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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-29 17:43:01

but doesn't the bible teach to love your fello man...and what about jezus I mean, the man is a queer, I mean, he's being chased by 12 men...and cristianity is pure racesisme, I mean, where there any black apostels?now huh?And isn't our new pope a nazi?I tell you, it's the third reich all over again.

it DOE'S say you should love your fello man BUT a MAN should be with a WOMAN! it says in the bible. AND Jesus is is NOT queer!AND christianity is not racest, black people go to my church and i'm christan! so shut up. your wrong.

Response to NG Church 2005-06-30 01:54:53

At 6/29/05 04:37 PM, DivineJoic wrote: but doesn't the bible teach to love your fello man...and what about jezus I mean, the man is a queer, I mean, he's being chased by 12 men...and cristianity is pure racesisme, I mean, where there any black apostels?now huh?And isn't our new pope a nazi?I tell you, it's the third reich all over again.

You freakin little loser, you were doing just fine before you said all that stupid blasphemous stuff.

Of course God teaches us to love everyone. love them as you love yourself. so yes You are supposed to respect homosexuals as human beings but in no way are you supposed to respect what they do. would you respect what a thief does, or a murder? maybe even and adulterer? A man that does anything disgusting with a man, even if he likes women too, is still an abomnation of the worst kind. the same thing goes for the women of course.

as for the rest of the stupid crap you said. You could just shut your trap and get the hell out of here.

when you're ready to ask questions in a mature and respecting way you can go ahead.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-30 03:50:01

At 6/28/05 05:20 PM, oc_fuzzy wrote:
i think that it is perfectly ok, Christ said to love all, just because someone is different than you doesn't mean they are wrong. Also they have never done anything to you so why pester them.

thats my opinion

just because there different than u DOESNT mean theyre wrong..but being gay/bi DOES mean theyre wrong.

But we dont have the right to mess with them. i dont.

At 6/29/05 04:07 AM, DivineJoic wrote:
so...why does god think that homos are bad while he says that you most love evryone...so...straight is good, homesexual is bad...where does that leave bisexual?

God doesnt think that homos are bad..but BEING homo is bad. and bi-sexuals are still gay.

just like if i was indian and black i'm still indian right? just like if you like dudes and girls thats means ur some of both..

and you guys keeping talking like "arent we supposed to love one another" and about treating others with respect but...not ONCE have i heard ANYONE say that gay people should be treated wrongly. Everytime theres a disscusion about this someone always brings in something about them being equal when no one's said anything about it...its pretty annoying..

Response to NG Church 2005-06-30 08:48:53

At 6/30/05 03:50 AM, Draciel56 wrote: God doesnt think that homos are bad..but BEING homo is bad. and bi-sexuals are still gay.

k, back to being serious, but like, isn't that discrimination, isn't that a thing christianity is against? (I'm not a cristian so I could be wrong.)

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Church 2005-06-30 12:06:40

I'm new here, but I would like to join this church! I am a fellow believer. :)
I was reading some of the post, and I was kinda shocked. What is all this junk about homosexuals, and such? The bible is clear on this issue, and I'll give you some scripture on it. Leviticus 18:22 "Thou shat not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Leviticus 20:13 "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, btrh of them have comitted an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." By saying 'abomination' it means sin, and the bible also says Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death..." That should clear up the unreasonable questions. Yes Jesus did command us to love one another as we love ourselves, but he never said anything about loving their sin. I love the people, but not what they do. The bible clearly says that homosexuality is WRONG. Question answered.
and as far as the catholic thing goes, it has nothing to do with Christ, and what He wants us to do. It is a religion, but ti shouldn't affect what we as christians do, unless you call yourself Catholic, then I would think it would affect the way you believe, but really only God and His word (the bible) should affect how you live your life, anything else is man made, and falls short.

I think it's really awesome that there are other fellow believers on this site!

Response to NG Church 2005-06-30 20:04:22

well... i suppose i'm the only one who disagrees with the bibles view on homosexuality here, oh well

and joic, don't be a dick

You're so pretty, like a tree, or a high-class prostitute.

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Response to NG Church 2005-06-30 22:19:46

At 6/30/05 08:04 PM, oc_fuzzy wrote: well... i suppose i'm the only one who disagrees with the bibles view on homosexuality here, oh well

Well what you/anyone thinks, and what the truth is can be different. What we tend to think isn't usualy right, or true...

