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Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2)

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Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-01 18:27:06

Finally, after some flame wars and delays, we have the results. It's been tough, and very, very close too, but at last, here are the results of Group 2 of the NG Audio Deathmatch. The winner of this round will go up against Blackhole12 who was the winner of Group 1, and the winner of that gets a frontpage, possibly sigs, reviews from the judges, and reviews from the participants.

Sorry for the delay everyone, and I hope you've all enjoyed the NGADM so far. The two submissions by mr-jazzman and Gravey were both extremely cool, so basically, great job to both of you! So, usual routine, don't post until I post the results post, and remember that I might be using DarkShadow166 (my alt) to post some results, although probably not since SBB said that he wishes to post his results this time round (even though he hasn't answered to my PM yet...). Anyway, enjoy the results, everyone!

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-01 18:36:29



SUMMARY : Brilliantly executed.

REVIEW : This submission is truly an amazing piece of work. From the suspenseful melodies to the very well executed buildups to the superb atmosphere, this leaves me not surprised that you were asked to compose a masterpiece for a game which will come out on the 360.

The melodies, as I said, evoke a lot of suspense. I can easily imagine this to be right at home in a Tomb-Raider game. The brass throughout the song really was excellent, and really added to the submission. The strings also set of the mood really well, and all of the melodies sounded great. Unfortunately, as a lot of people have pointed out to you, this submission has too much reverb in it. In some parts it really added to the atmosphere, especially the softer parts such as at 1:00, 2:07 and the end, but in other parts, especially the intro and the more powerful "mini climaxes" throughout the track, the reverb just blurred everything together and took a reasonable amount of power and might away from the piece. In all, melodies were great.

The instruments are obviously amazing quality. Maybe you tricked me in Orcuviathan the Tomb Shaker and made me think those instruments were from East/West when they were soundfonts, but these instruments are such amazing quality that they can't be from soundfonts xP. I really like your blend of different instruments; the instruments complimented each other very well, with epic and powerful brass fading in and answering the melodies played by the fast-paced strings. The choir voices were also an excellent additon to the song. Instrumentation overall was fantastic.

Transitions are none other than amazing. The transitions actually sound really professional, especially the extremely well executed transitions from the softer parts to the "mini climaxes". New instruments were added to the song excellently and the buildups, as I mentioned above, are absolutely flawless, and make this loop sound even more epic than it already is. Good job with those amazing transitions.

Structure is very original, so while this orchestral piece has some aspects to it which make it a lot like other orchestral soundtracks, I really like the original structure; the fact that the loop "swells and contracts", yet still retains a suspenseful and mighty atmosphere. The variety is extraordinary, with new melodies coming in all the time. The introduction was a very good way to start the amazing atmosphere up, and this looped very well too, to the extent that I hadn't noticed it looped around 5 to 6 times while hearing it.

Those drums are full of action and really compliment the song. They were extremely well varied, and fit perfectly along with the other instruments. Loved your use of congas too, I never knew that congas and bongoes could actually evoke such an exhilerating mood. Stil, what the drums gain in variety and action, they lack in power. Maybe it's the fact that they're quiet, maybe it's the fact that they're dosed in so much reverb, I don't know, but basically the only percussive instrument in the whole song which has a sufficient amount of power to it would be the cymbal at the end. The bass drum sounded very weak, and the congas were quiet. Basically, I think the percussion needs to be a bit more powerful.

Overall, this is a truly amazing submission. I really liked the soft parts, and their extremely smooth transitions to the mini climaxes, plus, the variety is great, the melodies are full of suspense, the instruments are great quality and the structure is superb. Basically, it's the weak drums and excessive use of reverb which made me give you a 9. Keep up the amazing work, I'm left wondering why you're not scoring films...

SCORE : 9/10


SUMMARY : Absolutely amazing.

REVIEW : This is such an amazing piece that I'm doubting the fact that this is made by someone who isn't a professional at making dubstep. This submission has really impressed me, and apart from some small defects, I think your musical talent lies in making original and unique songs such as this. I mean come on, I'm hearing an organ, a piano, a cool warp synth, menacing growls, a powerful bass, choirs and epic drums, all fitting together to make a masterpiece. Heck, I'm even hearing congas for sud's sake. Good job!

