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Before and after thoughts of pot

497 Views | 13 Replies

Before I ever smoked weed for, the longest time i thought it was this drug that was somewhat acceptable but bad for you. I really didnt have any idea what pot was or how it affected people. I didnt really pay any attention to it, until one day when my pops told me he was going to buy his medical card. Before i get to that, lemme go back a little bit. Before i really got into pot, my life was so one track. I basically woke up every morning, went to school, talked about tits and ass with all my virgin friends, and basically just fantasized about a greater life. I would find anything to do just to be less bored with myself. I had a basic life. Now, when my dad told me about getting a medical card, my whole perception basically changed about it. I was at first confused as to why my dad would want weed, but soon I just thought it was the coolist shit ever. "Fuck yeah my Dad is a pimp getting weed" i thought. Instead of coming home to my regular smelling house, i would now be smelling the sweet dank that filled my nostrills from 5pm to about 11 pm. I was in 9th grade when he got his card, and i believe it was a year after that, me and my pops drove home from his work and he gave me a shot of some whiskey which was a normal thing that we would do on Friday nights together. My dad wanted to be cool and told me to come to his room if i wanted a hit. I was so excited but nervous as fuck. I remember going to his stash during the summer and trying to take a hit out of his pipe but i didnt know how to do it and i got scared. So this time was my real first chance to actually smoke it. I put the pipe to my lips and took a small little hit, and my dad started laughing and said "your moms gunna be home soon, so go play xbox in your room and if she asks whatsup with you, tell her that me and you took a shot, ok?". I remember playting xbox feeling a little crossfaded, but at the time i thought i was higher than what i was. After that i hadnt smoked for a while until one of my friends texted me trying to re-friend me. Me and my friend always talked about trying weed before and now he was trying to re-friend me by offering to smoke me out with his tree. I was nervous because i didnt want to get caught but then i said fuck it and went to his house to hang. His friend recently moved out from down the street so we went to the backyard of his old house and smoked a bowl out of a metal little pipe with a twist on metal cap. I didnt feel high. In fact most the times i smoked with this friend i never really felt high (i think it was because i never really inhaled) but me and this friend had some of the best smoking adventures. It was so new to us and we saw so many things we could do with it. But we honestly only got away with smoking for two months until his parents caught us high at this park by his house. It was funny because his parents called my parents to come meet us all at the park, and when my parents showed up my dad told his dad that he would dispose of the weed and pipe. My friends dad ended up taking the weed to the cops along with my friend but my stoner parents took me home and tried to act mad but couldn't be mad because they new it wasnt that bad. At the time i was smoking with this friend my other friend Cody found out that i started smoking and he wanted to get into it too. He went to school with me and was and is still one of my best friends. It took a while but soon cody started becoming a big time stoner. We were in 11th grade now and Cody started dating this girl whose mom made alot of edibles. At this time i wasnt a big stoner ive weed the times with my first friend and my dad the one time that i mentioned. I found out Cody was smoking at the circle (the hangout spot by the basketball courts, it was huge circular brick wall, and it was perfect for smoking their because you could move around the circle and smoke without the teachers seeing you since you were on the other side). At first i was jealous but then i thought it was cool. Cody first got me to try edibles but they didnt work because they were made out of shitty weed. But then we started smoking at lunch time at the circle but just a couple hits. Before school would start we would go and smoke every single morning by the baseball field with our sophmore friend who would always supply our bowls. Pretty soon my life started to become more interesting. Weed started becoming everything to me. When i was bored i'd think about when i was going to get to smoke weed next . In class my thoughts were wrapped around nugs and bongs and pipes. I was totally against buying weed for a while still because i didnt wanna pay for something that should honestly be free. Soon i realized that almost everyone was a stoner and its just something that everyone somewhat has to keep hidden. Then my other best friend moved around the corner and hes alwasy been a stoner so i would walk to his pad and expand my mind like everyday. pretty soon iwas going to class high, driving high, going to my job at the golf course high. It changed my thoughts about everything in a great way. It honestly gave my life some meaning. alot of people will disagree and call me a burnt pothead but honestly its inspired me to do alot more in life even though it has made me pretty lazy.
it helps me eat everyday and sleep every night. I went from only smoking shake to smoking tree from the club.Its been an awesome adventure getting into pot and i hope they legalize it soon. Any whats peoples thoughts on weed? What was your first time smoking like? what's your experiences with pot been like? Tell me how your journey into pot began because i want to here from my fellow stoners!

Response to Before and after thoughts of pot 2015-01-31 02:54:04

please put down the bong.....and step away from the cat...

BBS Signature

Response to Before and after thoughts of pot 2015-01-31 03:02:41

Wall of text. Didn't read.

I don't smoke. It's a waste of time.

Response to Before and after thoughts of pot 2015-01-31 03:57:18

That post has more bricks than the great wall of China.

Before and after thoughts of pot

Oldskies lmao

BBS Signature

Response to Before and after thoughts of pot 2015-01-31 07:19:50

Wall of text I don't wanna read.
Smoking is shit. Don't smoke.

till we overdose

Response to Before and after thoughts of pot 2015-01-31 07:29:58

I actually read this shit, and it really seems that your world circulates around pot. You're fucking nuts. Go eat some cereal and think of life, because doing this 24/7 isn't good for you

did you fall from the sky love

kik me baby

BBS Signature

Response to Before and after thoughts of pot 2015-01-31 07:37:21

This post is soon to be a major motion picture.

Response to Before and after thoughts of pot 2015-01-31 07:49:16

That hurt my eyes to read

Before I was rather cautious of pot as with all drugs however after smoking some I find it to be a good way to relax and meditate with little to no side effects

BBS Signature

Response to Before and after thoughts of pot 2015-01-31 08:09:01

At 1/31/15 07:49 AM, Teddiikun wrote: That hurt my eyes to read

Before I was rather cautious of pot as with all drugs however after smoking some I find it to be a good way to relax and meditate with little to no side effects

Now can you just ramble on a little more about your exposure to it in a way that's as boring as possible? Please describe as many scenarios in which pot was involved and led to little to nothing other than the obvious fact that you got high. Seriously your reply is lacking excess.

Response to Before and after thoughts of pot 2015-01-31 08:17:15

At 1/31/15 08:09 AM, DryDesertAir wrote: Now can you just ramble on a little more about your exposure to it in a way that's as boring as possible? Please describe as many scenarios in which pot was involved and led to little to nothing other than the obvious fact that you got high. Seriously your reply is lacking excess.

There isn't much more to say, if you wanna know about Marijuana and how and why people use it go on Google

BBS Signature

Response to Before and after thoughts of pot 2015-01-31 08:24:42

At 1/31/15 08:17 AM, Teddiikun wrote: There isn't much more to say, if you wanna know about Marijuana and how and why people use it go on Google

No worries, I'm just giving you props for keeping things short.

Response to Before and after thoughts of pot 2015-01-31 08:30:05

tl;dr @NGPulp- his first post! You know what that means!

At 1/31/15 08:30 AM, cga-999 wrote: tl;dr @NGPulp- his first post! You know what that means!

I see. Well, here it is.

Anyway, I read it all.

I'm not all that impressed. This is an inversion of the 'pot ruined my lfe' story. So you were timid and shit before pot, and now after pot you're all cool and fun and stuff. Alright, then. It's a story-- a terribly written story, but a story.

Please, use paragraphs next time.

Response to Before and after thoughts of pot 2015-01-31 10:01:06

pot is pretty groovy man

winner of the first annual NG Hunger games

life is just a trek, a quest to obtain knowledge, power, perhaps domination. maybe someone will win the race someday

BBS Signature