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The Stoner's Club

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-26 03:17:43

no, just lack the E in IME so just say IMo

then nominate more jazz artists you dont even listen to

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-26 03:19:51

coincidentally ones i listen to

while the other guy models panning, etc in my songs after his because of lack of experience and reason to why i do that

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-26 03:28:43

so instead of playing split personality you can try posting on your not spam account you little weasel

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-26 09:26:03

I'd hate to find out that anyone emulates a bunch of text that they converse with using a computer.

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-26 10:39:11

Ha, wtf are you guys even arguing about.

Anyway, Streetlight concert today, so when i roll up my j's, il take a pic of them with my cell.
I'l also try and get a pic of the band up close, il post the pics if they turn out good.

cell phone pics ussualy blow ass

Steal, borrow, refer, save your shady inference II Kangaroo done hung the juror with the innocent

The Stoner's Club

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-26 14:50:55

At 9/26/09 10:39 AM, Sneak-a-Toke wrote: Ha, wtf are you guys even arguing about.

He thinks that I copy him to be cool because we share similar interests. But I can't change his mind, so he can believe whatever he wants, it's cool. So is the concert outside?

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-26 15:55:27

At 9/26/09 02:50 PM, Scrotaculous wrote:
At 9/26/09 10:39 AM, Sneak-a-Toke wrote: Ha, wtf are you guys even arguing about.
He thinks that I copy him to be cool because we share similar interests. But I can't change his mind, so he can believe whatever he wants, it's cool. So is the concert outside?

Nah its inside, and i dont think it's even that big of a place, but im still pumped.

Steal, borrow, refer, save your shady inference II Kangaroo done hung the juror with the innocent

The Stoner's Club

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-26 16:14:07

At 9/26/09 03:55 PM, Sneak-a-Toke wrote: Oh.
Nah its inside, and i dont think it's even that big of a place, but im still pumped.

So are they pretty lenient on weed? Cause that would suck to miss the concert because you got kicked out. Or are you smoking before you go in.

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-26 18:39:56

im p. sure pr0de is scrots alt. here is a list of evidence ive compiled to prove my point:

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-26 20:33:48

At 9/26/09 07:42 PM, Sensationalism wrote:
At 9/26/09 04:14 PM, Scrotaculous wrote: So are they pretty lenient on weed? Cause that would suck to miss the concert because you got kicked out. Or are you smoking before you go in.
Every concert I've been to has had people tokin up or smoking and nobody got in trouble. Some people had acid or other stuff too. And alcohol, but that's legal.

I live in an area that is so uptight it's ridiculous. I was just at a ween concert, which is a band I only pretend to like apparently, and they were kicking people out left and right just for smoking joints.

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-26 23:52:27

At 9/26/09 09:04 PM, Sensationalism wrote:
At 9/26/09 08:33 PM, Scrotaculous wrote: I live in an area that is so uptight it's ridiculous. I was just at a ween concert, which is a band I only pretend to like apparently, and they were kicking people out left and right just for smoking joints.
Ah. Well one of the towns I was in, it's legal to possess a small amount and legal to do in private (like your home) not so much a concert though, ha. But yeah they didn't care.
And the other town doesn't have a law like that, but they're pretty lenient too. I don't think my state cares much about weed. I guess around here the more serious issue is heroin.

Was going to go to the Children of Bodom concert with the Black Dahlia Murder and SkeletonWitch tomorrow, but can't now due to family shit. At least I got the tickets cheap. Still sucks though. I've got another concert I'm going to in a couple weeks though, so it shouldn't be too bad.

Fuck Children of Bodom. I used to love them until I went to a concert and that dickhole decided to chug a bottle of water and spit it all over the crowd -- including me. Fucking disgusting dude, screw Alexi Laiho... but the band still makes good music.

I've never been busted for weed at concerts either though. At Ozzfest '07 (I think? Whichever was the free one) my friends and I snuck in a bunch of joints, blunts, and a small piece. My one friend got caught by security getting ready to light up his mega blunt and the guy just took it away, that's it.

Anyway, got cross faded as fuck on Friday night. I don't know why I always decide to take up a hit when I'm wasted as hell... especially considering it just makes me nauseous and eventually causes me to puke. Oh yeah, my puke was lime green, it was gnarly.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 00:11:24

naw, you don't listen to monk, and you change you your opinion and say "im sorry thats not what i meant"

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 00:16:18

and how do you know i was reffering to you in the las tpage, must have to do with bullshit

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 00:21:31

and i smoked some crack and budder to celebrate revealing

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 10:52:08

At 9/27/09 12:21 AM, pr0ded wrote: and i smoked some crack and budder to celebrate revealing

Dude, I love how you make 2-3 posts every time instead of just making one post. It's pretty awesome, really.

Arise to sky and set free - Release toward horizon

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 11:56:00

At 9/26/09 07:42 PM, Sensationalism wrote:
At 9/26/09 04:14 PM, Scrotaculous wrote: So are they pretty lenient on weed? Cause that would suck to miss the concert because you got kicked out. Or are you smoking before you go in.
Every concert I've been to has had people tokin up or smoking and nobody got in trouble. Some people had acid or other stuff too. And alcohol, but that's legal.

Well, first off, it was crazy, with like half the floor being one huge mosh.
By midnight i was dead tired.

As for the smoking, my friend lit up his blunt before Streetlight was coming on, and in about 1 minute, a security guy came up to him, but he dropped it on the ground, so when the security guy left, he picked it up. It was pretty sketchy bunning inside, because the place was relativly small, and could only fit like what 400 or 500 people.