The melodies are catchy and extremely well done. You seriously can't fault those amazing melodies. Melodic section overall is brilliant. 1:37 was extremely cool, I loved the part at 2:04, and 2:32 was an excellent break, with a superb ambient melody coming in 14 seconds later, and a nice buildup to the epic dubstep that you are so amazing at making. I still think that the part at 2:32 could last a bit longer, since a lot of the time, the song is full of powerful synths, and I was relieved that I had a little bit of a break from all that action, only to be met by a buildup soon after. Also, some epic piano solo in the middle of the song would really help this song in my opinion, maybe you could fit another break somewhere where you add a piano solo. As for the bass, it was amazingly done. I was extremely impressed by all of the well executed dubstep effects, stutters and stuff you used on the bass. Man, I wish my subwoofer didn't break a few days ago (forcing me to use my retarded subwoofer), because that bass would engulf me in an earthquake :D.

The instruments you used are all great. The piano sounded really nice, the bass was menacing and mighty, the organ was a very good addition, the choirs sounded godly and overall your use of instruments was extremely creative. There's been an outbreak of dubstep recently and you can see loads of dubstep songs on NG, but yours still stands out because of the originality in it. Your use of sound effects was great, and I can say the same for the wobbles on the bass. Good job with the instruments and effects, although I agree with Jewelz123 on the fact that this would sound really cool with a vocal sample fit in somewhere. Not sure about making it Chinese though xP. Unfortunately, the mixing, as many people have said, could use work. The song got extremely loud and blaring at times, not to mention cluttered.

The transitions on the whole are excellent, and there were many cool transitions made by using dubstep effects. Still, the transition at 1:35-ish just doesn't seem to agree with me much. I don't know, I just felt as if the part at 1:22 just didn't last long enough which provided a slightly strange transition. Could be just me though. Transitions were a win :D.

The structure is fantastic, except for the fact that I think that the parts at 1:22 and 2:32 could be a bit longer, but other than that small defect, the song is well structured. Variety was also amazing. You have such creative effects and synths coming in that it's impossible to get bored with this song. The intro was absolutely epic (man, you gotta love dubstep intros. To this date I haven't found a dubstep song with an intro that wasn't epic, and this is no exception) although the ending was a bit uninteresting.

Drums are weak at times (namely that kick which sounds a bit drowned in the mix), but just like a lot of aspects in this song, are very unique. I mean, congas at the beginning, rock drums later; do you ever cease to impress? xD. Yeah, the drums were very good. Nice job with the drums.

All in all, this is a dubstep song that even someone who isn't a regular listener of dubstep (like me) would probably enjoy it. Just work on the weak drums, uninteresting outro, cluttered mix and a few parts in the song which could have lasted a bit longer, along with some other small defects I mentioned. TL;DR: deserves the 9 I gave it!

SCORE : 9/10


Wolf Pack Riders - 9 / 10

Sir Jazzy-Jazz Jazzer-Jazzick McJazzorz Jazzington Jazzlin-Jazzlim MickJazzor Jazzinton MunJazzin Jazzguy McJazzatron Jazzinger Jazzcore Jazzorz-Jazzkin-JeJazzil McJazzlord Jazzmaster Jazzman - 9 / 10

Next we have Darklight17's results.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-01 18:40:09

At 5/1/10 06:36 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:
Next we have Darklight17's results.



Simply fanastic, if slightly generic. This song is the kind that anyone who's into orchestral wants to hear, epic feel, tensiony intro, action packed main section, fast drums with brilliant strings and that ever so popular soundtrack sound which i happen to love :D However, the fact that it reminded me of several soundtracks ive heard in films and games suggests that it is somewhat generic. Im not saying u copied it, im just saying that something completely unique would be sure to catch more attention. to be completely unique can be difficult at msot times however, but im sure someone as talented as you could figure it out.

Anyway, back to the song, as i said, the tension packed intro is something that anyone would love. The atmosphere was instantly set and developed with ease. In this type of music, the intro is one of the most important parts as it serves to catch hold of the listener and bind him to the music. Your intro completed this purpose excellently. The build up and transition into the main section were also superb, with a smooth climax which led into an action packed middle section. The drums in this part were fantastic, the heavy use of timpani and the lighter bongo-ish drums served to create a fantastic depth to the music (although the bongo thingies were a bit overused), with a decent melody on the strings to top it all off.

