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Password System Update

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NG has traditionally used industry standard hashing to securely store passwords. That standard has since changed to an even MORE secure algorithm, which we have implemented today.

We've extended the maximum password length to 512 characters and increased the minimum password length from 6 to 8 characters, although longer is better.

Our new system allows for the use of any characters in passwords, including emojis. We also recommend the use of a password manager, as it greatly enhances online security by generating and storing complex passwords. Bitwarden is an efficient and secure password manager, for example. 

For added security, we also recommend enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). A reliable app for 2FA across both Android and iOS is 2FAS Auth. Using different login information for critical sites, like banking, and enabling 2FA, significantly increases your online safety.

For anyone who isn’t using an app for 2FA, we introduced default email 2FA last month. Using an app will keep you safe if your email is ever compromised, though.

Today's update should be transparent overall and you don’t need to make any changes unless you want to change your password. The next time you log in, your existing password will be re-hashed with the new system.

Note: If you were trying to log in on Tuesday and got a “bad password” or “technical difficulties” message, it was due to some issues in the deployment of this update, which resulted in all login attempts getting an error message for a few minutes. We ended up holding off some changes until the following day but now the launch is complete.

If you experience any issues with updating your password or logging in, email support AT newgrounds.com for help! If you’re logged in you can alternatively PM me with a description of the problem. Please include your browser and OS information in any reports.

Other News

Our Flash Forward Jam is in progress and we're still fundraising for prizes!

The Best of January will be announced tomorrow.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 14:14:51 (edited 2024-02-06 14:16:51)

512 Maximum characters for password? Not bad tbh, even though I never press the Log off button instead I have my account open.

Also first post. owo

A member of Thumbnail Crew!, you should help as well!

AKA fe3l1ngsk1lled and Skilled!

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 14:24:38

At 2/6/24 02:13 PM, TomFulp wrote: NG has traditionally used industry standard hashing to securely store passwords. That standard has since changed to an even MORE secure algorithm, which we have implemented today.

We've extended the maximum password length to 512 characters and increased the minimum password length from 6 to 8 characters, although longer is better.

Our new system allows for the use of any characters in passwords, including emojis. We also recommend the use of a password manager, as it greatly enhances online security by generating and storing complex passwords. Bitwarden is an efficient and secure password manager, for example. 

For added security, we also recommend enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). A reliable app for 2FA across both Android and iOS is 2FAS Auth. Using different login information for critical sites, like banking, and enabling 2FA, significantly increases your online safety.

For anyone who isn’t using an app for 2FA, we introduced default email 2FA last month. Using an app will keep you safe if your email is ever compromised, though.

Today's update should be transparent overall and you don’t need to make any changes unless you want to change your password. The next time you log in, your existing password will be re-hashed with the new system.

Note: If you were trying to log in today and got a “bad password” or “technical difficulties” message, it was due to some issues in the deployment of this update, which resulted in all login attempts getting an error message for a few minutes.

Note 2: Still working out some stuff, will remove this note when everything is all clear.

If you experience any issues with updating your password or logging in, email support AT newgrounds.com for help! If you’re logged in you can alternatively PM me with a description of the problem. Please include your browser and OS information in any reports.

The Best of January will be announced tomorrow!

hmm...I never thought of making my password 512 characters long, I would probably forget

hearts 4 leafyishere follow meh on titter my xtiwter thingy

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 14:32:08

i think am just going to stick with a decent size password definitely not one that goes up past 99 but no one that's less then 10

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 14:32:22

Sounds awesome! Having a secure password is always a good thing!

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 14:34:48

Definitley a very useful and helpful update

Sig by @Brokendeck

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 14:41:13

512 characters? Holy shit.

My password manager I tend to use is KeepassXC since i mainly keep my passwords locally as I don't trust online password managers.

I will also say that I stray away from 2FA applications, I have lost my Nintendo account because of it before and I can't login to any of my services because of it.

