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Someone unstole stuff from me..

1,207 Views | 19 Replies

Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 11:14:10

So sometime about a year ago I had the following items stolen from me at the universities gym.

Championship high school football coat, cellphone, student ID, keys to my dorm room along with the key chain, I-pod with headphones, sunglasses, and a pair of shorts.

I first went through the gym and the president/owner type dude walked through the locker room and we went through every nook and cranny to see if I just couldn't find the stuff or if it had been misplaced somewhere in the locker room. We then went to search every place in the gym and had finally figured that it was stolen and I'd have to go to the authorities.

I filed my police report, but the man told me he's never had someone find the stuff. They could look over security tape, but unless someone was stupid enough to have carried the stuff out by hand and not in a bag then they wouldn't find anything. They searched the tapes and nothing was found.

This morning I over to the gym like I always do. Workout for about an hour and a half and then head over to the locker room to take a shower. I first walk in and see one locker slightly opened. A pair of shorts and a coat are neatly folded with a set up keys in front of them. I first tell myself that it can't be mine, but it's worth taking a look.

I unfold the coat to see FB/LB, the positions I played when we won our championship. I'm still not sure so I unfold it more to see the number 33 and then even more to see that my last name is on it. Under the shorts lay headphones and sunglasses.

So things still missing are my cellphone, which I canceled shortly after, my student ID, which is used to get meals (also cancelled), my Ipod, and my key chain. The only thing that I can think of is that they gave back the stuff that wasn't worth any money sold the stuff that was.

I'm extremely happy because I loved that coat and it's really impossible to replace, but what the hell? Who steals something and returns it after a years worth of time? Wouldn't it just be easier to throw away the other stuff and not worry about it? It couldn't have been left there as we searched every locker that day and they clean the locker room so many times a year by throwing the stuff in there in the lost and found.

Like I said, not complaining or anything, but what kind of thief is that nice?

Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 11:18:02

At 9/10/10 11:16 AM, MuyBurrito wrote: That's comparable to having someone break into your house to tie you at a game of scrabble.

I've been meaning to apologise for that. In retrospect it was a pretty shameful thing for me to have done.

This is filler text.

The Noise I Make. || I'm not dead! || Confess. || AIM/MSN.

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Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 11:18:12

Yes, something is better than anything but think that he didnt return you everything, just stuff that he didnt need... maybe if he returned you everything would be better but well something is something and good that you get back something you really loved...

Wish you get back your other things

Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 11:20:56

Well you gave me some sweet reviews on my music and the jacket didn't fit so i thought i would be nice and return them.

But in al seriousness i guess the individual that stole your stuff doesn't usually steal things. it might have been a chance occurrence to steal your stuff and so they did.
In the long run the guilt might have gotten to them so they decided to return the things that had no value to them.
But because they believed it had value to you they decided to return it. What is really screwy is that you probably know the person who stole from you. Not a friend but maybe a guy that you say hi to in passing.

Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 11:24:27

Woah, that's weird... I think thieves are getting nicer...


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Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 11:27:55

You are one of the luckiest people around because I sincerely have no idea how or why anybody would do that. This is probably the nicest criminal I have ever heard of. It is quite unlikely that you had simply misplaced your stuff and found it after all this time. This is something so ridiculous it seems like you could write in to "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" about how ridiculous of a situation this is. They are always looking for stuff like that.

You know the world's gone crazy when the best rapper's a white guy and the best golfer's a black guy - Chris Rock

Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 11:34:43

At 9/10/10 11:18 AM, MonoFlauta wrote: Yes, something is better than anything but think that he didnt return you everything, just stuff that he didnt need... maybe if he returned you everything would be better but well something is something and good that you get back something you really loved...

Wish you get back your other things

The thing is they returned the thing that I couldn't replace in the football coat. I'll never go back and win a high school football championship again and even if I had a new one made to look like the old one then it still wouldn't be the same. I kind of have some respect for this person.

At 9/10/10 11:23 AM, Jawdyn wrote: They're fucking with your brain, Fro.

Maybe I have to different personalities or some shit and I stole it/hid it from myself. Wtf.

At 9/10/10 11:20 AM, SymbolCymbal wrote: Well you gave me some sweet reviews on my music and the jacket didn't fit so i thought i would be nice and return them.

Plus it had my last name on it you bastard. >:(

That's why I figured they gave the coat back because they couldn't where it with my information showing that they obviously stole it. The shorts must not have fit so they returned those as well even though I don't really care about them.

The sunglasses and headphones are actually very different and they might have feared that I would recognize them if I saw someone wearing them. The keychain was the universities generic giveaway so they probably saw no reason to return it.

