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Privilege is a Bad Word

840 Views | 15 Replies

Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-05 18:07:12

In discussing the ideas of privilege with activists, I've come to realize that the word itself is inaccurate and alienates people that might otherwise be willing to help oppressed demographics. First of all, let's look at a dictionary definition of what privilege means:

a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people.

Now consider the connotation that 'privilege' has. Looking at examples of it being used in a sentence, most use the word somewhat like this:

In October 1763 the king granted Mendelssohn the privilege of Protected Jew (Schutz-Jude)- which assured his right to undisturbed residence in Berlin.

In a majority of cases, a privilege is granted by a person or group of people, or possibly by a higher power. Rather than being a mere consequence of happenstance or an environmental factor, the word "granted" in the definition implies that a privilege is given to you with a specific intent. When used in such a way, terms like "male privilege" and "white privilege" become much more sinister, because of an implication that there's some figure of authority in control of the social hierarchy.

Consider the provided synonym "advantage," which, compared to "privilege," does not imply that there is any giver or intent behind it:

a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position.

To compare the words, try swapping the two words wherever you see them and the difference becomes clear.

In October 1763 the king granted Mendelssohn the advantage of Protected Jew (Schutz-Jude)- which assured his right to undisturbed residence in Berlin.
Having set up camp at the top of the hill, the tribe won the skirmish due to having a height privilege.

To address the idea of a systematic hierarchy, let's consider the well-known advantage (or privilege) a white driver has when pulled over by a cop compared to that of a black driver. If a cop is the authority in this situation, it would be safe to assume that they are the ones granting this so-called privilege to white drivers. But where does this bias come from?

Many cops respond to a disproportionate amount of emergency calls where black people are committing crimes. Repeated exposure to these situations creates a bias toward thinking of black people as criminals. However, if the statistical bias influences the cop, then the cop is not the source of the bias. So who actually grants the privilege? Black crime has more to do with class than it has to do with race. The reason the two words are married has more to do with the connection between being black and being poor, and the connection between being poor and being a criminal. If you want to trace this back farther, you can consider that after the abolition of slavery, not enough steps have been taken to give black people the same opportunities as white people.

In a way you could say that the racial bias you experience as a driver is a privilege, but if you do, who granted it? A bunch of colonial British slave traders that are long dead. However, the etymology of the word doesn't encourage people to look this far; while using the term 'white privilege' encourages people to look for a culprit, it's easier to see white people as the problem rather than someone who is not alive to face the consequences of their actions. Taking the position that racial biases are a shared responsibility is a valid argument, except that these biases are not exclusive to white people. I do not like to use the word 'fault' in this scenario, because having these biases does not make you a bad person and the problem is more complicated than that. Hence, I disagree with the way that 'privilege' invites people to start pointing fingers, especially as it is not a word that makes people feel included or accepted when it is directed at you. Similar to what Nietzsche calls "slave morality," privilege is often used to make people feel guilty for having advantages, and sounds like an excellent way to incite class warfare and to alienate people that may otherwise want to help you. Having a feminist tell me that I have male privilege makes me a lot less enthusiastic to help them compared to if I were told that being a man gives me advantages.

TL;DR Social activists should replace the word "privilege" with "advantage."

If I offer to help you in a post, PM me to get it. I often forget to revisit threads.

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Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-05 18:21:45

At 1/5/16 06:13 PM, Cordyceps wrote: it's made up bullshit so they have something to whine about


You're looking too far into this, OP. This "privilege" thing is just the mad ramblings of a group of whiny, mentally ill teenagers with far too much free time. If you were to examine the actions of SJWs at a base level, you would realize that they are just retarded and a waste of time.

Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-05 19:02:29



Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-05 19:08:55

At 1/5/16 06:21 PM, Bit wrote: You're looking too far into this, OP. This "privilege" thing is just the mad ramblings of a group of whiny, mentally ill teenagers with far too much free time. If you were to examine the actions of SJWs at a base level, you would realize that they are just retarded and a waste of time.

So do you think it's normal for a white guy to be followed around a store when they go shopping?

If I offer to help you in a post, PM me to get it. I often forget to revisit threads.

Want 180+ free PSP games? Try these links! - Flash - Homebrew (OFW)

Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-05 19:41:23

In my experience, semantic disputes can have people running in circles for days and hardly does anything to address the overarching- problem at hand. This is what you seem to be wrapped up in. And while you may have a point that connotations can be important in terms of "selling" the movement, that just ties into this little thing called context. A perfect modern day example of how important context is is the primary misconception with the labeling of the Black Lives Matter movement. It tends to go a little something like this:

"Black Lives Matter? So what are they saying that white lives don't matter? Wtffffffff!!!!!"

