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DIablo Club

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Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-03 03:23:18

cool you got your sig, looks good looks good...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-03 12:49:16

Who you all think would be the last villain in Diablo 3 when ever it finally gets done?

Diablo was the first

Baal was the main in the second

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-03 15:15:15

At 1/3/04 01:13 PM, dosdragos wrote: Were there 3 or 5 prime evils, i remember hearing the in original diablo that there were 5 and Diablo was the youngest.
Diablo, mephesto, and baal are gone... you got two left i guess =)

There's 3 Prime Evils. Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal. Diablo's the youngest, and Mephisto the oldest.

As the Sin War plodded along through the centuries, many in Hell began to wonder just what it was they were fighting over. The Lesser Evils of Hell were growing tired of the endless ebb and flow in the tides of mortal favor, as well as those in the elaborate schemes of the three Prime Evils - Diablo, Baal and Mephisto. The Lesser Evils longed to return to the epic days of the Great Conflict, and lay siege again to the gates of the High Heavens.

Two of the Lesser Evils, Azmodan and Belial, saw the situation as their chance to overthrow the Prime Evils and take control of Hell for themselves. The two Demon lords made a pact with Andariel and Duriel - as well as their minor brethren - assuring them that humanity would not deter the ultimate victory of Hell. Azmodan and Belial devised a plan to end the stalemate and achieve victory in the Sin War, ultimately riding the bloody crest of the Great Conflict straight into Armageddon. Thus, a great revolution was set into motion as all of Hell went to war against the Three Brothers, seeking to send them into a Dark Exile.

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-03 19:02:53

But are the 3 finaly gone for good? Are we going to see the rise of new Prime evils?

Or have one or more of them once again slipped into a human host, biding there time till they can strike once again?

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-04 01:36:34

At 1/3/04 07:02 PM, Ghaleonx5z wrote: But are the 3 finaly gone for good? Are we going to see the rise of new Prime evils?

Or have one or more of them once again slipped into a human host, biding there time till they can strike once again?

I doubt it. I think in Diablo 3 we'll fight the 2 lesser evils that organized the revolt in hell. Belial and Azmodan.

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-04 04:07:10

At 1/3/04 08:19 PM, dosdragos wrote: Diablo is actually still alive....somewhere.
Diablo3 Spring 2007, yay, rolf, i kid, i kid.

D3 heheh that waould be cool, hey not to go off topic but any of you play Empire earth...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-04 12:50:57

Ok how long apart you all would want it to happen? Like how many years apart from #2 would you want it to be?

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-04 23:19:12

At 1/4/04 02:16 PM, dosdragos wrote: some shit about consoles being better than PC

And how do u think consoles have online gaming? Through wires? Or maybe magic?

They use the internet!!! And the internet needs a PC. The console is connected to the PC. Without PC the console won't have any way of online gaming. In fact, without the PC consoles won't even exist. Console hammes are made and programed useng the PC. Consoles are programed and created useing machines controled by the PC. Without the PC, the closest thing to a console would be.........chess. Or something like that.

As for consoles being cheaper? Consoles serve only one purpose - entertainment. Video Games, and DVDs. PCs have, wel everything. From simple programs like word, to more than 99999999999999 websites on the web. My point is, consoles are indeed better when it comes to non-online gams. Everything else, the PC dominates.

PS: I've got nothing agains u, or consoles. So don't take any of that as an insult.

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-05 05:30:38

I would like it to be 3 days from this post heh...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-05 19:13:33

At 1/5/04 02:33 PM, dosdragos wrote:
At 1/4/04 11:19 PM, Ravengage wrote: And how do u think consoles have online gaming? Through wires? Or maybe magic?
Uh, through wires, my cable modem can go right to my xbox (into the plug there that the other systems have to get stuff for) And i dont need a computer to have xbox live, just a broadband connection.

Uh, yeah, whaever. hee hee. I'm losing, drop the subject :)

Really, it's sorta off topic :)

And yes to your other condesending question, I believe in Magic

Harry Potter doesn't count

If you believe in magic, come along with me
We'll dance until morning 'til there's just you and me
And maybe, if the music is right
I'll meet you tomorrow, sort of late at night
And we'll go dancing, baby, then you'll see
How the magic's in the music and the music's in me

Yeah, do you believe in magic

Uh, are u ok. Do u need me to call a doctor?

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-05 19:15:04

At 1/5/04 12:42 AM, Kaosboy85 wrote: Hey guys if any of you play Diablo 2 LOD my account is Kaos~dragon. I have a shit load of crap that I'm lookin to trade so let me know and we can do buisness.

Uh, do I take it u wanna join? And if u have shit, then why would we want it?

But just in case, what is it that u have?

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-05 22:12:38

I've a quastion, how come I do more damage in Hell dif.

In normal I do about 800-1200 damage with whirwind, and in hell I do 14k-31k

What's up with that?!