Response to NG Church 2005-07-01 14:07:46

I have a question. What do ya'll think about music? I mean I know a lot of christians who are so uptight about what they listen to. Some only listen to southern gospel b/c that all that's 'christian', and I don't even like half of the southern gospel stuff, but I mean, what do ya'll think about 'secular' music? I had someone ask me this question, and I mean I think that listening to 'secular' music, and any kind of music is ok, just as long as it's not running against what the bible says. There is a lot of great music out there, and you'd miss so much of it if you put a limit on it. What do ya'll think?

Response to NG Church 2005-07-01 19:52:38

At 7/1/05 02:07 PM, HelpingHand wrote: I have a question. What do ya'll think about music? I mean I know a lot of christians who are so uptight about what they listen to. Some only listen to southern gospel b/c that all that's 'christian', and I don't even like half of the southern gospel stuff, but I mean, what do ya'll think about 'secular' music? I had someone ask me this question, and I mean I think that listening to 'secular' music, and any kind of music is ok, just as long as it's not running against what the bible says. There is a lot of great music out there, and you'd miss so much of it if you put a limit on it. What do ya'll think?

oh god i can't stand christian rock, creed makes me want to kill myself, i listen to all types of music and i don't feel offended by songs that are anti religous because thats their opinion, it doesn't mean they are right

You're so pretty, like a tree, or a high-class prostitute.

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-01 20:02:39

At 7/1/05 07:52 PM, oc_fuzzy wrote:

oh god i can't stand christian rock, creed makes me want to kill myself, i listen to all types of music and i don't feel offended by songs that are anti religous because thats their opinion, it doesn't mean they are right

I agree, but I think some christian rock is ok, but most of it is just...lame. Creed isn't really christian, is it? I thoguht they claimed to be a non-christian band on national TV. Maybe not. Yea you are right, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Response to NG Church 2005-07-08 00:02:09

At 7/1/05 08:02 PM, HelpingHand wrote:
At 7/1/05 07:52 PM, oc_fuzzy wrote:

oh god i can't stand christian rock, creed makes me want to kill myself, i listen to all types of music and i don't feel offended by songs that are anti religous because thats their opinion, it doesn't mean they are right
I agree, but I think some christian rock is ok, but most of it is just...lame. Creed isn't really christian, is it? I thoguht they claimed to be a non-christian band on national TV. Maybe not. Yea you are right, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

No creed is a christian rock band,,,,,the best christian rock is SonicFlood, but i listen to mostly classic Rock

Response to NG Church 2005-07-08 00:07:09

At 6/29/05 05:07 PM, DivineJoic wrote:
At 6/29/05 04:43 PM, harryjarry wrote: The Pope Has nothing to do with Christianity and there probably werent black apostles because they were probably slaves (no racism intended). Being atheist doesnt make you "cool"
Dude...I was just screwing around, I don't give a shit about god or jezus or that stuff, I respect that you put your believe in it but I just don't like the principle of worshiping something of wich there is no proof that it ever existed.

actually there is proof that it existed, archeaologists have found things that proove it to be true. I have a book that u should read by Lee strobel....The Case For Christ, it has all the proof u need.

Response to NG Church 2005-07-08 01:23:47

At 7/1/05 02:07 PM, HelpingHand wrote: I have a question. What do ya'll think about music? I mean I know a lot of christians who are so uptight about what they listen to. Some only listen to southern gospel b/c that all that's 'christian', and I don't even like half of the southern gospel stuff, but I mean, what do ya'll think about 'secular' music? I had someone ask me this question, and I mean I think that listening to 'secular' music, and any kind of music is ok, just as long as it's not running against what the bible says. There is a lot of great music out there, and you'd miss so much of it if you put a limit on it. What do ya'll think?

I listen to some bands that arent christian but My favorites are. Cristian hardcore and some soft core I dont listen to devil worshipping bands because its all really weird and all they talk about it killing dying and the devil.

Response to NG Church 2005-07-08 07:03:49

if God is all powerful then can he create a being even more powerful than he himself?

Response to NG Church 2005-07-08 07:56:43

At 7/8/05 07:03 AM, velcro wrote: if God is all powerful then can he create a being even more powerful than he himself?

Of course he could but i dont think he'd want too...

I personally am a Christian turned Buddhist but i think i want to post in here (very interesting arguements)...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-08 14:38:02

At 7/8/05 07:56 AM, Rude_Buddha wrote:
At 7/8/05 07:03 AM, velcro wrote: if God is all powerful then can he create a being even more powerful than he himself?
Of course he could but i dont think he'd want too...

I personally am a Christian turned Buddhist but i think i want to post in here (very interesting arguements)...

how could something all powerful create a being more powerful than itself? it just does not make sense.

