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Biggest Video Game Dissapointments.

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I can honestly say, without a doubt, that everyone on this particular forum has played videogames with some serious let-downs. Wether it be the story, graphics, the ending, gameplay, or whatever. So tell me: what was the biggest dissapointment in video game history to you?

Some ground rules first, though:
1. Only one game per post (yes, you can double-post. I won't judge you.)
2. Tell what was the biggest let-down for you, and why.

I'll let the next person to post go first. Here's the link to another big dissapointment list.

It's okay... I won't make you lose THE GAME...

(You see whut I did thar? Herp-a-Derp)

BBS Signature

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-06 23:13:41

Heroes of Might and Magic 4, I loved 3 so much that when I got 4 I was thinking it would be amazing, I played it for like 15 minutes and never touched it again.

When this post hits 88 mph, you're going to see some serious friendship.

Youtube, Twitch: Mostly games

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Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-06 23:22:53

Kingdom hearts 2


absolute fail.

it goes for a classic story. Evil dude starts destroying the world, hero rises to save it, along with the girl he loves, but then it ends and Sora isn't even with Kairi...I mean what the fuck?!?!?!

Kairi is the only reason to go through that dope ass disney game, and it ends without her and sora together.

because sora is a goddamn pussy. It should've been riku.

then there's the part about everyone is Ansem.

that game was bullshit. I gave it an honest attempt, and it was at least mildly entertaining and a decent RPG at heart. But then the end comes and it simply failed.

So fuck that game and I haven't put it in the PS2 since.

Oh...the first time i played through super mario.

fucking toad.

Your dribble and insults are meaningless...I am here to change that.

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-06 23:24:41

At 4/6/10 11:22 PM, JamesTKirkV2 wrote: Kingdom hearts 2
dope ass disney game


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Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-06 23:44:46

Super Mario Galaxy. I just hated it. It's hard to make a game follow the type of games like Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario 64, but my god, I just hate Galaxy. And now they're making a second one? Pssssssh.

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-06 23:56:26

Spore. Imagine a game where you can do anything. Now imagine a series of half baked genre archetypes that lead up to a decent space exploration game. In the end, the game is actually okay, but extremely disappointing.

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-06 23:58:07

Worst part is, I always fall for it. I hear about a game that sounds amazing (Black and White, Spore, Scribblenauts, etc.), I get really pumped about it, and then I am hugely disappointed by a decent product.

The good news is, I can't think of any revolutionary games being made at the moment, so I guess he cycle is finally over.

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 00:01:39

At 4/6/10 11:22 PM, JamesTKirkV2 wrote: Kingdom hearts 2
it goes for a classic story. Evil dude starts destroying the world, hero rises to save it, along with the girl he loves, but then it ends and Sora isn't even with Kairi...I mean what the fuck?!?!?!

So it doesn't end all happy live ever after so that makes it crap? I really loved the ending keeping you apart from her even if they didnt have a sequel it leaves it open as he will still be searching for a happiness he might never have found. Far more emotional than being together.

Kairi is the only reason to go through that dope ass disney game, and it ends without her and sora together.

Really? Wow you didn't even try to enjoy the game...

because sora is a goddamn pussy. It should've been riku.

Rikua would have been a bad choice for the main character, he wouldnt have gotten along with the disney stuff well and you wouldnt be helping people as much and it would all be about what you wanted, it might sound a littlwe good but thats a crap way to play rpgs in general especially this story.

then there's the part about everyone is Ansem.

This story is far less annoying to grasp than most RPGs out there...

that game was bullshit. I gave it an honest attempt, and it was at least mildly entertaining and a decent RPG at heart. But then the end comes and it simply failed.

So how did the end fail if you liked the rest?

When this post hits 88 mph, you're going to see some serious friendship.

Youtube, Twitch: Mostly games

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Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 00:02:52

At 4/6/10 11:07 PM, Oliver wrote: inb4MW2.

But, but. It really is the most disappointing game ever!

+1 Post plx [Dr. Pepper Crew] [Mushroom Dick]

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Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 00:23:06

At 4/7/10 12:02 AM, Slosha69 wrote:
At 4/6/10 11:07 PM, Oliver wrote: inb4MW2.
But, but. It really is the most disappointing game ever!

diakatana is calling

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 00:29:17

At 4/6/10 11:44 PM, sumidiotdude wrote: Super Mario Galaxy. I just hated it. It's hard to make a game follow the type of games like Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario 64, but my god, I just hate Galaxy. And now they're making a second one? Pssssssh.

I concur.

Here's my Dtoid account. And my Urban Terror ID is BenelliM4-Medic. And I know Travis Touchdown isn't a Capcom character, but I put him in anyway.

BBS Signature

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 00:33:16

FF8. I remember way back when I had liked FF7 and was looking at all the FF8 concept art and looked forward to it. I guess my expectations were too high.

