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Girls in NG

21,170 Views | 385 Replies

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-10 21:18:49

hi :) ...wait

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-10 21:29:41

At 8/10/03 07:40 PM, RoyBatty wrote:
At 8/10/03 07:34 PM, Nephthys wrote: Greetings! I am also one of the NG womenfolk!
Why do all the hot cool chicks have to live in fucking Australia?

No Kidding, It's just not fair

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-10 21:41:25

Can't believe many people respond to this dumb topic !!!

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-10 21:51:14

Hello. Why yes, I am a female. Yet I wonder why you would want us to say hi.

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 00:03:41

At 8/10/03 08:15 PM, Nephthys wrote: lol! Well actually, I am a dual citizen- US/Australia- so I may just move there when I am working for an evil corporate law firm... since the US has the best evil corporate law firms...

Well at least we're good at something :P You use MSN messenger at all? I think over half of my MSN list is Aussies if you want me to add you :P

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 00:05:21

At 8/10/03 09:41 PM, Intelblow wrote: Can't believe many people respond to this dumb topic !!!

Youuuuuuuuu're guilty!!!

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 00:10:11

At 3/10/02 02:53 AM, Turf wrote: Listen all the girls in NG!
Say hi right here:


a.k.a. Mary

My NG Wiki Page

"i guess it's settled that carm is a the manliest and most chauvinistic of mods? ^_________^" - Rucklo

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Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 00:16:56

This is to all girls on NG yall do ya thang keep it real and keep up with the good Jerk uuhh emmm scuse me work nah JK but um holla at the kid if ne have good pics of dem selves and live in CT holla yall show me pics of u I'll show u pics of me

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 00:20:47

P.S IM 17 gettin a car Junior in High School 6'1" 200lb holla ya get the rest of the info after I see wut u look like plus wit info u get a pic of me holla at the kid Ghost 1

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 02:33:15

i cant believe theres one of these topics, but... high?

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 02:45:18

At 8/11/03 02:33 AM, TearDropped wrote: i cant believe theres one of these topics, but... high?

I can't believe there are people like JZAisKing selling himself here, but no offense.

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 03:23:53

At 8/11/03 03:16 AM, TheDob324 wrote: Wow, I haven't posted in a female topic.

Suddenly, I have the urge to post a lame picture of myself....

you are such an attention whore :p

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 03:33:26

At 8/11/03 03:23 AM, j3nnica wrote:

you are such an attention whore :p

Good call Jennica

Girls in NG

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 04:47:03

At 8/11/03 03:28 AM, TheDob324 wrote: As for the level 3 who asked if I gave that n00bert his account back...well, I'm teaching him a lesson, AND, I'm having fun.

Oh my god you pointed out someone by their low level and pointed out that they were newbies, you must be soooooooo elite. My god, you are such a badass, and you are so deserving of everyone's respect. *rolls eyes* Why don't you stop alienating newbies and leave people alone. As far as teaching him a lesson, the lesson could have been taught just as well by telling him the dangers of giving away his password. You are just trying to make yourself look bigger by belittling others. Those kind of pathetic bully tactics are typical of high school jocks, but based on your pic, I'm guessing even those idiots wouldn't accept you. Get a life and stop having fun at other people's expense.

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 04:49:54

At 8/11/03 03:59 AM, TheDob324 wrote: Um...I'm in a good mood. If I were in a bad mood, there would be no mercy....

You're terrifying...

Look back at my posts, I always put up a fight.

In that feeble, pathetic, helpless sort of way.

No. You don't know what I know. He constantly harasses people for their accounts.

Do you have proof of this? And if so, why not let a mod handle it?

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 04:58:26


Girls in NG


Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 05:06:16

At 8/11/03 04:58 AM, Nephthys wrote: I think I was partially looking for a fight as well... :)

Naughty girl, fighting is bad :P (I've done nothing here but debate, so of course my hypocrisy knows no bounds) :P

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 05:21:18

At 8/11/03 05:03 AM, TheDob324 wrote: I really wish people would stop trying to ruin my good mood...>_<

Then stop being a dick.

Um...I didn't remember the name, and he was the only one who pointed out that I should give the account back. And yes, I am elite, thanks for reaffirming my beliefs.

Well since the part I was referring to was the first line you typed, it wouldn't have been too much hassle to push the back button to avoid pointing them out in reference to their level. Elitists are not always the elite. You may want to keep that in mind.

Badass, no. But, I do believe I deserve a bit of respect, which I'm obviously not getting, since everyone is trying to pick shit with me.

You're trying to pick shit on some newbie kid that didn't do shit to you. We're supposed to respect you for bullying people and making them feel unwelcome?

I don't alienate all n00bs, you moron. Only the ones that deserve it.

You're definition of "deserve it" leaves a bit do be desired.

You know nothing about this incident! Oh my goodness, don't speak about matters you don't understand. This idiot, has been going around to ALL sorts of high level users, asking them for account passwords so he can help 'build' the account. He says that he doesn't know how to change the passwords.