The various interludes were also pretty good, as they served to give a pause from the overall action, but didnt break up the natural flow of the music. The light use of choirs in some parts served to give more depth and the deep use of bass topped off the music, giving it that epic feel that anyone should be proud of.

The outro was just the icing on the cake really, with a great build up which then looped perfectly back into the intro.

Overall, this is a superb piece of work. Some more originality could have been appreciated, but im still sure that what you did here was one of the best songs id ever heard. Nice work.

Intro = 1.5/2
Outro = 2/2
Blend = 2/2
Transitions = 3/3
Bass = 2/2
Originality = 2/3
Drums = 1.5/2
Melodies = 4/4
Score = 18/20 = 9/10


A great piece, with a fantastic use of effects and glitchiness. The bass was the best part of all this, although its yah-yah sound did get a bit annoying at times. However, considering that this is dusbstep, the bass as it is right now makes sense, as it supports the melody pretty well and provides a decent amount of depth to the whole song.

1:17 was great, but the transition into it wasnt that smooth. The demonish bass in this part again caught my attention, and the fact that it then moved on to a really well worked out calm part made it all the better. The choir-ish pads sounded really good, and then provided a brilliant build up into the final section. Great work.

The drums however, lacked some variety, even they did change every now and then.

Intrument choice was good too, with a nice use of various synths and the brilliant use of bass as mentioned above. Other then that, the only thing i can really mention is the lack of originality in some parts, but it was still a great song.The fade out on the outro was great, and it looped quite well too. Nice work.

Intro = 1.5/2
Outro = 2/2
Blend = 2/2
Transitions = 2.5/3
Bass = 1.5/2
Originality = 2/3
Drums = 1.5/2
Melodies = 4/4
Score = 17/20 = 8.5/10

And since SBB hasn't answered my PM, here are his results too. He said he wishes to post why he gave equal scores to each submission, so I suppose he can do that once he sees this thread next...


Orchestral Theme 2 by Gravey [Score: 8.5]

I instantly felt I had heard this one before. It is very similar to your other works, same mood, same instrumentation, same mostly everything. This is not a particularly negative or positive thing, the sound quality is pretty much excellent, with very detailed percussion that creates a busy mood in a sea of drones. The instruments blend very well together to create a nice and unified mix. My only complaint here is about the use of reverb. It sounds great in some parts, but sometimes (mostly the first minute) it's excessive and makes the treble elements sound blurry and undefined.

There central motif is cleverly placed in the intro, I'm guessing it is to make sure the player hears it every time he has to retry the level, which kinda makes it stick. That motif is the one thing I can remember from this piece when I'm done listening to it. But really, in general, I can't say the piece excites me much. I don't feel it stands out from other orchestral soundtrack type music, save for perhaps the suspenseful little break around the 1:00 mark.

Reflections by mr-jazzman [Score: 8.5]

After listening through it once, I realized that most of my review will be about bass. Unfortunately, one of the first things I notice is that the bass is so loud it occasionally drives the treble into a harsh distortion. This gives the sound quality
a blow. Also, some interesting elements are drowned in the bass. The congas, for example, would shine so much better through if it was placed somewhere in the most mellow portion of the song. The cymbals sound like they are affected too, unless the original sample was already quite dirty.

Still, there are some neat pieces of audiocandy in this piece, most noticeably the resonant, formant quality of the bass, which goes through much of the track. It is a joy to listen to it in all its spectral complexity, and it leaves me just wanting more of it. What I did not consciously pick up on the first listen was the interesting percussion work with the hats. The open acoustic hat, I don't care much for, see my comment about the cymbals above. However, after a while, a closed hat loop with a more programmed feel is introduced, this is pretty much the only treble-element that seemed to survive in the jungle of bass. It certainly contributed a lot to widen the stereo image.

Then of course there is that mellow, almost ambient part that breaks up the track, certainly a relief after a little over two minutes of intense, loud bass. Quite a big contrast there. It does its job as a break (but I can't help but feel it should be twice as long and build up to a major climax).

Finally, the results post...