It had so many problems, like the plot. The biggest threat is...time compression? WTF? The battle system was also terrible. There was no reason to level up since enemies leveled with you, and the only way to win most battles was to spam GFs. Add to that an unlikeable protagonist and a whiny damsel in distress who insisted that everything be done her way, and cram a romance between those two down the player's throat...yeah. Lousy game.

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 00:38:08

At 4/7/10 12:33 AM, RydiaLockheart wrote: FF8. There was no reason to level up since enemies leveled with you
There was no reason to level up since enemies leveled with you
No reason to level up since enemies leveled
Enemies leveled




Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 00:39:10

I remember how much I looked forward to Halo Wars since the moment it was announced...

...holy fuck that game was a piece of shit.

Last.fm | Xbox LIVE - TEE B1ZZL3 | Steam

BBS Signature

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 01:22:10

Brutal Legend. I spent all this time anxiously awaiting it, defending it, and agonizing over its publishing woes, only to finally buy the thing and find out that it's a totally irredeemable mess. I just don't get how this happened. I mean, gameplay has never been Tim Schafer's strongest suit, but at least in the past it was always functional and fun. As much as I liked the characters and the setting and the humor (and even the music, though I'm not at all a metal fan), the god-awful gameplay forced me to put the game down for good. It plays like the unholy offspring of hack-n-slash and RTS.

$60 down the drain because I wanted to support one of the few true artists out there. Oh well, maybe his next game will be better.

NG Cinema Club Movie of the Week: Night of the Living Dead (Romero, 1968, USA) | Letterboxd | Steam

BBS Signature

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 01:29:14

I fell for both Black and White 2 as well as Spore.

Both games were hyped to be these amazingly awesome games that would rape everything, and their actually just mediocre games.

PSN id - dellick

STEAM id - Yokumashu


Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 01:51:29

KH2 was awesome btw.

Any Star Ocean game. Maybe it's just me but I seem to expect more from them and it's always shit. I should stop bothering with this series.

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 01:56:04

At 4/7/10 01:37 AM, Im-A-Pirate wrote:
At 4/7/10 01:29 AM, Jezuz wrote: No game is overrated or disappointing,
That's a retarded statement. Stop trying to look smart.

I agree with the pirate that wasn't in anyway a smart statement, Haze was marketted to be super badass, they barely showed any gameplay and I believed that it had super awesome graphics and I buy it and I was excited only to find its an incredibly Average game but because of how I was disappointed I was I hated it.

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 03:30:10

Devil May Cry 2. I mean after coming off a game as good as the first why throw the story into a tail spin like they did in that one? I mean the put the game that should have been the last one in the series as the 2nd? Come on now they have to be smarter then that. But the rest of the DMC games are really good just that one really sucked some serious ass.

Final Fantasy X-2. This game single handedly made me quit playing final fantasy games at least up till now. Cause you play as Tidus in 10 but in X-2 you play as the princess and her two buddies. I mean they really didn't need to make that game it really had no point.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

BBS Signature

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 03:52:09

Final Fantasy XII

The characters had piss poor development and I just didn't get into the story. The whole gambit system was shit too, because you could set it up where you didn't have to do anything.



BBS Signature

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 06:39:13

Sonic Heroes

after giving us the remakes of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 on the Gamecube, we got what everyone thought was the 3rd installament in the this awesome series. instead we get Sonic Heroes...

it's not a bad game, not at all. but it can't be compared to Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 =/

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 17:08:59

Wow... lotsa hate-on going around! 'Kay my turn!

I want to say Black. That game was a total shitstorm. All it was was shooting and saying, "Fuck" all the time. Seriously. What the Fuck?! That's IT?! Jesus Christ!! All the ads got me really psyched and stuff, and when I finally played it, I was as dissapointed as when I played Devil May Cry 2, which is the worst game in the series.

It's okay... I won't make you lose THE GAME...

(You see whut I did thar? Herp-a-Derp)

BBS Signature

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 18:49:23

FXIII (note there will be spoilers in this)

That is just about the worst game I have ever played in my entire life. I mean... how long was this game in development? 6 or 4 years or something and THIS is the best they have to show for it? It's just truly staggering. I have such a hard time even grasping the fact that someone- let alone a lot of people, actually like this game.

The only good thing I can give this game which of course what everyone comments about is: the graphics. Nothing else, whatsoever. I don't even like the music in this one which I've liked in basically every other Final Fantasy.

