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Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town

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Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town 2010-06-09 19:56:26

TDAOC: The Diary of a Citizen, that is the title...

This is a GMOD Based story, I will ask you politely not to post and comment on this story until I tell you I am finished. This is going to take a while because I am still creating the pictures and thinking out the events, so bear with me please.

Here's a sneak peak of future chapters to keep you occupied, consider it, a teaser.

After the carnage, we took the dead and put them in a pile to cremate them, it was the best funeral we could give them. Sam cried over the loss of her now dead husband. Dan sat there not even watching, he was upset that he couldn't do anything about the attack, despite how we told him it wasn't his fault for giving away our position, he was doing what any of us would have done when he lit that flare to light our path. We left the combine bodies there to rot. They did this to us, why should we care and respect them.

Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town

Response to Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town 2010-06-10 18:37:12

:Entry 1:
:Well I finally got off the train, after what seemed like hours it finally arrived in C-17 Terminal B. I wasn't happy about being relocated. I thought my town was perfect until... well, let's just say the combine forced me onto that train this morning. My legs felt nice being stretched out after sitting there for ten hours. Would've been longer but one of our planned stops was blown apart in another failed attempt to rebel against the combine. Man, did the combine blow that place to nothing more than rubble. I have to admit, I am a bit relieved that I am finally in a place where I can be safe... I hope.

Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town

Response to Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town 2010-06-10 18:49:19

:I couldn't even get away from the train before some camera thing flies down and blinds me for like five seconds. I can already tell this is going to be a tough day. I was handed a card by one of the officers. It was green with the combine symbol in the background. It had my name, my serial number and my housing number on it. Apparently this new system that's in affect is to call citizens by the last four digits of their serial number. It seemed they were reverting back to the ways during the holocaust during Hitler's reign, calling people by a number how inhumane. After I got my card I was quickly sent to another booth where another fellow citizen sat me down in a chair. He put my wrist face up against the arm of the chair. He told me his name was Charles. He also said that whatever he was about to do would sting a bit. He place this tiny device over my hand, he pressed a button and immediately I felt intense pain in my wrist. It felt hot, like they were injecting lava into my arm. When it was done Charles let me go. I looked at my wrist to discover a barcode tattoo on my wrist. This was the final part of this identification system. Every where I went, every time I purchased something from a store I would have to have my wrist scanned. It would identify me by my serial number and record the time, and the place and send it somewhere. I would also have to use it to get into certain parts of the city, my job, if I ever find one, and my home. This way when they initiate curfew, they can assure every citizen is where they should be. It's brutal, it's like we're mice in a lab experiment. Already the handle was being pulled to flush my identity and my hopes of a good life down the drain. There was no escaping their reign.

Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town

Response to Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town 2010-06-10 19:01:17

:I continued on towards the exit of the terminal and I was stopped by another guard. 'What now?' was what immediately rushed through my head. He demanded to see my I.D. Tag, the one I had just gotten from that other guard, and to hand over my suitcase. I handed him my I.D. tag and got it back a second later. I asked the guard about the suitcase and he threatened me with his stunstick. I remembered then what I head from the guy next to me on the train.

"::Ever get hit with a stunstick?
::I have, it hurts like hell. They say that if they hit you in the right place it will act like a taser, loss of muscle control and some bodily functions. It's also said they can stop your heart or make you puke. I know that the puking is correct. I swallowed something that an officer was trying to confiscate. He hit me in the stomach full on with his stunstick and I puked everything I ate that day. It was gruesome. So my advice to you, if an officer threatens you with his stunstick, do what he asks, or you'll regret it. Big time."

I sighed and placed the suitcase on the luggage rack next to the officer and he let me pass. Everything I ever had from my previous life in that little town of mine was in that suitcase. And from what I heard, on it's way to an incinerator. I looked at the luggage rack one last time then sighed and continued on through the turnstile.

Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town

Response to Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town 2010-06-10 21:07:07

:I decided to get a drink. I was thirsty and didn't have a single thing to drink since I left home, all my drinks were in my suitcase. I put in my quarter and pressed the button and waited a moment. Nothing happened. I tried again and once again, nothing happened. I sighed and sat down. It was upsetting, I had just lost 50 cents to a machine, this city is worse than my home. I wish I could go back, but I can't. I picked myself up and carried on.

Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town

Response to Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town 2010-06-19 16:02:49

:It seems that ever turn, every corner, every hallway you went down you were being watched. It was like this was all some kind of game... Every camera was on and watched every person carefully as they walked by, it followed them until they turned out of sight, then another camera watches them as they do... It's making me claustrophobic, and a bit paranoid.

Response to Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town 2010-06-19 16:04:26

pic of above...

Tdoac Chapter 1 New In Town