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-01 18:41:49

At 5/1/10 06:40 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:
Finally, the results post...

mr-jazzman Vs Gravey - Winner: Gravey
9 + 8.5 + 8.5 = 26/30 Vs 9 + 9 + 8.5 = 26.5/30
8.67/10 Vs 8.83/10

Winner of Round 5:

Deadlines Remaining:

Round 6 Results: 23rd May
Teh Judgement Day: 25th May


Congratulations Gravey, you've made it to Round 6. Basically, if you win this round, you're first, if you don't, you're second, so you've still done extremely well in the competition. Good job Gravey, yet again you've shown us judges that you are indeed a worthy competitor.

As for mr-jazzman, I suppose you've finally met your match after those close calls xP. Good job throughout the competition man, you've been a great competitor, and although we probably won't be seeing you next time, good luck with your future music submissions, you're amazing at making music, and getting this far in the competition from a whole 32 people is just proof.

Great job to you both! Now, you can post away :D.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-01 19:23:57

At 5/1/10 06:36 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:

Sir Jazzy-Jazz Jazzer-Jazzick McJazzorz Jazzington Jazzlin-Jazzlim MickJazzor Jazzinton MunJazzin Jazzguy McJazzatron Jazzinger Jazzcore Jazzorz-Jazzkin-JeJazzil McJazzlord Jazzmaster Jazzman


Love Jazzman's name. It's so much fun to improvise on. Obviously Supersteph realized this as well. :-P

I would like to say that the feedback one these entries is great. For once I got some ideas on how to improve, and it's much appreciated. Not sure what I'll be doing for this round, but I think I'm gonna do something very eclectic. I plan on using an instrument from each continent in my song to create a more unique ensemble.

So I'm thinking I won't go the epic orchestral route for the final round. But rather I'm going to extend into new territory and create a more unique ensemble, thus leading to a more memorable sound.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-02 04:44:16

Oops I forgot...

*PM's everyone*

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-02 05:43:14

Well some of you might have remembered that we were gonna give each of you a random genre so taht blackhole didnt get the advantage of having started earlier, but seeing as he was busy doing other stuff and has started his song at about the same time as gravey, then i guess we can forget the genre thingy for now...

Also, congrats to Gravey for making it through, cant wait to see what uve got cooked up for this round, sounds mighty interesting...

As for Mr-Jazzy McJazzors etc. I know u did ur hardest, and it was a pretty close call this time. Better luck next time i guess. Cya all at the end of the final. ;D


Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-02 05:46:57

At 5/2/10 05:43 AM, Darklight17 wrote: Well some of you might have remembered that we were gonna give each of you a random genre so taht blackhole didnt get the advantage of having started earlier, but seeing as he was busy doing other stuff and has started his song at about the same time as gravey, then i guess we can forget the genre thingy for now...

To be honest, this would have been a fail idea in my opinion anyways. He's had so much time off he could have written a dozen songs to use in the final round. And I'm guessing he probably did, even if he didn't say so. I know I would have.

But yea, the only person that idea would inhibit would have been me since he had so much off time he could have written so many songs that any genre could have been covered for him ahead of time. So I'm glad you guys aren't doing that.

Also, congrats to Gravey for making it through, cant wait to see what uve got cooked up for this round, sounds mighty interesting...

Thank you much. I'm working on incorporating penguin samples into the song, since they are the only sounds I can really think of that come from Antartica. :-)

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-02 05:53:44

At 5/2/10 05:46 AM, Gravey wrote: Thank you much. I'm working on incorporating penguin samples into the song, since they are the only sounds I can really think of that come from Antartica. :-)

Durhur, whales, bloop, ice cracking, seals, polar bears, native Inuit languages, suond of a second cup franchise being built.

There are other options. :P

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-02 06:01:02

I deliberately didn't write any songs, only stockpiled ideas, since my creativity works best when I've locked it in a closet for 2 months.

Because I'm juggling song-making with the higher-priority of programming, I likely won't be posting my song until the last minute.

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-02 06:03:53

At 5/2/10 05:53 AM, InvisibleObserver wrote:
Durhur, whales, bloop, ice cracking, seals, polar bears, native Inuit languages, suond of a second cup franchise being built.

There are other options. :P

Do Narwhals live in the ocean surrounding Antarctica?

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-02 06:05:58

At 5/2/10 06:03 AM, Gravey wrote:
At 5/2/10 05:53 AM, InvisibleObserver wrote:
Durhur, whales, bloop, ice cracking, seals, polar bears, native Inuit languages, suond of a second cup franchise being built.

There are other options. :P
Do Narwhals live in the ocean surrounding Antarctica?

