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Bbs Female Users Club

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Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-30 22:33:44

At 10/30/04 10:20 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote:
I love how everyone goes for the generic I have a life excuse instead of just reading the previous few posts. XD

damn, SDG don't get all snippy now. you have to treat the people on the BBS with respect and dignity and all that other good stuff, yeah......i guess

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-30 22:49:16

At 10/30/04 05:58 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote: made a terrible set of boobs.

This is how you make a set of boobs.

( . )( . )

See, you can even add space to make em bigger... like this.

( . )( . ) = DD

Or even size M's... on a body! All you need is to do is add a smiley and two legs.

( . )( . )

Looks like Queen Latifa needs a breast reduction again!

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-30 22:50:32

Awe... my Queen Latifa got downsized.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-30 23:10:57

At 10/30/04 10:50 PM, pierrot-le-fou wrote: Awe... my Queen Latifa got downsized.

aww, nuts. they don't let you make superboobs on the bbs. owell, maybe another time. i already know 5 people who would like to learn from your boobmaking skills.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-30 23:19:00

At 10/30/04 11:10 PM, Strauss69 wrote: aww, nuts. they don't let you make superboobs on the bbs. owell, maybe another time. i already know 5 people who would like to learn from your boobmaking skills.

make that six, i love them boobies!!! Plus... BOOOOOOOBBBBIESSS!!!

The wisdomful boob making skills have been mastered on the internet finally, I thought plastic surgeons had it all covered...

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-30 23:19:56

At 10/30/04 10:32 PM, SeeD419 wrote:


"Everyone" meaning your post was about as common as air, and I believe I was speaking to you by clearly quoting you in my post, but I can see where you might have missed that being greyed out and all. Also If you would take a moment and check the top of each post you'll see a spot where it lets you know at exactly what time who said what. So all you have to do is look at that. Then you'll know what hours ago means. ^__^

Oh le fou you win zee prize for best internet boobs ever
*Hands over five foot high gold trophie with giant set of knockers on top*

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-30 23:31:08

At 10/30/04 11:19 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: "Everyone" meaning your post was about as common as air, and I believe I was speaking to you by clearly quoting you in my post, but I can see where you might have missed that being greyed out and all.

Ok, you've thrown me off again. My point was that you addressed me, yet called me everyone...I know what a quote is. If you had any sense at all, you'd look at my previous posts and realize that.
Also If you would take a moment and check the top of each post you'll see a spot where it lets you know at exactly what time who said what. So all you have to do is look at that. Then you'll know what hours ago means. ^__^
Oh my god....Yes, being a member here for a year longer than you, I realize that there is a date and time at the top of each post. Once again, you have completely thrown the actual point aside. I think you should start reading the posts more than once because you just don't seem to comprehend anything I'm saying. I knew what hours ago meant, did I fail to express that in my previous post? I stated that I was watching a movie, did you miss that too? READ THE POSTS!

Minecraft server: alureon.net

PortalWatch 0.1 Alpha - Download

Sig by illicit

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Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-30 23:32:24

Yes, I realize I fucked up the Quote. I had to copy and paste what I said so I could re-read her previous posts

Minecraft server: alureon.net

PortalWatch 0.1 Alpha - Download

Sig by illicit

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Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-30 23:47:01

At 10/30/04 11:19 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: ...Oh le fou you win zee prize for best internet boobs ever
*Hands over five foot high gold trophie with giant set of knockers on top*


! ( . )( . ) !

Bbs Female Users Club

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-30 23:49:51

At 10/30/04 11:32 PM, SeeD419 wrote: ^__^

Oopsie daisy double postie

Well what I am speaking is English, and this is typically taught in school, in english-speaking countries, and frequently they teach it even in non-english speaking countries. Wow being a member here longer must make you um... A meber who has joined before me and really nothing else. So if you're bound and determined to use that as some badge of honor feel free to. It means about, well nothing, but whatever floats your boat.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 00:07:18

At 10/30/04 11:49 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: The elderly

STFU N00B!!! LOL just kidding.

Why don't we all just chill and have some swoops with hot choclate?

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 00:25:29

At 10/31/04 12:07 AM, pierrot-le-fou wrote: Why don't we all just chill and have some swoops with hot choclate?

Fou fou I'm not really fighting I'm trying to get someone riled up for my own entertainment. SO lets give a big hand to SeeD for yelling back proper and giving me a laugh. XD Did you like the english bit? Oh and I double post frequently so that too was for the funny. See this is what happens when your ill and have an internet connection.
I think I may settle in and have a coffee with some kalua, anyone want to join in? Who likes boobs? BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS Breasts knockers jugs etc.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 00:25:34

At 10/31/04 12:14 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote: ... Boobs in bras. (\_)(_/)

But they need to breathe! \(_ )( _)/

They're suffocating in that cramped bra! \( . )( . )/

Unleash them so the world can see! ( . )( . )

Hot Female Nudists are the best! :D ! ( . )( . ) !

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 01:38:21

ok havnt been here for 4 pages cause i was grounded so how did we get from flaming to boobs?

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 03:03:17

At 10/31/04 12:25 AM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: Fou fou I'm not really fighting I'm trying to get someone riled up for my own entertainment. SO lets give a big hand to SeeD for yelling back proper and giving me a laugh.

