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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 11:46:08

At 8/13/04 11:02 AM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Are you still an elder in this club or not? If you are, put it in your sig.

I used your sig pic, but am I suppose to put text about being an elder there as well. Am I even an elder? I missed a few pages but I thought I saw my name somewhere like that. :-)

ummm... so... since I can't think of anything else to say, I finally nailed my no-handed kip up. It's kind of weird, I'm not much in to tricks but I always thought that kip-ups looked neat. For some reason I couldn't do it before my break, and last night I did it like 5 times in a row with ease. Which reminds me, isn't WuShu part of the Olympics this year? I wonder where I can get video footage of the competition.

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 11:53:19

Sorry for the double post, but I thought this was fucking awsome


Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 11:59:19

At 8/13/04 11:53 AM, DroopyA wrote: Sorry for the double post, but I thought this was fucking awsome


WOW! I guess I just saw the future of martial arts... What'll happen if theys start makeing assault units out of these.... What a future...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 12:21:29

At 8/13/04 11:46 AM, DroopyA wrote:
At 8/13/04 11:02 AM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Are you still an elder in this club or not? If you are, put it in your sig.
I used your sig pic, but am I suppose to put text about being an elder there as well. Am I even an elder? I missed a few pages but I thought I saw my name somewhere like that. :-)

Yep droopy, You're 1 of the first 3 elders in this club. All you need to have is a link somewhere signature to this club. Most of the elders dod somthing like this; Elder of The Marti Arts Club, (Your Style Here) Division, But do as you wish. It looks like you need to check this club more often. :-)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 12:23:46

At 8/12/04 04:19 PM, boxer101 wrote: Mystic-goat what kind of martial arts do you do?

I do Tae Kwon Do, I know the code of conduct for a Martial Artist.
I train about every day. I think i would be a great asset to the club if I were an elder. I make a constant strive to perfection. I think I fit the description of a true Martial Artist in mind, body and spirit.

Please concider this!
Domo Arigato!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 12:35:23

At 8/13/04 12:23 PM, Mystic-goat wrote:
At 8/12/04 04:19 PM, boxer101 wrote: Mystic-goat what kind of martial arts do you do?
I do Tae Kwon Do, I know the code of conduct for a Martial Artist.
I train about every day. I think i would be a great asset to the club if I were an elder. I make a constant strive to perfection. I think I fit the description of a true Martial Artist in mind, body and spirit.

Please concider this!
Domo Arigato!

Tell us a little more about yourself, such as;
How many years do you have invested in your style?
What do you believe is the true meaning of martial arts?
What pushes you to strive for perfection?

Answer these questions and we'll vote you in or out.

So far you've shown Honor and Respect. I like these qualities...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 12:41:35

Anyone is very welcome to use the sig I made. Thanks for the complements on it!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 12:46:40

At 8/13/04 12:41 PM, Bertuzzi44 wrote: Anyone is very welcome to use the sig I made. Thanks for the complements on it!


Thanks again man :-)
If I ever need another club sig, you're the first person I'll ask.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 13:01:30

do any of you guys use protien supplements and if soo whcih flavour do you like my favourite is the banana and chcoalte the vanilla is jsut digsuting

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 13:18:07

At 8/13/04 09:37 AM, boxer101 wrote: nr5714k do you use cast iron weights if soo did you ever have a problem that they some times chiped when you put them on the floor kind of hard??

yea i use iron weights but i dont have any problems with them chipping when i put them on the floor because all of my weights are in my dineing room where the carpet is really thick.
(i planned it that way)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 13:26:32

At 8/13/04 01:01 PM, boxer101 wrote: do any of you guys use protien supplements and if soo whcih flavour do you like my favourite is the banana and chcoalte the vanilla is jsut digsuting

sorry for double posting but i saw anothe question (i like to awnser questions) i use protien supplements and the only one ill drink is banana flavored (the gnc brand) but i dont like chocoalate its just not my thing, and as for the vanilla i complettly agree.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 14:04:58

At 8/13/04 12:21 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Yep droopy, You're 1 of the first 3 elders in this club. All you need to have is a link somewhere signature to this club. Most of the elders dod somthing like this; Elder of The Marti Arts Club, (Your Style Here) Division, But do as you wish. It looks like you need to check this club more often. :-)

Nice, I forget to check the clubs but I'm getting better at it. I'll add that to my sig just to make us seem more united... you know, like a virtual uniform. :-) Although, I'm not sure why my old sig is still showing up, I could have sworn I uploaded the new MA one. Oh well, I guess I'll have to completely remove it first, and then upload the new one.

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 14:41:11

At 8/13/04 02:04 PM, DroopyA wrote:
Nice, I forget to check the clubs but I'm getting better at it. I'll add that to my sig just to make us seem more united... you know, like a virtual uniform. :-) Although, I'm not sure why my old sig is still showing up, I could have sworn I uploaded the new MA one. Oh well, I guess I'll have to completely remove it first, and then upload the new one.