Don't think so. Seal noises under ice is really cool sounding though, they make weird sort of howl and clicking noises. Ice breaking, also cool, very crunchy.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-02 09:30:43

Gravey, I think you'll be getting a lot of points for originality.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-02 15:40:43

At 5/2/10 06:05 AM, InvisibleObserver wrote:

Don't think so. Seal noises under ice is really cool sounding though, they make weird sort of howl and clicking noises. Ice breaking, also cool, very crunchy.

Hmmm...Maybe I could get some whale "whines" in the song. Could make for some wicked ambient background pads. ;-D

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-02 15:48:32

At 5/1/10 06:40 PM, Supersteph54 wrote: He said he wishes to post why he gave equal scores to each submission, so I suppose he can do that once he sees this thread next...

Yeah, well, essentially the point is I couldn't figure out which one sucked the hardest.

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-02 23:30:51

Damn...I had a feeling this would happen lol.

For the record, I definitely WANT to compete next time over, and I'm praying to Jesus that I'll be able to.

And Jesus...Is this the closest competition you've had, Gravey? Lol. I tolja I'd come close! You half-pointer, you! (And even less if you consider the averages...)

Dude, good luck Gravey! I've got your back all the way man. You're an excellent competitor, an excellent composer, and an all-around good guy. I don't doubt that you'll be able to wrestle up something orgasmic this round!

Also, to Blackhole12: I wish you also the best. This is a battle of the behemoths, so you're gonna need to give it everything you got! You've definitely got some excellent ideas, sir!

Supersteph, please get back to me when you plan on doing this again. I really REALLY wanna compete again... We'll just have to see how life goes then. And, seeing as I essentially got third place (yes, even over SessileNomad), I don't think it would be too much to ask for me to be assured a spot next time? GOD, that sounds cocky lol. X~D

And if/when I do come back next year (I probably will lol), note this... the Jazzman will have learned a thing or two about EQing and mastering! ;~) Well, in between enjoying Halo Reach and Starcraft 2....Lolz.

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-02 23:37:31

At 5/2/10 03:48 PM, SBB wrote:

Yeah, well, essentially the point is I couldn't figure out which one sucked the hardest.

Feel free to elaborate.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-03 10:07:25

At 5/2/10 11:30 PM, mr-jazzman wrote: Damn...I had a feeling this would happen lol.

For the record, I definitely WANT to compete next time over, and I'm praying to Jesus that I'll be able to.

And Jesus...Is this the closest competition you've had, Gravey? Lol. I tolja I'd come close! You half-pointer, you! (And even less if you consider the averages...)

Dude, good luck Gravey! I've got your back all the way man. You're an excellent competitor, an excellent composer, and an all-around good guy. I don't doubt that you'll be able to wrestle up something orgasmic this round!

Also, to Blackhole12: I wish you also the best. This is a battle of the behemoths, so you're gonna need to give it everything you got! You've definitely got some excellent ideas, sir!

Supersteph, please get back to me when you plan on doing this again. I really REALLY wanna compete again... We'll just have to see how life goes then. And, seeing as I essentially got third place (yes, even over SessileNomad), I don't think it would be too much to ask for me to be assured a spot next time? GOD, that sounds cocky lol. X~D

And if/when I do come back next year (I probably will lol), note this... the Jazzman will have learned a thing or two about EQing and mastering! ;~) Well, in between enjoying Halo Reach and Starcraft 2....Lolz.

Epic finishing post :3.

Yeah I'll be sure to tell ya, we'll be doing the auditions for the '10 NGADM soon, so if you think you're up for the challenge and can make it to the 32 participants who will take part in the competition, then all you need to do is post your best song in the new thread :).

Glad you enjoyed it!

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-03 17:53:46

Ah, I heartz yous guyz! =P

And Gravey, you know that if you open your song with whale noises, you'll just be setting yourself up for something redonkulously cool, right? Hell, I almost used them in my last song lol! Wait...I think I DID! I forgot to tell y'all, I actually flew down to Antarctica to record it. Gravey, if you wanna borrow the sound clip, feel free! ;)

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-03 18:32:06



Just like my Round :D

But really, Mr. jazzman, your my new favorite artist!

Good job Gravey
and a huge Good luck Blackhole12
Cause this guy ain't goin down without a fight!

Man, this is so intense!

