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Stupid things you thought as kids.

7,562 Views | 159 Replies

Well when you were little I'm sure you believe or thought a bunch of things either your parents told you or you just assumed.

So, what were they?

As for me, my parents always told me that if I didn't listen to them the "kid patrol" would come and take them away, and I'd have to live in a foster home. It scared me into doing basically anything.

I also just assumed that if I was in a car, held my hand out the window and grabbed something, one of three things would happen:

1. I'd stop the car.
2. Id pull the thing out of the ground and take it with me.
3. My arm would stretch up to like 70 feet and then I'd let go and it would come back to normal.

I was a pretty retarded kid.

So, Newgrounds, what ridiculous things did you believe as a kid?

You have to know your name.


One day you'll all miss me.

BBS Signature

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:33:27

When I was little, and people would die in tv shows or movies I use to always think the movie makers went around asking people if they wanted to die, then they put them in the movie and killed them off. But Now I know its all a act lol.

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:33:50

for some reason I use to think that after takign a crap, a random hand/monster would come out and grab me. I used to flush the toilet and run. Also, I use to think that midgets were the first stage of babies, that like it the midget would disguise himself as a hamburger or something and the woman would eat him.

I was retarded too :(

Yazar the toot.

BBS Signature

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:34:15

At 3/29/07 08:31 PM, AlphaCentauri wrote: So, Newgrounds, what ridiculous things did you believe as a kid?

I used to believe that my parents knew everything.

I also used to think the world was more good than bad...

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

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Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:34:18

I though snow would be like cotton balls, and that the bank gave us all the $ we ever needed from a credit card (because i only saw the money come out of it and didn't understand the concept)

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:34:20

That men and women were meant for each other.


Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:35:19

I used to think theres 52 states.


I sell beats here Matt Mattik

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Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:35:40

i used to think that you could cut a hole in the glass on the television, climb in and be in cartoons.


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Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:35:46

At 3/29/07 08:34 PM, VespeneGas wrote: That men and women were meant for each other.

Thats some crazy thinking right there lol

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:37:10

At 3/29/07 08:35 PM, shift wrote: i used to think that you could cut a hole in the glass on the television, climb in and be in cartoons.


Lol, I remember thinking that too...luckily I never TRIED to cut the hole in the TV

Yazar the toot.

BBS Signature

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:37:52

i miss being a kid in the old days when we had looney tunes and all the great stuff that has been lost. I wonder if that is how my parents feel.... Nah

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:38:12

I once asked my mother if I had intesticles.
She then told me I had a vagina.

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:38:20

If I worked hard I could be anything I wanted to be.

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:39:11

I used to think that Egypt was part of the United States.

I'm gonna go back to my room and be awesome.

Desert Punk of the NG /A/|My VA Demo Reel|Audio Portal|

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Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:42:32

At 3/29/07 08:33 PM, The-Noobanator wrote: When I was little, and people would die in tv shows or movies I use to always think the movie makers went around asking people if they wanted to die, then they put them in the movie and killed them off. But Now I know its all a act lol.

That was me to.

BBS Signature

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:43:28

I used to believe in monsters that would inhabit dark places, like basements and stuff. Then at night time they would go and take over the city or something. Or just my house.

The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:44:02

At 3/29/07 08:38 PM, Beffmonkey wrote: I once asked my mother if I had intesticles.
She then told me I had a vagina.


I dont have a signature, stop bugging me.

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:44:36

when i was little, i used to think that 1-10 in spanish was actually 1-10 in chinese

when i was 4 i thought that there was no number higher than 25 (the largest numbered money that i ever saw was the quarter assuming that a dollar was one and so was the penny)

BBS Signature

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:48:21

when i was 2, i used to make up a really big number, and say thats how old i am.

i was a fucking douchebag.

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:49:29

i used to think that if i concentrated enough i could make like an energy ball like in dbz ( i used to love dbz)

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:50:20

That women didnt need male partners to have babies. I thought if a kid looked like his dad, it was just a coincidence.

BBS Signature

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:53:41

- I thought that my dick is only for urinating (who's the sick fuck who didn't?).
- I thought Grapevines are evil.
- I thought cats never die (2 years for a cat to live in my backyard seemed like eternity).
- And All TV shows and movies are real, especially A-Team and The Bold and the Beautiful (People just live their life and appear on TV, somehow. That included the lead scenes).

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:54:07

I believed in Santa Claus. Yeah, that's pretty retarded.

Long time, no see!

BBS Signature

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:54:32

I used to have a phobia about computers. i was afraid that if I went on the computer when it was dark, a monster would come out of the screen and eat my face.


Every thread I touch, dies.

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:55:51

i use to think that the u.s. was a continent and the fifty-states were its nations.

Weither you like it or not, it still will be there the next day, and the next day, and the next...

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:56:37

I used to believe that when a woman and man got married the woman got instantly pregnant.

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:57:42

I also believed that when watching tv, the people on tv could see me seeing them.

You have to know your name.


One day you'll all miss me.

BBS Signature

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 20:59:19

At 3/29/07 08:56 PM, EnconXV wrote: I used to believe that when a woman and man got married the woman got instantly pregnant.

Hahahahah.... ME TOO! ROFL

I was such an idiot as a kid.

BBS Signature

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 21:09:08

At 3/29/07 08:49 PM, SpaceWalk wrote: i used to think that if i concentrated enough i could make like an energy ball like in dbz ( i used to love dbz)

Same here, I used to think that I could fly around, destroy planets, ect. I felt invincible.

I was also afraid of the dark, and whenever I got scred I would pretend that Goku, Vegeta and the others were my friends and would defend me. Take that, mummy in the closet! >:)

Ignorance truly is bliss.

Response to Stupid things you thought as kids. 2007-03-29 21:24:06

That when people die, they're actually really sick and were buried until they gets better, after that their relatives will come to dig them out.

My parents used to tell me that.

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