Luckily, we just went outside into the smokers area, smoked our J's with some other fans, and then went in.

I was closer to the stage and more in the mosh.

Better Quality, but different song.

Steal, borrow, refer, save your shady inference II Kangaroo done hung the juror with the innocent

The Stoner's Club

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 13:13:30

At 9/27/09 11:56 AM, Sneak-a-Toke wrote: Well, first off, it was crazy, with like half the floor being one huge mosh.
By midnight i was dead tired.

As for the smoking, my friend lit up his blunt before Streetlight was coming on, and in about 1 minute, a security guy came up to him, but he dropped it on the ground, so when the security guy left, he picked it up. It was pretty sketchy bunning inside, because the place was relativly small, and could only fit like what 400 or 500 people.

Sounds like you had a great time, glad everything worked out for you. They sound real good live judging by those videos.

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 14:49:11

So I have gone exactly a 45 days without smoking cannabis. I feel no desire to smoke it at all until I can learn to enjoy it like I did when I first started smoking. I wouldn't even focus on the fact that I was high, I would just enjoy it.... Now I just get pissed that it isn't going to last as long and it ruins the whole vibe, so maybe now that I have reset my tolerance I can finally enjoy it again for whatever it is instead of expecting it to be a certain way....

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 17:47:19

45 days would mean your tolerance should be close to, or exactly, zero. What you're experiencing is psychological.

"In this world // We walk on the roof of hell, // Gazing at flowers." -- Issa

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 18:51:48

At 9/27/09 05:47 PM, Buddhist wrote: 45 days would mean your tolerance should be close to, or exactly, zero. What you're experiencing is psychological.

That's what I mean, it seems like whenever I take tolerance breaks, I feel really stoned for a few sessions and then it jumps right back up to needing to smoke every hour....

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 19:46:46

Reporting in. It turns out that all my friends that do smoke weed are stopping due to a secret society of snitches.

Should I quit for a while too?

What a shame, Mister Jensen.

I never asked for this, Mister Denton.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 20:01:57

At 9/27/09 07:08 PM, Sensationalism wrote:
At 9/27/09 11:56 AM, Sneak-a-Toke wrote: Well, first off, it was crazy, with like half the floor being one huge mosh.
By midnight i was dead tired.
Luckily, we just went outside into the smokers area, smoked our J's with some other fans, and then went in.
Glad you had a good time and smoking wasn't too difficult. Mosh pits are the best!

Yes, being pushed and shoved around by a bunch of sweaty shirtless dudes is the best.

Mosh pits are retarded. I mean, it was kind of exciting when I did a wall of death for Lamb of God, but I was drunk as hell and I did a somersault before some skin head helped me up.

I'd take being dry humped by some e-tarded slut at a rave over a mosh pit any day. You still get the physical contact... but it's a whole lot less gay.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 20:41:03

How are mosh-pits gay?

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 21:11:22

Ah man, finally got some good weed after 3+ months of schwag. I now remember how much better good weed is.

Also...I smoked some native shit the other day with my friend. It's not weed. It kinda smells like coffee or somethin and its black with white stems in it. It gets you kind of a weed high. I don't really have any idea what it is.

Alsoooo! My friend and I made a pipe thing out of a oxygen pump (for fish tanks). We just put a bowl where it sucked in air, and then attached 2 hoses to the holes where the oxygen comes out.

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 21:46:41

At 9/27/09 09:11 PM, MichaelHurst wrote: Alsoooo! My friend and I made a pipe thing out of a oxygen pump (for fish tanks). We just put a bowl where it sucked in air, and then attached 2 hoses to the holes where the oxygen comes out.

lol Mr.Mcgiver

Yeah, and the mosh pits wern't gay because it' s fucking Streetlight and like 20% were girls.
I only saw like 5-6 shirtless guys, who can easily be avoided if you have problems with body contact.
The body contact, in my oppinion, is part of the reason its so fun.
However, i know what you mean, it can be a bit weird sometimes, especially by the end were everyones sweaty. :/

Steal, borrow, refer, save your shady inference II Kangaroo done hung the juror with the innocent

The Stoner's Club

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 22:45:56

At 9/27/09 08:41 PM, LamboFactor wrote: How are mosh-pits gay?

how are they not gay? bunch of hype ass motherfuckers beating the shit out each other for no god damn reason. gr8 way to kill your high if you went to the show to chill & enjoy music. only ppl irl i know that LOVE moshing are complete faggot scene kids with their hardcore music.

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 22:48:05

i love this band so much i wanna just violently run around in a circle swinging my arms like a retard! maybe ill be able to rub up against some hot guys~

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 22:53:02

Yo! let me join!

Can my rank be Totally Awesome Sweet Alabama Liquid Snake?

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 23:03:30

At 9/27/09 10:53 PM, YoYo17 wrote: Yo! let me join!

Can my rank be Totally Awesome Sweet Alabama Liquid Snake?

We don't have ranks, but go for it.

BBS Signature

Response to The Stoner's Club 2009-09-27 23:09:34

At 9/27/09 11:03 PM, Scrotaculous wrote:
At 9/27/09 10:53 PM, YoYo17 wrote: Yo! let me join!

Can my rank be Totally Awesome Sweet Alabama Liquid Snake?
We don't have ranks, but go for it.

what a boring stoning circle, I'm a lvl 130 blunt roller in my other one lol.. Btw you don't get the refference do you?