, but I really find it funny when people spread anti-Bush/republican rhetoric around having no idea where it came from (enemies of Bush and republicans). Funnier still is the whole situation of people posting on the message boards of a site dedicated to making fun of sub-par flash movies and playing Hentai flash games that a guy who is the leader of the free world is an idiot because he isn't an eloquent on the spot speaker right before they go to blam the latest clock movie. I think the Bush administration sucks in a lot of ways, but I'd like to see the people who call him a moron function for five minutes as the leader of the free world while the United States is dealing with a national and global crisis - let's see how many words you trip on now and then when the fate of your recently massively attacked country rests on your shoulders.

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-09-08 19:14:02

At 9/8/02 05:33 PM, Hennarr wrote: No offense, and I am definitely not a fan of the current administration, but I really find it funny when people spread anti-Bush/republican rhetoric around having no idea where it came from (enemies of Bush and republicans). Funnier still is the whole situation of people posting on the message boards of a site dedicated to making fun of sub-par flash movies and playing Hentai flash games that a guy who is the leader of the free world is an idiot because he isn't an eloquent on the spot speaker right before they go to blam the latest clock movie. I think the Bush administration sucks in a lot of ways, but I'd like to see the people who call him a moron function for five minutes as the leader of the free world while the United States is dealing with a national and global crisis - let's see how many words you trip on now and then when the fate of your recently massively attacked country rests on your shoulders.

I don't know exactly who you were talking to, but calling a specific group of people in a country that is supposed to be based off of religious tolerance "not real americans" is quite a slip up. It doesn't matter if we have a religion or choose not to partake in such a thing, we are all Americans, and we are all fighting the same war. So, all I wanted to know was whether or not he actually said that.

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-09-08 19:16:49

Oh, and yes, I am actually a Republican. Thank you.

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-09-08 20:35:58

Yes, George Bush Sr. said that Atheists are not Americans, because the pledge says "One nation under God".

Another interview after his comment on Atheists also said that he thought lowly of Atheism and that it was ridiculous (this was an interview by his administration).

You can't blame the Liberal media on quoting from him. You can blame them for sensationalizing it, but the quote still stands, and he did say it. Would it just be considered a slip up if I said that "All blacks are lazy ass pieces of shit"? Would it?

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-09-09 07:31:19

yes and as has been discussed before the pledge of allegience has only said "one nation under god" since the fifties. So in fact the atheists are probably more "real american" than anyone who uses the current pledge

and on a subnote, I find christianity to be completely ridiculous

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-09-09 15:51:24

At 9/9/02 07:31 AM, Reaper-n wrote: yes and as has been discussed before the pledge of allegience has only said "one nation under god" since the fifties. So in fact the atheists are probably more "real american" than anyone who uses the current pledge

and on a subnote, I find christianity to be completely ridiculous

Well, if you are talking about the farsical torrent of gay-bashers, hypocrites, and pedophiles that we now call the Christian Reich, I'd have to agree with you. I'd like to quote a very wise man named Steven Weinberg when I say...

"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-09-09 16:20:35

Damn straight.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction" - Blaise Pascal

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-09-09 22:34:00

Please provide a verifiable news source that has this urban legend quoted. Are you aware of how many things people claim is true in American politics is just total BS from both the Democrats and Republicans and the news sources that support them. Like the "fact" that G.W. Bush has the lowest IQ of any president. First of all they didn't have IQ tests until the turn of the last century, and they don't give IQ tests to presidents. This story that everyone says is fact is utter bullshit, not verified yet quoted as gospel. I'm not saying that Bush didn't say that, but "facts" about recent presidents, especially when they make them look very bad in a way that resonates with those who dislike them (like saying Bush said athiests aren't Americans, that gets any anti-religious person out to vote against the Republicans).

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-09-09 23:22:16

Unfortunately, since the quote was said in 1987 during Bush's campaign, CNN and NYpost do not have it up. In fact, CNN and NYpost and any other major news media have nothing before 1995-97. The quote of Bush talking about Atheism dates back to a reporter of "American Atheist" who asked Bush what he will do as President for the Atheists. Here's part of that article:
When George Bush was campaigning for the presidency, as incumbent vice president, one of his stops was in Chicago, Illinois, on August 27, 1987. At O'Hare Airport he held a formal outdoor news conference. There Robert I. Sherman, a reporter for the American Atheist news journal, fully accredited by the state of Illinois and by invitation a participating member of the press corps covering the national candidates had the following exchange with then Vice President Bush.

Sherman: What will you do to win the votes of the Americans who are Atheists?

Bush: I guess I'm pretty weak in the Atheist community. Faith in god is important to me.

Sherman: Surely you recognize the equal citizenship and patriotism of Americans who are Atheists?

Bush: No, I don't know that Atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.

Sherman (somewhat taken aback): Do you support as a sound constitutional principle the separation of state and church?

Bush: Yes, I support the separation of church and state. I'm just not very high on Atheists.

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-12-28 23:10:27

never heard that rumor, but wouldnt be suprised. he's a dickhead anyway. i hate him.

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-12-28 23:52:20

alright seriously, now why on earth are you guys making fun of bush based on what he said...isn't this freedom of speech...and he represents the vote so most people must feel the same way, sorry for the atheists out there... it's just words, and you guys are bitching about words, i mean seriously, instead of dissing the hell out of bush(who i didn't vote for) come up with some solutions instead of being such whiny citizens of this nation. What made us different from other countries was the fact that if we didn't like what was goin on, we have a way to change it!.