Strange... I see the Martial Arts Sig right now... it must be a glitch on your computer. :-) Welcome, Finally, To the Elder's Council!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 14:56:47

At 8/13/04 01:26 PM, nr5714k wrote: sorry for double posting but i saw anothe question (i like to awnser questions) i use protien supplements and the only one ill drink is banana flavored (the gnc brand) but i dont like chocoalate its just not my thing, and as for the vanilla i complettly agree.

i use the gnc brand one too do you get the big one in a sac i think its like 50 pounds of it or do your jsut get the one in a plastic jar

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 15:05:07

At 8/13/04 02:55 PM, Kaosboy85 wrote:
At 8/13/04 12:23 PM, Mystic-goat wrote:
At 8/12/04 04:19 PM, boxer101 wrote: Mystic-goat what kind of martial arts do you do?
I do Tae Kwon Do...
Please concider this!
Domo Arigato!
I was with you until you said the Domo Arigato. Now I'm confused are you a Japanese stylist or Korean stylist? Tae Kwon Do is Korean, but I'm pretty sure Domo Arigato is Japanese.

Good Observation, Domo Arigato means; "thank you very much" in Japanese. Although he could be quoting me... so what is your answer Mystic Goat?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 15:22:57

At 8/13/04 12:35 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Tell us a little more about yourself, such as;
How many years do you have invested in your style?
What do you believe is the true meaning of martial arts?
What pushes you to strive for perfection?

Answer these questions and we'll vote you in or out.

So far you've shown Honor and Respect. I like these qualities...

I've invested about 3 years into my style.(so far ;))
I believe the true meaning of the martial arts is to find balance, balance with your mind and body, balance with nature and so on.
I make my strive for perfection because I know there is ALWAYS at least one person better than me. With this in mind you will train harder to be able to succeed!
Thank you for your time!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 15:37:58

btw I learned a little Japanese, not coping you. :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 15:42:37

Oh man, sorry tripple post!
I know how to say thank you in Japanese, but not Korean.
I am a Korean stylist (sp?) and maybe in the future i will do Jujitsu, a Japanese art.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 15:47:49

At 8/13/04 03:42 PM, Mystic-goat wrote: Oh man, sorry tripple post!
I know how to say thank you in Japanese, but not Korean.
I am a Korean stylist (sp?) and maybe in the future i will do Jujitsu, a Japanese art.

My vote is yes, how about the rest of you elders?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 15:54:59

Mystic goat, Check back here noon tommorow.
All the elders should have replied by then.
Domo Arigato for your patience and time.

Until then,

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 16:03:00

Hai, until then konbanwa!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 17:07:08

At 8/13/04 03:47 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: strange I see the MA sig right now, must be something with your comp

Yeah, it must be. I'm assuming the page isn't fully reloading and it's grabbing the image from my cookies or something like that. I bed if I cleard out my Temp Internet files I would see the new sig too. But right now, on my comp, I still see the Droopy sig. Oh well, as long as everybody else sees the right one right?

My vote is yes (new elder), how about the rest of you elders?

Sounds good to me... I have no reason to believe he shouldn't be. He seems to know his stuff and he's been a huge part of this thread up to this date. Sounds like Elder material to me.

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 17:25:50

At 8/13/04 05:07 PM, DroopyA wrote: Sounds good to me... I have no reason to believe he shouldn't be. He seems to know his stuff and he's been a huge part of this thread up to this date. Sounds like Elder material to me.

Thank you Elder Droopy!
*deeply bows to DroopyA*

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 17:40:02

At 8/13/04 03:22 PM, Mystic-goat wrote: I've invested about 3 years into my style.(so far ;))
I believe the true meaning of the martial arts is to find balance, balance with your mind and body, balance with nature and so on.
I make my strive for perfection because I know there is ALWAYS at least one person better than me. With this in mind you will train harder to be able to succeed!
Thank you for your time!

Hm, why the hell not, you have my vote.

Balance. My, my... balance.
A confusing thing.
But I dont think you can achieve both balance and perfection.

There must be balance in everything in this world, otherwise the world would be... disturbed, if you like... so does the teachings of yin yang follow.
And you are right, a thing such as perfection must exist in this world, otherwise there wouldn't be balance, right?
There must be black and white. Good and evil.
And that creates the balance.
Is there something such as a perfect good deed in this world?
Or a completely evil one?
To make it easy, we can just say that there is no evil or good actions, cause what may seem like a evil action may be the good from another man's perspective.
Only good or evil intentions.
And not even they exist, cause intentions may seem evil from one standpoint, meanwhile it is praised by another.

I seek to be one of the strongest there is.
I'm just alittle confused ^_^

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 17:47:52

Can I join?
I'm taking Tae Kwon Do lessons for quite a year now.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 17:56:21

At 8/13/04 05:47 PM, AUb wrote: Can I join?
I'm taking Tae Kwon Do lessons for quite a year now.

All martial artists are welcome.
Just put a link to this club in your signature.

So welcome to the club.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 17:56:25

Being an Elder and a martial artist with a positive attiude; of course you can! ^_^

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 18:02:22

At 8/13/04 05:56 PM, Letahlity wrote: Being an Elder and a martial artist with a positive attiude; of course you can! ^_^

Who are you talking about? Aub Can't be an Elder, at least not yet...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 18:03:56

Sumimasen for the doublepost, but I just remembered;
You never told me wich kick you found most effective, Semi ^_^

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-13 18:05:36

It apears you posted when I was writing...
Perhaps I expressed myself poorly...
I was talking to the guy that asked if he could join, and I meant more like "I'm a elder, so I can say; of course you can join."

Gomen nasai for the confusion, but I never meant he could become an Elder right away ^_^