But because they believed it had value to you they decided to return it. What is really screwy is that you probably know the person who stole from you. Not a friend but maybe a guy that you say hi to in passing.

Another thing that I thought of is they actually needed the stuff. Like they needed the stuff to feed themselves for a couple more days or something like that. I kind of feel like this because they did give everything back that had no value meaning they really didn't want to steal, but had to do it.

Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 11:38:58

At 9/10/10 11:36 AM, Jawdyn wrote: You're having a dream, within a dream.

within a dream.
within a dream
within a dream
you're in limbo

I thought of that as well. Hell it makes the most sense out of any of the logical things that I could come up with. The whole situation was just a figment of my imagination, you guys are actually a figment of my imagination, and I'm just in a hospital bed in a coma or something.

Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 11:39:34

They could have stolen the pricey stuff and placed the coat, headphones, etc in the other locker and it's been there all this time.

Guess it'll be one of those mysteries that will never be solved. . .

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

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Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 14:13:29

At 9/10/10 11:14 AM, Fro wrote: Like I said, not complaining or anything, but what kind of thief is that nice?

Pretty nice story. Maybe the thief had a guilty conscience and knows you (or more likely when you are working out and stuff), so he returned the things he hadn't sold then.

When I was living in a drom some years back I got a bread knife stolen from me. I complained to other people who lived there and a few days later I found the knife behind my cooking pots. Now I'm pretty sure I didn't place it there myself (besides, I used the pots the day before and there wasn't any knife) so whoever stole it must have heard me complaining and returned it.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 16:25:19

At 9/10/10 11:14 AM, Fro wrote: So sometime about a year ago I had the following items stolen from me at the universities gym.

So, there's some spooky stuff going on in the gym! It's behind you!

Like I said, not complaining or anything, but what kind of thief is that nice?

An interesting tale - why not make a flash movie about it?

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 16:28:08

Someone broke into my house once, didn't take anything at all just turned everything upside down and backwards.

My T.v. was turned backwards, my couch upside down, my minifridge backwards. I laughed my ass off but still have no idea who did it.

BBS Signature

Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 16:43:42

Maybe the thief finally decided they didn't want it? Or they stole it for a personal reason and did some.. stuff to it? I believe that a man can still change his heart, even years later, so that might be it. For example, this guy had a huge late book fee from a library he blew off. Fifty years later, he payed it all off. Maybe he realized the errors of his ways.

Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 17:32:31

At 9/10/10 11:39 AM, reverend wrote: They could have stolen the pricey stuff and placed the coat, headphones, etc in the other locker and it's been there all this time.

Guess it'll be one of those mysteries that will never be solved. . .

Well that couldn't have happened since it was a year ago and I already stated we had checked everything over. In fact I had been to the gym several times this year and it wasn't there two days ago.

At 9/10/10 02:13 PM, Haggard wrote:
Pretty nice story. Maybe the thief had a guilty conscience and knows you (or more likely when you are working out and stuff), so he returned the things he hadn't sold then.

I thought of that. Maybe it was someone that I spotted one day or had spot me. They would recognize me from the picture on the student ID.

At 9/10/10 04:25 PM, Coop83 wrote:
An interesting tale - why not make a flash movie about it?

I might make a movie or a song about it. Who knows. :P

At 9/10/10 04:28 PM, Kanon wrote: Someone broke into my house once, didn't take anything at all just turned everything upside down and backwards.

I've done that to friends before. :P

At 9/10/10 04:43 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: Or they stole it for a personal reason and did some.. stuff to it?

I'm now sticking it right in the washer.

Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 18:50:03

Maybe the person who stole the stuff was in the gym too, and stupidly left the lock open after having put the stuff in they'd stolen. Theyve took your identity.

Release your inner crazy.

BBS Signature

Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 18:57:01

At 9/10/10 11:14 AM, Fro wrote: So sometime about a year ago I had the following items stolen from me at the universities gym.

I would not return them

BBS Signature

Response to Someone unstole stuff from me.. 2010-09-10 22:53:10

At 9/10/10 06:50 PM, Lucy wrote: Maybe the person who stole the stuff was in the gym too, and stupidly left the lock open after having put the stuff in they'd stolen.

Lmao, that'd be great.

Theyve took your identity.

Not really. I deactivated the old card and received a new card the very next day. It's literally useless as it won't swipe for meals or unlock any of the doors on campus anymore.

At 9/10/10 06:57 PM, Whysomangry wrote:
I would not return them

Neither would I, but I wouldn't have taken them in the first place.