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-05 23:34:54

At 1/5/04 10:27 PM, dosdragos wrote: Oh thats easy, there are percent restrictions to high level items in lower difficulties, JUst like a necromancer's golem will have more health like in Hell than Normal with the same skills.
I figured it out after my first character =P

Yes, that was sorta obvieous. But why are the restrictions so big? I do 30 times more damage in hell than in normal!

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-06 15:40:40

hi guys sorry i aint been posting alot recently i couldnt get to a computer. my hammerdin is coming along quite nicely. im about lvl 47 and do about 960-980 damage. does anyone in this club have a ladder character in the europe realm?

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-06 15:43:11

At 1/6/04 02:26 PM, dosdragos wrote:
At 1/5/04 11:34 PM, Ravengage wrote: Yes, that was sorta obvieous. But why are the restrictions so big? I do 30 times more damage in hell than in normal!
Probably a measure to reduce rushing, plus enemies have less health in normal and such

yes its to prevent rushing, which makes the game alot more challenging and fun. thats one of the great new things they added in a patch. one of the best things, i think is the thing about banning accounts and IP adresses of people using maphack. that makes the game a lot fairer.

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-06 16:18:16

At 1/6/04 04:00 PM, dosdragos wrote:
At 1/6/04 03:43 PM, Hellz_Advocate wrote: yes its to prevent rushing, which makes the game alot more challenging and fun. thats one of the great new things they added in a patch. one of the best things, i think is the thing about banning accounts and IP adresses of people using maphack. that makes the game a lot fairer.
I used to rush people through normal and nitemare for free if they had a map-hack. Something i needed for a hell rush.
What kind of runs give good exp since the new patch changed stuff? like Bloodruns or Cow levels, or arcane?

Dont forget about not beeing able to go thru portal if your not ready hehe, i do have a trck for this though somthing i did just before the patch came out...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-06 19:46:07

What are bloodruns?

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-07 11:03:31

never herd of them =/

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-07 15:46:30

At 1/6/04 04:00 PM, dosdragos wrote:
I used to rush people through normal and nitemare for free if they had a map-hack. Something i needed for a hell rush.
What kind of runs give good exp since the new patch changed stuff? like Bloodruns or Cow levels, or arcane?

baal runs are all you need for experience on patch 1.10. the cow lvl is too challenging for the measly exp that u now recieve. in norm on baal you get nearly a lvl up every time until bout lvl 45 (u cant recieve the full exp from baal runs in norm til ur lvl 25) and nightmare baal runs are bloody brilliant regardless of what lvl u are on until bout lvl 85.

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-07 18:50:42

oo can i join ^_^ im in C-N on d2 and im new to newgrounds

DIablo Club

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-07 20:27:10

At 1/7/04 06:50 PM, MuShRoOm_MeSsIaH wrote: oo can i join ^_^ im in C-N on d2 and im new to newgrounds

Yes u can. Pick a character to represent u.

Doddragos = what the hell is that?! And what is a ringbearer?

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-07 21:38:21

kool so what name should i be... all those chars so many names!! wait never mind i got one im thinkin Baal? o and also can some1 send me a flash thingy and teach me how to make flash movies..damn that lollypop is annoying

DIablo Club

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-07 21:51:21

Lord of Destruction YEA SWEET

DIablo Club

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-07 22:34:44

At 1/7/04 09:51 PM, MuShRoOm_MeSsIaH wrote: Lord of Destruction YEA SWEET

Uh, sorry. Ball = taken

And so are Tyrael, Mephisto, Cow King, Diablo ... and I think that's it.

And what's up with posting that pic every time?

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-07 22:58:59

whats that soppoused to mean >_< damnit sure il admit im a nOOb on newgrounds but not on d2 i can kill most ppl wtih my smite in one hit

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-08 02:58:21

At 1/7/04 10:58 PM, MuShRoOm_MeSsIaH wrote: whats that soppoused to mean >_< damnit sure il admit im a nOOb on newgrounds but not on d2 i can kill most ppl wtih my smite in one hit

Hey hey hey. No flaming in my club. Arguments are fine, but I don't ant any abuses.

Dosdragos - cut him some slack will ya. We were all n00bs once. And neither u nor I are vet so we shouldn't be making fun.

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-08 10:55:07

Ever wonder somthing?

Diablo, Mesphisto, and Baal are all brothers right?

Well who were there parents then?

Diablo 3 Mom and Dad looking to get some revenge?

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-08 14:42:09

Yo whats up all, how is the river of flame...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-08 14:54:35

Is Baal even another name for the Devil?

I know Diablo and Mephisto are different names for the Devil.

Is Ball though? Or was Baal just the name of a demon?

Response to DIablo Club 2004-01-08 17:54:37

At 1/8/04 03:38 PM, dosdragos wrote: Baal (bE2›l) n., pl. Baals or Baalim (-›-l²m).
1. Any of various local fertility and nature gods of the ancient Semitic peoples considered to be false idols by the Hebrews.
2. Often baal. A false god or idol.

Ok cool thanks =)