Now onto the really bad things. The story sucks, it is stupid and predictable. It could have been a decent story if it weren't for the shitty characters.
Lightning is your silent heroine supposedly quiet but actually talks a lot. That is suppose to be her factor point in her character and it's not even there. She of course breaks her "cold heroine" exterior very soon in the same and becomes the confused heroine instead for a while.
Snow is stereotypical Japanese shounen character that wants to be the hero and save everyone no matter what. He is generally just annoying.
Hope is well... pretty worthless, I feel like the only reason why he was put into the series was for the females fans to go, "Oh he is so cute" and his whole story is just SO stupid. "My mom let go of Snow's hand so he didn't die with her. This is all Snow's fault!" "My mom CHOSE to go fight with Snow and no one made her and she got hurt. This is all Snow's fault!" I mean what... the... fuck. I mean he just needs some sense knocked into him. I mean even Snow beats himself up for it. Why doesn't anyone realize that he wasn't anyne's fault? You were in a war-zone shit happens!
Vanille is just horrible... I really just have nothing good to say about her. I hate every aspect of her being. The things I hate about her most are: they way she dresses like a cave man/woman. I mean I can deal with the way the others dress but her look is just downright idiotic. Her voice is very annoying as well, I don't know if it is any better any the Japanese version but the English version she sounds like a British woman trying to sound Japanese but letting her British accent slip out through most of her speaking parts. In battle she is always doing this stupid moans as well that seem way too over fan servicey. I hate how she is the narrator as well. Why? Because I just hate her voice. Plan and Simple.
Sahz and Fang are the only characters I can tolerate. Sahz is suppose to be the comedy relief as well. Sahz actually has a decent reason for doing what he is doing where as must others do not. Other then obvious reason(s) of course. Fang is just level headed and not totally annoying.

Now to the battle system. Which I can sum up pretty clearly; all you do is basically press two buttons and sometimes one. That is it. With the long cut scenes and how there is basically no gameplay it seems like I'm watching a shitty movie. It's like moving from one cut scene to the next,

All and all this the most disappointing game I've ever played. I hated every minute I played this game and I've never beaten because it's just so damn hard to keep playing something that you get no enjoyment from.

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 19:18:03

I think most of the Wii's lineup is pretty disapointing.

Psn: SoiledSandwich

Gamertag: TogetherTitan

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Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 19:44:51

At 4/7/10 03:40 AM, Im-A-Pirate wrote: I don't get why everyone says this, I've never played Devil May Cry 2 but I loved #1.

You would have to play it to understand the hatred that every fan of the series has towards this game. It's like they started the series ended it then restarted it with DMC 3 which is one of the best ones of the series I might add. I mean prequels are always fun but what the hell good is it to show how everything ends when the series is just getting started? That's what makes this game such an epic fail.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

BBS Signature

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 19:48:38

Jezus, You're an idiot man just gonna say it. If you honestly believe that I agreed With Im-A-Pirate because of his post count its because I, like him I agree that you're statement was really stupid. You think that disappointing games don't exist even if its technically you're still wrong because they do disappointed. And you're a douchebag talking down on other users because they noticed that you're talking straight out of your ass.

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 19:54:26

At 4/7/10 03:30 AM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: Devil May Cry 2. I mean after coming off a game as good as the first why throw the story into a tail spin like they did in that one? I mean the put the game that should have been the last one in the series as the 2nd? Come on now they have to be smarter then that. But the rest of the DMC games are really good just that one really sucked some serious ass.

Agreed. I loved Devil May Cry, then along comes Devil May Cry 2. That was a terrible game but they bounced back with DMC3. However..they managed to crash and burn when they made DMC4, in my opinion. D: I played maybe halfway through the game but couldn't handle it any longer. Never picked it up since. :/

[insert tampon here]

BBS Signature

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 20:12:13

I must say it, FABLE.

The first one. Lionhead talked about how "amazing" this game will be for years. When it came out, I was crushingly disappointed from what I had heard previously. Eventually, I was able to put aside the letdown and enjoy it without comparing it to the hype I had. In my opinion today, Fable 1 is actually a very good game.

However, Fable 2 on the other hand, to me, was bad. I didn't like it at all. Something about it made me not like it. I think the atmosphere, the lighting, the dog, the new magic, and the setting killed it for me. Maybe in a few years I can go back and try to re-enjoy it, but, as of now, I don't like it.

Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 20:20:13

At 4/7/10 08:12 PM, EcstaticEd wrote: I must say it, FABLE.

The first one. Lionhead

Stop right there. Lionhead (AKA Peter Molyneux) is a hype machine. I don't even know why people think he's some kind of amazing developer. His games are generally average, and he always overhypes them to the extreme, and then apologizes for the massive hype.

Fable and Fable 2 were hyped up beyond the point that any game could offer. Black and White 2 was hyped to be better than black and white 1 in every way, and it actually failed in most ways to even achieve the same results. I'm not expecting anything at all from Milo and Kate (Natal) just because of how awesome this guy is making it out to be.

PSN id - dellick

STEAM id - Yokumashu


Response to Biggest Video Game Dissapointments. 2010-04-07 20:26:37

At 4/7/10 07:54 PM, CandiMountn wrote: Agreed. I loved Devil May Cry, then along comes Devil May Cry 2. That was a terrible game but they bounced back with DMC3. However..they managed to crash and burn when they made DMC4, in my opinion. D: I played maybe halfway through the game but couldn't handle it any longer. Never picked it up since. :/

Yeah they did make a farly nice recovery with DMC3. But in my opinion I thought DMC4 was pretty good but I also have not played fully through it mainly because of the fact have run into several things on there that cant seem to get past.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

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