And I'm sure that all those high level users are in danger of losing their accounts to him right? He's sooo dangerous. What harm is he actually doing? And if he did successfully get an account, then wouldn't he be doing the same thing as you? Would that be worse somehow?

I figure that public humiliation is the best way to stop this moron.

I think he'll get tired of asking when everyone says no.

Actually, I'm just trying to have a good time, which is what a message board is for. Plus, people are finding it hilarious.

Not all people are finding it funny. And there are more productive ways to have a good time.

Haha, I was waiting for the physical appearance disses.

It's not really a diss, most people I like aren't accepted by those people. I was simply commenting on the fact that as someone who would probably be outcast by them (and that's not calling you ugly, but you just don't appear to fit the fashion) it doesn't make sense for you to act like them.

Trust me, they wouldn't accept me, but I wouldn't want to be part of that group. This fellow pissed me off by trying to get my account, so I twisted it around on him. I'm not a bully. But, you know, sometimes people need to let loose. I know, you are just trying to rattle my chain, but I don't really care.

You are a bully. He doesn't know shit about what he's doing obviously. And he's on unfamiliar ground, and you're mocking him and making an ass out of him for everyone to laugh at and scorn. It's exactly what those fuckers do. And you think they don't come up with similar excuses? Justify it how you want, you're being a dick.

And, you haven't posted your pic, so I don't think you have a right to judge.

My picture is in my profile, if anyone cared to know what I looked like, they would probably have an interest in something I said, and thus could check out my profile to see what I looked like.

Get a life, I love it how everyone says that at the end of their disses towards me. I have a life, I'm just incredibly bored in the summer.

I guess it is a little cliche' and i do apologize for that, but you really should find more productive things to do than torture people who don't know what they are doing. And you can't convince me that someone ignorant enough to give you their password was a threat to anyone.

You are doing the exact same thing as me, so, in esscense, you don't have a life either.

I'm defending something I believe in. I hate to see people attack newbies, and I hate to see people make others unwelcome to a new area. It's hard enough for some people to open up to new people without having a bunch of assholes outcast them just because they are new. I'm not trying to have a laugh at your expense, or make a fool out of you, I'm just trying to get you to see the point that you are being an asshole, and you should stop.

As for having fun at other's expenses, well, haven't you ever watched slapstick comedy?

I don't enjoy it either. I enjoy wit and intellectual humor. Sorry.

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 05:23:19

At 8/11/03 05:10 AM, Peace_Machine wrote: Ah, I see what this is about now....

Playing Hercules I see...

No surprises now...

As much as you'd like to believe I have alterior motives for anything, you may want to think of every other situation I've gotten into with anyone. I say what I mean and I do so because it's the right thing to do in my opinion. I'm not out to impress anyone, I just think you're being a dick.

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 05:38:45

At 8/11/03 05:29 AM, Nephthys wrote: Dob, I think it's kind of pathetic that it was you who came into this forum posting pictures of yourself all over the place, obviously trying to lure some girl to email you or something, and yet you accuse RoyBatty of trying to play "Hercules" when he was only trying to defend me.

Well defending you and "PWNED_by_Dobio". The whole bullying newbie thing does really get to me. We could miss out on a lot of cool new users if the first thing they see when they come here is these guys terrorizing the "n00b". I think it's the duty of the senior members of a group to welcome new people and make them feel welcome. I don't think the NG owners really intended this forum to be this elitist.

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 06:03:30

At 8/11/03 05:40 AM, Peace_Machine wrote: Ahh, bloody fuck. I'm having reaccuring thoughts from some other long ass essays back and forth topic type crap type things...er, yeah...anyway...

You're not the only stubborn one around here :P

*sigh* Once again, only looking at things narrow-mindedly.

There's being open minded and then there is being so open minded your brain falls out. I'm not the latter. I have an open mind about shit, I just don't see your perspective as being valid.

Newgrounds lags me up, and I'm lazy, and I highly doubt she was so morbidly offended by being referred to by level, and not by username.

It was your attempt to belittle someone less experienced than you that bothered me. She's a big girl, I'm sure she can handle being attacked just fine. I saw it as more newbie bashing on your part.

If you say so.

Assumes you have no idea what that meant. Oh well, we'll keep it at that.

My God...I can't believe you are defending this kid. It's not like he's going to turn into a poxpower. He's not an esteemed poster, hell, he barely has any grammar skills, and he's a fucking dumbass. If I didn't make him feel unwelcomed, someone else would have. If you haven't realized, Newgrounds isn't meant for the unintelligent.

You don't know who or what he's going to be, people do grow up you know. And as far as grammar comes, everyone one of us would fail a grammar test if our posts were combed through, I hardly think we should hold it against him and say he's so lowly for it. He's probably young and inexperienced with how things work. NG isn't meant for the unintelligent?! Have you seen some of the posters here? The idiotic little newbie bashing homophobes run rampant here and act like they are badasses, I don't seem to recall you making an example out of them.

It's a universal definition. You are one of the few people defending this moron.

Oh well, wouldn't be the first time I was in the minority. Doesn't mean I'm not right.

That's not the point. It's just to make him stop annoying them regularly.