Oh, so you we're TRYING act like a dumbass to piss me off. Well god damnit it worked. You did an excellent job of completely confusing the shit out of me. I hope you've been amused. I've had worse experiences though. You may be able to fake a dumbass, but nothin tops a real one. So, haha heres your laugh; applause accepted.

Minecraft server: alureon.net

PortalWatch 0.1 Alpha - Download

Sig by illicit

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Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 03:10:08

At 10/30/04 05:20 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: NO NO NO NO you have it all wrong guys. >__<
Red and I are friends really. We pick at each other for shits and giggles. Let's all be boosom buddies, have a beer, and watch incedibly tacky midgit porn.

Hahaha, kay ^_^. <3 again Prince :P?

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 03:16:53

As we are going to work onto this topic I might as well start it now.

Whats the ladies view about them. Do you want to go bigger, smaller, or stay the same?
How big is too big?
What size do men prefer?

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 03:38:01

At 10/31/04 03:16 AM, ColdstreamCooper wrote: As we are going to work onto this topic I might as well start it now.

Whats the ladies view about them. Do you want to go bigger, smaller, or stay the same?

My Girlfriend says bigger

How big is too big?


What size do men prefer?


Minecraft server: alureon.net

PortalWatch 0.1 Alpha - Download

Sig by illicit

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Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 03:44:53

At 10/31/04 03:16 AM, ColdstreamCooper wrote: How big is too big?

Somewhere between C and D

What size do men prefer?

Between B and C because it doesn't look slutty by yur girlfriend and still is enough for Russian :P

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 03:49:37

At 10/31/04 03:16 AM, ColdstreamCooper wrote: What size do men prefer?

56H. I like my women to have back problems due to their comicly overly huge dirty pillows. Anything less is just a waste.

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 04:44:53

At 10/31/04 01:38 AM, HoboPorn wrote: ok havnt been here for 4 pages cause i was grounded so how did we get from flaming to boobs?

Boobs are so much more peaceful than empty threats to someone you hardly know. So tranquil and calm is the place where babies feed. ( . )( . )

Imagine a field of ta ta's, and you, just jumping atop hills of the soft fleshy ground. Rolling around in a dense bed of boobies, while listening to that song from Pocahontas where she and that white dude are humping on the grass.

Now that you have that mental picture in your head, you should get a slight understanding of what I'm thinking at every other moment of the day, and every moment at night.

I shall now continue my diligent effort to stay awake for the entire weekend by watching the Animatrix on the Adult Swim and drinking milk shakes with coffee in them.

The following is a personal rant, you are warned.

(Just for reference, I have no idea if i've spelled any of the words in this response right. And yes, I have NO LIFE, nada, zero. The circumstances for this are that I am 16, have a total of 4 friends, and my girlfriend slapped me tonight for no apparent reason other than I wasn't paying enough attention to her. This wasn't like a regular, "asshole" slap. This was one of them "I hate you you selfish hor" bitch slaps. On the bright side though, Sunday is when I get to hang out with the other 500 people I know and go surfing with absolute strangers that think i'm a punk... so weeeee!!!)

End personal rant.

How was your day?

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 07:58:53

WOW here we go again If you have problems with users here take it up in some other way, dont spam here and dont flame people in this club.

If you have a problem with them e-mail them or something, it seems that the last 3 pages have been nothing but flaming for pointless reasons and seems like alot of it is coming from ng mafia members which i find strange.

If you all like talking to eachother do it on msn or e-mail because most the stuff you are talking about seems to be things of your own concern and nothing to do with any of the topics i have posted in the past.

LOL yes I am the LOL Girl ^_^

The "LOL" girl is back ^_^

Follow The LOL Girl

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 10:06:39

At 10/31/04 03:49 AM, QuikFox wrote: 56H. I like my women to have back problems due to their comicly overly huge dirty pillows. Anything less is just a waste.

man, that's gotta hurt. anyway, why would you want your women to have back problems? if their backs hurt they'll find it hard to do stuff.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 11:23:08

BBS Female Users Club??? I use females all the time! I should be like the boss of this place. I make females do EVERYTHING for me. They even carry me around while they brush my teeth and bathe me in the morning... What's that? This thread is for females who use the bbs? Oh... I... see... >.>; <.<; >.>... >.<

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 11:57:43

Hey, CC you've put up my sig huh? Cool.. well, whats happenning here huh? What the hell is freaking happenning here huh?

BBS Signature

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 12:09:30

At 10/31/04 11:57 AM, -Dez- wrote: Hey, CC you've put up my sig huh? Cool.. well, whats happenning here huh? What the hell is freaking happenning here huh?

pretty much talking about boobies an flaming personally i have no idea how this club isnt locked maybe cause its for the last bit of females here.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 13:03:47

At 10/31/04 11:56 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote: HAPPY FUCKING HALLOWEEN!!!


Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 14:44:11

At 10/31/04 11:57 AM, -Dez- wrote: Hey, CC you've put up my sig huh?

Well it always pays to keep the ladies happy. Life a lot easier that way.

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 15:43:55

At 10/31/04 11:56 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote: HAPPY FUCKING HALLOWEEN!!!

Woooooooooo!!! Candy to make me fat!!!

Response to Bbs Female Users Club 2004-10-31 15:49:27

At 10/31/04 10:19 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote: Because on bowling night you'll have a ton-o-laughs on her part =P

LMAO, I'm glad that someone got the fact that I was joking and wasn't serious at all in the 1st place, lol.

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