Response to NG Church 2005-07-08 22:41:59

At 7/8/05 07:56 AM, Rude_Buddha wrote:
At 7/8/05 07:03 AM, velcro wrote: if God is all powerful then can he create a being even more powerful than he himself?
Of course he could but i dont think he'd want too...

Dude what are you talking about? Of course he can't. I have heard questions like "can God create a rock so heavy, he himself canot lift it." and other stuff like that. basicly my answer to that would be no. It's foolish to ask a question to contradicts it's self. basicly it is some trippy stuff, but God can't create anything more powerful than him because he Is the most power ful thing there ever was, and there ever will be.

I personally am a Christian turned Buddhist but i think i want to post in here (very interesting arguements)...

It's alright with me if you want to post here but it's a shame you're here for arguments. There shouldnt even be any arguments. This should be more of a place to talk about the things of God rather than arguing them.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-08 23:56:37

At 7/8/05 02:38 PM, velcro wrote:
At 7/8/05 07:56 AM, Rude_Buddha wrote:
At 7/8/05 07:03 AM, velcro wrote: if God is all powerful then can he create a being even more powerful than he himself?
Of course he could but i dont think he'd want too...

I personally am a Christian turned Buddhist but i think i want to post in here (very interesting arguements)...
how could something all powerful create a being more powerful than itself? it just does not make sense.

But if you think about it, god is the "all might/ all powerful" i'm not saying that he would do it, but it makes perfect sense that he could cause if he "created everything" then how couldn't he create a being more powerful than him? Its just like in Aladin (how do you spell it?) when the Genie could make a Genie more powerful than himself... I sorta see a similarity...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-07-09 10:18:03

At 7/8/05 11:56 PM, Rude_Buddha wrote:
At 7/8/05 02:38 PM, velcro wrote:
At 7/8/05 07:56 AM, Rude_Buddha wrote:
At 7/8/05 07:03 AM, velcro wrote: if God is all powerful then can he create a being even more powerful than he himself?
Of course he could but i dont think he'd want too...

I personally am a Christian turned Buddhist but i think i want to post in here (very interesting arguements)...
how could something all powerful create a being more powerful than itself? it just does not make sense.
But if you think about it, god is the "all might/ all powerful" i'm not saying that he would do it, but it makes perfect sense that he could cause if he "created everything" then how couldn't he create a being more powerful than him? Its just like in Aladin (how do you spell it?) when the Genie could make a Genie more powerful than himself... I sorta see a similarity...

U cannot create anything more powerful than urself, all u can do is make sumthing with equivalent powers. How could sumone create sumthing that is more powerful than the creator? And dude, aladdin is a cartoon..........i dont think we can count that as a way to prove sumthing.

Response to NG Church 2005-07-09 11:35:15

Isn't god making diseases to lower the world's population because too much people are destroying this world? I find it an interesting theory.

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-09 12:32:26

At 7/9/05 10:18 AM, Prince_of_Whales wrote: U cannot create anything more powerful than urself, all u can do is make sumthing with equivalent powers. How could sumone create sumthing that is more powerful than the creator? And dude, aladdin is a cartoon..........i dont think we can count that as a way to prove sumthing.

I agree with Rude_Buddha. The point he is making is that it is possible, but there is no reason why you would. With the idea of robots, wouldnt they be more powerful than their creators? Or couldnt they at least be made more powerful? The only good example i have where somebody creates something more powerful than himself is in the story Frankenstein. Dr. Frankenstein creates a creature much more powerful than he is. This idea is hard to believe is that nobody wants to or has done it.

Response to NG Church 2005-07-10 03:55:44

wow, I don't think any of you get it. God is the strongest being that ever is was and will be. His powers have NO limits. So it is impossible for even him to create anything more powerful than him because he will be is most powerful forever. Get it yet?

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-10 05:14:31

Matt Damon

Response to NG Church 2005-07-10 05:56:51

At 7/10/05 03:55 AM, Guitardude91304 wrote: wow, I don't think any of you get it. God is the strongest being that ever is was and will be. His powers have NO limits. So it is impossible for even him to create anything more powerful than him because he will be is most powerful forever. Get it yet?

Then why does he kills humans? Does he fear them?

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-10 23:54:36

At 7/10/05 05:56 AM, Kakashi623 wrote: Then why does he kills humans? Does he fear them?

You might want to word it better. God dosn't kill humans. We kill ourselves. But if you mean why does he take lives in the first place, it's because Our lives arent ours to begin with. Our lives are just borrowed. He gave us life and he has the right to take our lives.