So how will it be more effective if you don't give him back his account now that you've humilated the poor kid? If he is ever going to get the point you are trying to convey, he already did. If he isn't going to get it, then there is no point, and you should just let him have it back because he's going to do what he's going to do.

Annoying the piss outta veterans, for a start.

So what? They can't defend themselves?

Can I make something clear? He GAVE me his password, I didn't pressure him, badger him, threaten him. I may have lied a little, but that's not stopping him from preventing the incident.

You took advantage of his naivety, if he ever had the intention of taking over anyone's account, he never would have given you his password. He doesn't know what he's doing. He might have genuinely wanted to help people. Maybe he was trying to make friends.

Talk to the kid, then tell me that.

Then have these poor helpless veterans push the block buttons on their messengers and delete his emails. Big fucking deal.

I think it's just you. You are the only person who I've seen, with the exception of -Zion-, I believe, who has publicly complained about the unjust treatment of this esteemed newbie.

The rest probably didn't want to get jumped on by people for having an unpopular opinion. And I believe that Nephthys had a problem with it too.

In other words, I don't have missing teeth, or look like a punk.

I don't know too many jock punks. But whatever.

Well...maybe I do look like a punk...blah, whatever. Heh.

Those are generally the people I prefer to associate with.

No. Granted, this is a little harsh, but I mean, for God's sake, he used the same password on his new account...

So he's naive, is that such a crime? Can't you just point out to him why it's bad? I mean just look out for him, give him some guidance, be a role model. Why attack him for being naive?

He knows enough. It specifically says, do not give out your password. I'm sure you've NEVER made an ass outta someone before....

No I simply instigate other people into making asses out of themselves.

Anyway, it's online, he could get a new alias, move on, and no one would ever know the difference.

If he wasn't so naive, I'm sure he would have.

I'm assuming you were harassed when you were younger. You are holding a personal vendetta, and I believe, you are taking out some of your childhood scars on me. Not that it matters, I know how it feels.

Actually, I was in a very unique position all through school. I got along with pretty much everyone until they pissed me off. I was a football player, and I partied with the jocks. But all my close friends were the punkers and goths and the more individualistic/shy/geeky people in the school. I got into it with my fellow teammates all the time over bullying people. And I've always been one to stand against shit I don't percieve as right, whether it affects me or not.

Sorry...the leash and chain threw me off...heh.

Threw you off of what?

I suppose it was just a way of getting rid of a future annoyance before the problem even started.

Well if it worked, then it already should have accomplished your goal. So the joke is over, why not give it back now?

Don't worry, I doubt this discussion is going to tarnish me in anyway, whatsoever.

And it wasn't my intent to do so, hence the reason I'm not doing the same thing as you are.

Honestly, I had planned on giving his account back, but, man, he kept doing what he was doing before, and he was....'trying' to get me hacked...

You knew it wasn't gonna work though. So what harm did he really do?

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 06:28:09

At 8/11/03 06:16 AM, Nephthys wrote: intellectual conversation and it will be flamed by some homophobic loser who considers it to be too "gay" to be on the forum.

That's the shit that reeeeeally gets to me. There is way too much homophobia on this board. And it even states in the rules to keep the use of homophobic words to a minimum (after all the board owners do understand that a lot of idiots teach these people it's cool to use these words as synonyms for stupid or lame), but it's apparently unenforced. I don't think I've seen anyone even warned for homophobic slang.

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 06:31:38

wow how the hell did this turn into a 14 page topic...

BBS Signature

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 06:38:25

At 8/11/03 06:31 AM, Nlowrider69 wrote: wow how the hell did this turn into a 14 page topic...

Probably because it went off topic.

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 14:49:47

dont worry dobio, they will learn soon enough who is who, and then they will relax. so many people try to start n00b revolutions, and they never seem to work. oh well, i know you guys are trying not to fight anymore, but for what its worth i understand what you are saying.

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-11 16:25:19

*sniff*...ah memories

BBS Signature

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-12 05:27:32

At 8/11/03 08:19 PM, -shock- wrote: {{{j3nnica}}}

Glad someone understands...

i do understand. new people with something to prove are really just insecure about being new and it has nothing to do with us :)

At 8/11/03 09:05 PM, Nephthys wrote: Ummm... wrong actually. I don't care about this elitist crap they have here in the forums, nor do I care that people think that I am somehow inferior to them because I haven't blammed enough crappy NG movies.
So, quite honestly, I really don't give a damn about who is who in this forum, and I never will- so you might as well get used to it.

dont worry im sure youll make a lot of friends here. i just wont be one of them.

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-12 05:30:51

At 3/10/02 03:58 AM, HAQnSPITT wrote:
At 3/10/02 02:53 AM, Turf wrote: Listen all the girls in NG!
Say hi right here:
umm hi?

THE MYTH IS TRUE,Sooo how u doin?

spice runs the universe, faggot

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-12 05:30:53

Can't we all just get along?

Response to Girls in NG 2003-08-12 05:37:25

At 8/12/03 05:30 AM, LipsOfLaura wrote: Can't we all just get along?

I guess not...