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 14:58:41

At 2/6/24 02:13 PM, TomFulp wrote: NG has traditionally used industry standard hashing to securely store passwords. That standard has since changed to an even MORE secure algorithm, which we have implemented today.

Good call as usual, Fulp.

We've extended the maximum password length to 512 characters and increased the minimum password length from 6 to 8 characters, although longer is better.

I find myself tempted to extend my current password now. Barring any serious defects, a 512-character password should be basically impossible to brute-force.

Our new system allows for the use of any characters in passwords, including emojis.

I am so fucking tempted to make my password a bunch of emojis now. The only thing stopping me is the question of whether or not Bitwarden would accept it.

We also recommend the use of a password manager, as it greatly enhances online security by generating and storing complex passwords. Bitwarden is an efficient and secure password manager, for example. 

Can confirm - Bitwarden's damn good.

For added security, we also recommend enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). A reliable app for 2FA across both Android and iOS is 2FAS Auth. Using different login information for critical sites, like banking, and enabling 2FA, significantly increases your online safety.

For anyone who isn’t using an app for 2FA, we introduced default email 2FA last month. Using an app will keep you safe if your email is ever compromised, though.

The obvious next step for increasing account security would be to implement WebAuthn support, to allow passwordless logins using passkeys and the associated security benefits, but I feel that can wait for now.

The Best of January will be announced tomorrow!

Can't wait!

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 15:00:47 (edited 2024-02-06 15:05:19)

Hey, I've made a free password you can use, personally I think it's pretty good.


Protip: Always make sure your password has a couple of drinks, so he doesn't thirsty.

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 15:02:41

i almost dont mind memorizing everyones password if that helps. My rates are low.

first post


BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 15:13:10

At 2/6/24 02:13 PM, TomFulp wrote: increased the minimum password length from 6 to 8 characters,

Phew I can continue using “password” thanks Tom

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 15:30:16

At 2/6/24 02:13 PM, TomFulp wrote: NG has traditionally used industry standard hashing to securely store passwords. That standard has since changed to an even MORE secure algorithm, which we have implemented today.

We've extended the maximum password length to 512 characters and increased the minimum password length from 6 to 8 characters, although longer is better.

Our new system allows for the use of any characters in passwords, including emojis. We also recommend the use of a password manager, as it greatly enhances online security by generating and storing complex passwords. Bitwarden is an efficient and secure password manager, for example. 

For added security, we also recommend enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). A reliable app for 2FA across both Android and iOS is 2FAS Auth. Using different login information for critical sites, like banking, and enabling 2FA, significantly increases your online safety.

For anyone who isn’t using an app for 2FA, we introduced default email 2FA last month. Using an app will keep you safe if your email is ever compromised, though.

Today's update should be transparent overall and you don’t need to make any changes unless you want to change your password. The next time you log in, your existing password will be re-hashed with the new system.

Note: If you were trying to log in today and got a “bad password” or “technical difficulties” message, it was due to some issues in the deployment of this update, which resulted in all login attempts getting an error message for a few minutes.

Note 2: Still working out some stuff, will remove this note when everything is all clear.

If you experience any issues with updating your password or logging in, email support AT newgrounds.com for help! If you’re logged in you can alternatively PM me with a description of the problem. Please include your browser and OS information in any reports.

Other News

Our Flash Forward Jam is in progress and we're still fundraising for prizes!

The Best of January will be announced tomorrow.

more security! I liked the update!

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 15:44:03

Will there be phone verification?

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 15:48:17 (edited 2024-02-06 15:48:45)

At 2/6/24 03:44 PM, name wrote: Will there be phone verification?

Nah, it would be cost prohibitive to do it via text message, which is why the app is preferred.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 16:35:13

Now I can finally change my password to the entire script of Shrek 2

xoxo 💋 (ps: okay I guess you can watch TRW)

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 16:53:03

At 2/6/24 02:13 PM, TomFulp wrote: We've extended the maximum password length to 512 characters

Just gotta make that password EXTRA secure, eh Tom?