Of course, any reasonable person would agree that "all lives matter," but what proponents of this countermovement fail to understand is the context of the situation, how there is a disproportionate number of black people being arrested and thrown in jail/prison, or how blacks are still more likely to be discriminated against when even looking to rent a home compared to white people.

As a male, I have no problem saying that I have the privilege of not having to worry as much about being raped at a college party as a female, or that I have the privilege of not having to be as mindful of what may or may not be in my drink and who gave it to me. Literally nobody equates privilege with right in that context. It's a bit of a moot point anyways when you view language as being constantly evolving and conforming to modern times, because that is exactly what it does.

BBS Signature

Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-05 20:26:36

I hate how we seem to take the word privilege and then turn it into a negative connotation because of some attention starved idiots use to promote a grievence that either doesn't (or more precisely shouldn't) exist, or is only riding the bandwagon of social movements in an attempt to get noticed. This is what happens when we allow the minority of the vocal minority start dictating what is acceptable and what isn't, while indirectly punishing the majority for no reason.

There are plenty of social issues that do need to be addressed, and a lot of them are being discussed right now, but butthurt SJWs and the notion of privilege by some arbitrary standard are not worth discussing and should be dismissed as empty chatter. This is the kind of red herring that people keep falling for in lieu of the actual issues, it's no wonder why the majority of folks dismiss anything that SJWs promote.

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

BBS Signature

Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-05 20:50:12

At 1/5/16 06:13 PM, Cordyceps wrote: it's made up bullshit so they have something to whine about

It is until teachers and academics and politicians &c start buying into it and then it becomes something serious and deadly.

"Sit down and shut up and do as I say" -- Zeus

BBS Signature

Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-05 21:08:19

At 1/5/16 07:08 PM, Kwing wrote:
At 1/5/16 06:21 PM, Bit wrote: You're looking too far into this, OP. This "privilege" thing is just the mad ramblings of a group of whiny, mentally ill teenagers with far too much free time. If you were to examine the actions of SJWs at a base level, you would realize that they are just retarded and a waste of time.
So do you think it's normal for a white guy to be followed around a store when they go shopping?

Yes. They're called "loss prevention" and they will follow you around if you look even slightly suspicious.

Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-05 21:47:13


Privilege is a Bad Word

Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-05 22:06:51

At 1/5/16 08:51 PM, Cordyceps wrote: You mean like those visible minority and female only scholarships I can't apply for just because of the colour of my skin or my gender?

The very same. Isn't equality great?

"Sit down and shut up and do as I say" -- Zeus

BBS Signature

Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-05 22:39:46

Y'know, I feel privileged, but that's because I'm not white.

Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-06 07:08:29

I checked my privilege, and it's some great privilege. You ghetto black motherfuckers can get your own, while I regret nothing about mine.

BBS Signature

Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-06 14:02:30

I feel advantaged to have in-door plumbing.

Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-06 14:39:50

At 1/5/16 06:13 PM, Cordyceps wrote: it's made up bullshit so they have something to whine about

Yep that about sums it up.

Let us wallow in the filth of the void clinging to one another.

Formerly Schizo-sephy.

Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-06 20:03:08

It's not a bad word, but let's use the word correctly. There is no such thing as "white privilege" or "male privilege". They're not really advantages either -- they're things that just are.

There are more poor whites than any other race in the US. Most people on welfare are white, actually. Yes, there's also well-to-do whites but there's definitely a lot of poor whites out there. Trailer park dweller or man who lives in a shack has some "privilege" huh?

Males typically die sooner than women and live more stressful lives (tend to take more dangerous jobs, tend to work longer hours, tend to be involved in more violent lethal physical confrontations more often, etc...). That's some "privilege".

Yes, women tend to get raped a whole lot more than men, but here's the thing -- a woman encounters a bad man and he rapes her, but a man encounters a bad man and is murdered. Yes, sometimes women are murdered too, but it's less often. Rape is definitely bad, but "you're raped" or "you're murdered" and I think I'd take the rape, if those are my only two options. One is traumatizing but the other is final.

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Response to Privilege is a Bad Word 2016-01-06 21:11:52

When they start whining, smile and tell them that you have the privilege of ignoring them.

Bonus points for each triggering. Go for the high score!



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