How about you write him a letter, or are you afraid he won't read it. My brother sent a letter to Clinton and got a reasonable response back. Surely, if Bush isn't doing his job like you all are saying, he's spending the time reading letters. Take the reins of this country instead of complaining so much about phrases...

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-12-29 03:41:48

At 9/9/02 11:22 PM, patach wrote: Unfortunately, since the quote was said in 1987 during Bush's campaign, CNN and NYpost do not have it up. In fact, CNN and ...MESSAGE TRUNDICATED-quotelimit

Reading through that, I wonder: how did he get elected? Man, people are stupid. People should have the right to believe in whatever they want to belive in, without anybody making a big deal out of it. Live and let live. Tolerance! It's not a hard concept at all, why don't people get it?

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-12-29 22:30:28

Yes, NJDeadzone, we must find a "solution" to the nonexistant "problem" created by a former president's intolerance.


Quote: "isn't this freedom of speech..."

Yes. Now quit whining about our whining and find a solution, already! Quick! Chop, chop! Yeah, couldn't find one, could you. Because there's NO PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED!

Qoute: "and he represents the vote so most people must feel the same way"

If you're talking about Bush Jr, no, he does not represent the vote. He represents the flaws in representative democracy. And Bush Sr. represented the vote of the nation in the eighties. 20 years ago.

I wish stupidity hurt.

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2002-12-30 02:56:14

At 12/29/02 10:30 PM, Nevah73 wrote: Yes, NJDeadzone, we must find a "solution" to the nonexistant "problem" created by a former president's intolerance.


Quote: "isn't this freedom of speech..."

Yes. Now quit whining about our whining and find a solution, already! Quick! Chop, chop! Yeah, couldn't find one, could you. Because there's NO PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED!

Qoute: "and he represents the vote so most people must feel the same way"

I wish stupidity hurt.

geez your harsh...there seems to be a serious popularity problem with the president at least on this forum, and i was only trying to inspire, and i gave an idea to write a letter to the president telling them your ideas, if you wanted some of mine that would include not making the fight in Iraq become another Vietnam, conserve oil like they did in the 1970s, and to take a Princeton Review Writing Skills class to fix up his grammar. It's pointless of you to assume that i don't have ideas for helping this country. We all have a say in our govt. and even if you think Bush doesn't represent the vote, he got enough to make him the defendant of the majority of the non-floridian nation.

Do you need an aspirin?

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2003-01-01 11:36:07

You know, Bush says alot of things, allot he doesn't mean, and about 99.999999...% of things he says, he doesn't understand, which makes sence, with him having an IQ of a doorhinge

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2003-01-02 02:52:44

It would be nice if people tried not to post stuff before they actually thought about what they are going to say... or had something relevent to add to it. Even if Bush is stupid, he has to be better than Al Gore. I'm sorry, but he's said a lot more things before thinking than Bush ever has. However, politics suck, because I don't beleive in people just sitting around pointing fingers at each other like little five-year-olds. GROW UP!

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2003-01-02 18:27:42

That sounds like something he'd say if he didn't have other people to remind him not to say that.

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2003-01-02 18:32:57

Anyone agree that the political leaders are getting worse and worse as time goes by? Or they were always bad, we just didn't know?

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2003-01-02 19:37:41

i remember that he said "its amazing i won. i was running against peace, prosperty, and bi-particenship" in denmark a couple years ago

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2003-01-05 05:27:57

At 12/28/02 11:10 PM, IamGod666 wrote: never heard that rumor, but wouldnt be suprised. he's a dickhead anyway. i hate him.

be careful of who you place hate towards...

Did Bush actually say...

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2003-01-05 23:28:07

At 1/2/03 06:32 PM, HeinousDude wrote: Anyone agree that the political leaders are getting worse and worse as time goes by? Or they were always bad, we just didn't know?

I think that the latter is true. However "great" a president was, there were always those who ridiculed him, disagreed with him, etc.

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2003-01-07 06:20:56

At 9/8/02 03:19 PM, Grandmaster001 wrote: ...that atheists couldn't be "real Americans?"

hitler said that about jews right before they started to put them into camps.

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2003-01-20 14:06:21

"Heres a little sayiin' down is Texas... Tennesee... Fool me once, shame on... shame on you... you fool me I can't get fooled again."

Bush-2001 AD

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2003-01-20 20:54:25

I thought this was Bush Sr. we were talking about. And he's not in office anymore. (Though George W. seems to be a clone of him)

Bush Sr.= Dr. Evil
George W.= Mini-Me

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2003-01-21 05:54:10

At 12/29/02 10:30 PM, Nevah73 wrote: I wish stupidity hurt.

LOL, thats ganna be my new signature "I wish stupidity hurt."

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2003-02-01 02:53:21

At 9/8/02 08:35 PM, patach wrote: Yes, George Bush Sr. said that Atheists are not Americans, because the pledge says "One nation under God".

Another interview after his comment on Atheists also said that he thought lowly of Atheism and that it was ridiculous (this was an interview by his administration).

You can't blame the Liberal media on quoting from him. You can blame them for sensationalizing it, but the quote still stands, and he did say it. Would it just be considered a slip up if I said that "All blacks are lazy ass pieces of shit"? Would it?

i hate ignorant people like that, they just can't tolerate other religions. really pisses me off. that means he isn't caring to most of the american population, what an ass.

Response to Did Bush actually say... 2003-02-02 18:26:35

At 2/1/03 02:53 AM, PuritanicalInterface wrote:
i hate ignorant people like that, they just can't tolerate other religions. really pisses me off. that means he isn't caring to most of the american population, what an ass. :

This is old news, and besides...atheism is not a religion.