Arm-Shock will never die!

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 17:01:19

Maaan, now I have to change my password from 123456 to 12345678. Yes, yes, I’m a password genius, I know.

Wacky characters and groovy patterns

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 17:20:22 (edited 2024-02-06 17:20:40)

We've extended the maximum password length to 512 characters and increased the minimum password length from 6 to characters, although longer is better.


Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 17:23:05

At 2/6/24 02:13 PM, TomFulp wrote: For anyone who isn’t using an app for 2FA, we introduced default email 2FA last month. Using an app will keep you safe if your email is ever compromised, though.

I don't want to involve yet another party. Not to mention I refuse to partake in the smartphone market as long as the only options available are Erich Honecker and Pablo Escobar. That spells the opposite of safety for me.

Teacher, goth, communist, cynic, alcoholic, master swordsman, king of shitpoasts.

It's better to die together than to live alone.

Sig by Decky

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 17:30:34

You're telling me hunter2 won't work anymore??

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 17:52:41

time for a stupid long password YEEEEAAAAH

sicko mode

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 18:33:03

sounds great! I wonder how accounts that didn't register their emails are affected

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 19:08:10

Will I need to change my password after the update?

💖🌈A Quirky Artist & Creator with a Rainbow of Interests!🌈💖

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 19:48:20

At 2/6/24 07:08 PM, ChromaCee wrote: Will I need to change my password after the update?


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 20:20:15

glad to have security get prioritized on the site recently!

fortunately no one has been able to guess my old password b0c{YO6HbI5.2H=36]3bS&|(0fVE0|,(YY9Q'r&93Kuj)[&iH?yl$||8e8':~Vr\i^C~+q=V>LgUnQ7b&OOOiHq[\G<|+maV*Y0rj?d.g9p4;)lr/AssC44-s-{u=9;PM)N}uNn'%B3KK%i)(7'D|\^e{1cmh5EG^ezOzk\&KZ41f\I'&D)eN?Re8YN[etS$-c1UzUB%?S:4sM{A.D!c6cZNDW_eCWIs\V<@}M/;5lxz+s;W&z/iAty4^04E"}L1t]|$n%#g&$#Sbz#(%Ci#moiO@*p_i<jt0}lt]W}jP\}{Bd@jXLO*4]M&7&8_]8P29Kw|5dl~T~=EMX')[l/;ze|w$}($qb}2(W6|L%+IbnzWP-u2:Q&9;lu{0h(y0P'G\>/<BU*Sg.$fL,mo}=t,a6WUiTfH-cYZ!?QEEhA%T8k_$3AR)<hn8B45_,87CP)qH+x4.XVq]/JJbZG6xM'QGdklB9/UC'l,D@i6)a]\2@CD'W"%W]kL but now i'll go and change it again!

- wamy :3

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 20:44:08

My password is 512charactersLong🥵🤠

I never thought I'd see the day we could use emojis in passwords lol

Great work keeping Newgrounds secure!

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 21:27:43

i just updated my password to 512 emojis

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 21:33:41 (edited 2024-02-06 21:35:51)

now i'm changing edeshye123 to edeshye123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103141051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052

okay the jokes are endless, i'll shut my mouth

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 21:35:12 (edited 2024-02-06 21:35:43)

Hah! Neat, this is the first I've heard of emojis being useable in passwords. Love it!

Time to update mine to ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶b̶i̶r̶d̶ ̶e̶m̶o̶j̶i̶ definitely not birds of any kind

At 2/6/24 02:13 PM, TomFulp wrote:

Our new system allows for the use of any characters in passwords, including emojis. We also recommend the use of a password manager, as it greatly enhances online security by generating and storing complex passwords. Bitwarden is an efficient and secure password manager, for example. 

BBS Signature

Response to Password System Update 2024-02-06 22:43:53

Thanks for doing this to keep us safe!

BBS Signature