The thing is though, He dosnt do it without warning. He gives everyone the chance to get to know him and he lets us know that If we follow his commandments and do his work then after we do die, His son will come and take us on the final day and give us eternal life.

so you can kind of look at this as just a temporary state for us to work for the next, (eternal), life

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-11 00:14:52

At 6/29/05 05:43 PM, iliveforhim wrote:
it DOE'S say you should love your fello man BUT a MAN should be with a WOMAN! it says in the bible. AND Jesus is is NOT queer!AND christianity is not racest, black people go to my church and i'm christan!

so shut up. your wrong.

okay this is why i am spiritual not religious. who are u to say what is right and what is not. U do not say what is right and wrong. u go by a book written by man and follow a hypocrytical religion that states that it is the one and only perfect religion and that it is up to the person to worship and then turns around and damns all ur non-believers to a hell supposedly reserved for the apocolypse. there are so many errors and contradictions in ur great and holy book. Like other religions one must read between the lines to see a higher meening. something more defined and therefore more compicated than earthly religions. Angels are not always good just as demons are not always evil. U say that christianity is not predjudice. Then why is it that racial groups often stick to themselves. Black churches, white churches, latin churches. anybody else tends to migrate to wich ever race fits best with theirs. what i am about to say does not pertain to all, but I have notice that blacks and latinos tend to have a better sense of their religion than white ppl. I do not hate Christianity. I only hate what it has come to be. Any body of any religion can be respected in my eyes if they truly believe and do not follow their religion hypocritacally and only out of learned habit wich most of them do. I am not saying that I am aetheist, but i am saying that i do not believe in the Christian god or any god that has been given name. I believe in many higher spirits wich brings me to another thing. All religions are basically the same. wether it is Zues and the lesser gods or God and the angels, I believe that the spirits that ppl see to create these religions are the same. so in that way every religion has the same origions with the higher spirits and their duties.

Response to NG Church 2005-07-11 00:19:21

At 7/10/05 03:55 AM, Guitardude91304 wrote: wow, I don't think any of you get it. God is the strongest being that ever is was and will be. His powers have NO limits. So it is impossible for even him to create anything more powerful than him because he will be is most powerful forever. Get it yet?

If his powers have "NO limits" then how couldn't he create a more powerful being. You just solved it yourself. But I do see where are going with this, does this make sense: God can create something as powerful as himself.

Response to NG Church 2005-07-11 02:16:27

At 7/11/05 12:14 AM, SivartKceBael wrote:
At 6/29/05 05:43 PM, iliveforhim wrote:
it DOE'S say you should love your fello man BUT a MAN should be with a WOMAN! it says in the bible. AND Jesus is is NOT queer!AND christianity is not racest, black people go to my church and i'm christan!
so shut up. your wrong.

okay this is why i am spiritual not religious. who are u to say what is right and what is not. U do not say what is right and wrong. u go by a book written by man and follow a hypocrytical religion that states that it is the one and only perfect religion and that it is up to the person to worship and then turns around and damns all ur non-believers to a hell supposedly reserved for the apocolypse. there are so many errors and contradictions in ur great and holy book. Like other religions one must read between the lines to see a higher meening. something more defined and therefore more compicated than earthly religions. Angels are not always good just as demons are not always evil. U say that christianity is not predjudice. Then why is it that racial groups often stick to themselves. Black churches, white churches, latin churches. anybody else tends to migrate to wich ever race fits best with theirs. what i am about to say does not pertain to all, but I have notice that blacks and latinos tend to have a better sense of their religion than white ppl. I do not hate Christianity. I only hate what it has come to be. Any body of any religion can be respected in my eyes if they truly believe and do not follow their religion hypocritacally and only out of learned habit wich most of them do. I am not saying that I am aetheist, but i am saying that i do not believe in the Christian god or any god that has been given name. I believe in many higher spirits wich brings me to another thing. All religions are basically the same. wether it is Zues and the lesser gods or God and the angels, I believe that the spirits that ppl see to create these religions are the same. so in that way every religion has the same origions with the higher spirits and their duties.

First of all Try and break your post into paragraphs it makes it easier to read. Second of all the word Christian really means one that follows in christs ways. There are alot of reason their religions are flawed but It's is mostly because of the Humans themselves. Don't go blaming the Holy Bible for all the mistakes and flaws we have.

Still I don't blame you for responding to that guys post. He did word it a little odd. He get's a little to exited sometimes.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-11 06:21:23

Crusades are fun. I like how christians and muslims duke it out.

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-12 01:15:57

At 7/10/05 05:14 AM, HollywoodSound wrote: Matt Damon

all those really serious people and then a "team america" quote which has nothing to do with anythin. Genius.

The only headline i want to see involving 'Big Brother' involves the words rabid lion & no survivors.