I suck at grammer ^ can't you tell?


Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-05 00:31:10

At 5/3/10 06:32 PM, dj-Jo wrote: OMG!


Just like my Round :D

But really, Mr. jazzman, your my new favorite artist!

Good job Gravey
and a huge Good luck Blackhole12
Cause this guy ain't goin down without a fight!

Man, this is so intense!

Aw man, dj-Jo, you're makin me blush!

...Didja check out the track that I went down under with? It's only the most epic dubstep tune on NG to date...Sadly it keeps getting 0-bombed lol. Oh well, such is life!

And yes, I agree: An epic matchup for sure!

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-07 12:43:51

Oops! Sorry Supersteph, I talked about the mastering on your newest song, and didn't bother to finish reading the author's comments lol (God I'm such a hypocrite! Lol. But they WERE long and I didn't have much time to read them when I commented =P). Forgive me -- if you're working on them, it's fine, then disregard what I said about the mastering. I was just pointing it out lol.

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-07 13:59:07

At 5/7/10 12:43 PM, mr-jazzman wrote: Oops! Sorry Supersteph...

Lol don't worry :P.

I do tend to make long Author's Comments anyway xD.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-17 03:59:37

So how are the songs coming along? Less than a week left!

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-17 06:12:06

At 5/17/10 03:59 AM, Supersteph54 wrote: So how are the songs coming along? Less than a week left!

I shall be posting mine within a day or two most likely.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-19 00:19:18

So a little info on this song. First off I used at least two instruments that originated from every continent. I wanted to create an eclectic, yet still cohesive mix. I am really happy with how it turned out because the unique mix allowed me to switch the song in style so many times. There are Arabian sounding sections, percussion breaks, ambient moments, even a Native American pan flute solo.

The mix allowed me to let the song just flow beautifully. I spent a lot of time making sure the transitions were nonexistent. And what I mean by that is that the song doesn't really sound like it's broken up into different section, but rather that it continues on it's own little meandering path without any stutters or breaks.

Also, I decided I wanted the song to begin and end with an epic orchestral feel. I wanted the middle to be more worldly and for the bookends of the song to really grab the listener with the overall fat orchestral mix.

Some other things to note is that there are five time signature changes. I'm really happy with their transitions because a couple of them are really hard to even notice unless you really listen for it. One section though is very obvious how it changes time because I felt like it did well in breaking up an area and created a new thought within a section that would have become monotonous if I hadn't broken it up a bit. You'll understand when you get there.

All in all I'm happy with how this turned out. I feel it's the best song I've submitted to Newgrounds to date. Really excited with how it turned out.

On a related note, I had to render at a stupid low bitrate. So I am posting a better version of the song for you guys to listen to on dropbox. Please use this version for judging. Simply because it's like night and day in quality. The only reason I submitted this to Newgrounds at all is because I felt that in order for it to be used in the competition I should have to post it on Newgrounds. Typically I wouldn't do this but the amount of work that went into the song leads me to feel like I should at least be judged on a half decent quality version.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-19 03:40:23

At 5/19/10 12:19 AM, Gravey wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/3 33945

Wow... That's all I can say...

Hopefully I can say more in the judging review :3.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-19 03:57:04

At 5/19/10 03:40 AM, Supersteph54 wrote:
Wow... That's all I can say...

7/4 time signature for the win. That's what you say. ;-)

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-19 13:28:14

At 5/19/10 03:57 AM, Gravey wrote:
At 5/19/10 03:40 AM, Supersteph54 wrote:
Wow... That's all I can say...
7/4 time signature for the win. That's what you say. ;-)

7/4 ftw? Damn I thought it was just a triplet transition you used lol. It worked really well though Gravey!

Nothing More rulez d00d!

BBS Signature

Response to Ngadm: Round 5 Results (g2) 2010-05-19 18:55:16

At 5/19/10 01:28 PM, mr-jazzman wrote:
7/4 ftw? Damn I thought it was just a triplet transition you used lol. It worked really well though Gravey!

It goes into 7/4 for at 3:03. Then changes to 3 where the obvious triplets come in. At 3:55 is goes back to 7 again, and eventually to 4/4. Really made for a fun little section if you ask me. The transition into 3/4 is my favorite. It's so deliberate, but just fits so perfectly in my opinion. :-)

BBS Signature